Cricketts and Chipmunks??

But if he found something in a thesaurus doesn't it help him by copying and pasting it ol roy?

Makes him sound so very,,,, insincere. Maybe ,,, scripted.

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And no answer. Good for you. I am flattered that you are afraid to tell me. But really, just trying to help you educate yourself.

Dave just let me know what you would like to find out. More than happy to share all my opinions. Go for it. Again I'm flattered.

But if he found something in a thesaurus doesn't it help him by copying and pasting it ol roy?

Makes him sound so very,,,, insincere. Maybe ,,, scripted.

Not trying to sound like anything, just trying to educate you. Knowing how to have an intelligent discussion is an important life skill to have don't you think?

Dave just let me know what you would like to find out. More than happy to share all my opinions. Go for it. Again I'm flattered.

Dave, just post your list of questions ill answer them in the morning for you. Got to hit the sack. Best.

Well I am a little late diving into this thread. My apologies for not being a little more prompt! As far as a five year old with a gun goes, I think supervised by a good parent or other responsible adult is no problem. It is a good opportunity to BEGIN the teaching of safe handling of guns. A .22 is very small with low noise and kickback...Perfect for a child to start out with. Under no circumstance should one let a child ever have unsupervised weapons and or ammo. Kids today are much less mature and/or responsible than they used to be, as we have let this happen. Only ourselves as parents to blame on that one.
As far as the gun manufacturer goes, I missed the part where these guns were specifically marketed to five year olds. The kids can't even buy one.
If the parents are so irresponsible to allow kids around guns unsupervised than I am sure this falls under endangering the welfare of a child and if prosecuted is a real problem for the parents. I have a eight year old son and he has absolutely no interest in guns, so he has never shot one of mine, though I have offered him the chance with my 10/22. Nevertheless they are locked in a quality gun safe when not being used (which these days means all the time as ammo is to precious:laughing7:)

This should not be used as a way to place any limits on the second though.

Stockpicker, I just wanted to put this out there that I think you always have very good points to add to the conversation. Though often I disagree that is what discussion is for.

Deep, actually simply making the point that many posters on this site should stop whining about handouts, socialism, etc, etc. When in fact most of these posters are current taking full advantage of the largest socialist program in the world - socialist security and Medicare. And that its my tax dollars paying for their heart valves. I'm not saying they shouldn't get it. I am saying lets call the spade the spade and admit the baby boomer entitlement programs are bankrupting this country - not immigrants, not food stamps or foreign aid which are all drops in the buckets. Merely trying the point out the hypocrisy to the blind. Best.

Stocky you've mentioned baby Boomers sucking the life out of S.S and medicare Well I happened to be in both The first with my main profession I didn;t pay into S.S. because I had a great pension. But I had several business adventures on the side and military service which earned me my credits.
When I became the age I started to collect but because of my pension they took 60% back. Then came Medicare which I didn't want or need because I earned a life time health care benefit So I thought! 65 and it is no more.. forced to go on medicare at 104 per month then secondary insurance at 445$ per month.
Now i'm not complaining I'm asking how is it I worked all my life and some people think I'm sucking their system dry? When they took more then half back.
When I ran the squad I ran into many people in there younger years who claimed to be heroin addicts who were collecting S.S. Even Bi Polar?? So who's sucking it dry?

What about the rights of children to live in a safe environment. Don't you believe children have rights or no?

Where have I heard " it's for the saftey of the children " before,hmmmm,sounds so familiar.

Good thought but who protect the kids from idiot parents ... Or is that just tough luck??
What about the rights of children to live in a safe environment. Don't you believe children have rights or no?

Easy the Government should take ALL children away from ALL parents just incase that parent is or ever has a idiot moment. Then put them in Bio Domes, germ free, padded from the floor to the celing, no sports of ANY kind to many ways to get hurt playing a sport. No trees to climb, no mud to get germs in, no bikes or skate boards to fall off, they all need to be in straight jackets dont want them fighting or bulling.

[h=3]“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”[/h]

And who is going to protect the idiot parents from them themselves, and who is going to protect me from the idiot parents, and who is going to protect me from me, and who is going to protect you from you. We nee more regulations stoping anyone from doing anything that might in any way be harmful or offensive to anything for any reason. What we need is Surrogates that way we never need to leave the house and into the world where something might happen.

Well time to go home now.... WAIT how do I get there I might wreck my car on the way and get hurt I need protected from myself.... Ill call a taxi... no he might be a idiot text while driving and wreck and hurt me or he might wreck on the way to pick me up and hurt himself..... can you come nooooo you might hurt yourself.... hmmm need a surrogate but what if that Surrogate goe haywire and hurts me.......

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After 50 plus years of having SS and MC deducted from a check, or in my case paying it as a self-employment tax,( @15%!), I am ready for some of that to be returned to me. I have always felt that these programs should be voluntary vs. mandatory, I would rather have the control of my future than have to depend on the govt. for that period of my life. I would also much rather have the choic at age 65 to have my own health ins. plan, or medical savings acct., and not HAVE to go on Medicaid.

We do not have any say in that matter. I have paid in $10k per year for my health ins. and this past I spent a whole $500 for a physical. Now people here claim that we are unwilling to pay for the needy,Yet I just contributed $9500 to someone else. I bet that some think that this is justice, but it's always going to be the same in this pyramid program, and the new, "affordable health care" system is even worse. These changes and those instituted by the progressive state of Vt., with their single-payer system, are going to cost the people in Vt. $1.6 BILLion, 2x the already collected taxes. So dig deep in your pockets, or die. (which is what some would prefer!)

Easy the Government should take ALL children away from ALL parents just incase that parent is or ever has a idiot moment. Then put them in Bio Domes, germ free, padded from the floor to the celing, no sports of ANY kind to many ways to get hurt playing a sport. No trees to climb, no mud to get germs in, no bikes or skate boards to fall off, they all need to be in straight jackets dont want them fighting or bulling.

[h=3]“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”[/h]

And who is going to protect the idiot parents from them themselves, and who is going to protect me from the idiot parents, and who is going to protect me from me, and who is going to protect you from you. We nee more regulations stoping anyone from doing anything that might in any way be harmful or offensive to anything for any reason. What we need is Surrogates that way we never need to leave the house and into the world where something might happen.

Well time to go home now.... WAIT how do I get there I might wreck my car on the way and get hurt I need protected from myself.... Ill call a taxi... no he might be a idiot text while driving and wreck and hurt me or he might wreck on the way to pick me up and hurt himself..... can you come nooooo you might hurt yourself.... hmmm need a surrogate but what if that Surrogate goe haywire and hurts me.......

Best response yet!!

Best response yet!!

For better or worse states do take children away from dangerous parents. But I'm sure many of you are against child protective services and have plenty of "stories" about that.

After 50 plus years of having SS and MC deducted from a check, or in my case paying it as a self-employment tax,( @15%!), I am ready for some of that to be returned to me. I have always felt that these programs should be voluntary vs. mandatory, I would rather have the control of my future than have to depend on the govt. for that period of my life. I would also much rather have the choic at age 65 to have my own health ins. plan, or medical savings acct., and not HAVE to go on Medicaid.

We do not have any say in that matter. I have paid in $10k per year for my health ins. and this past I spent a whole $500 for a physical. Now people here claim that we are unwilling to pay for the needy,Yet I just contributed $9500 to someone else. I bet that some think that this is justice, but it's always going to be the same in this pyramid program, and the new, "affordable health care" system is even worse. These changes and those instituted by the progressive state of Vt., with their single-payer system, are going to cost the people in Vt. $1.6 BILLion, 2x the already collected taxes. So dig deep in your pockets, or die. (which is what some would prefer!)

GMD no one is blaming you or even saying its wrong. I'm merely stating the fact that people on average take way more out of social security and Medicare than what they put in. The difference is paid for by taxpayers and future generations in the form of debt. There are a few very basic reasons for this. Lets take social security. Look at the life expectancy when SS was created. We've tacked on another 15 plus years given medical advancements. SS was suppose to last folks 5, maybe 10 years at the most. But now, people can be collecting for 20, 30, 40 years!!

Now Medicare is much much worse. Not only do we have the same problem as above with people living much, much longer but we also have the massive problem that healthcare costs / inflation have risen at rates 10x plus the rate of contributions. Now add on top of that the Bush drug giveaway that no one pays anything towards and you have a completely BUST system. So yes I know people have paid into the system but the amount they have paid in is a pittance compared to the benefits they are paid.

No one is blaming any individual is the gov fault (and lobbying groups like the AARP) that they have not had the balls to fix an obviously broken system. But the FACT is that these two entitlement programs are the largest contributors to our deficits each year. This is fact. It's not deadbeats, immigrants, fraudsters, etc, etc. it's regular people receiving their regular benefits. Now obviously we need to stop as much fraud as humanly possible. But people you need to be honest and quit blaming everyone one else for this countries financial problems. If you are participating in social security you will be taking out a lot more than you put in. Now many of you like to call that socialism, communism, hand outs, etc. call it whatever you want but just be honest and not so quick to point your fingers at others!!

Stocky you've mentioned baby Boomers sucking the life out of S.S and medicare Well I happened to be in both The first with my main profession I didn;t pay into S.S. because I had a great pension. But I had several business adventures on the side and military service which earned me my credits.
When I became the age I started to collect but because of my pension they took 60% back. Then came Medicare which I didn't want or need because I earned a life time health care benefit So I thought! 65 and it is no more.. forced to go on medicare at 104 per month then secondary insurance at 445$ per month.
Now i'm not complaining I'm asking how is it I worked all my life and some people think I'm sucking their system dry? When they took more then half back.
When I ran the squad I ran into many people in there younger years who claimed to be heroin addicts who were collecting S.S. Even Bi Polar?? So who's sucking it dry?

After 50 plus years of having SS and MC deducted from a check, or in my case paying it as a self-employment tax,( @15%!), I am ready for some of that to be returned to me. I have always felt that these programs should be voluntary vs. mandatory, I would rather have the control of my future than have to depend on the govt. for that period of my life. I would also much rather have the choic at age 65 to have my own health ins. plan, or medical savings acct., and not HAVE to go on Medicaid.

We do not have any say in that matter. I have paid in $10k per year for my health ins. and this past I spent a whole $500 for a physical. Now people here claim that we are unwilling to pay for the needy,Yet I just contributed $9500 to someone else. I bet that some think that this is justice, but it's always going to be the same in this pyramid program, and the new, "affordable health care" system is even worse. These changes and those instituted by the progressive state of Vt., with their single-payer system, are going to cost the people in Vt. $1.6 BILLion, 2x the already collected taxes. So dig deep in your pockets, or die. (which is what some would prefer!)

GMD no one is blaming you or even saying its wrong. I'm merely stating the fact that people on average take way more out of social security and Medicare than what they put in. The difference is paid for by taxpayers and future generations in the form of debt. There are a few very basic reasons for this. Lets take social security. Look at the life expectancy when SS was created. We've tacked on another 15 plus years given medical advancements. SS was suppose to last folks 5, maybe 10 years at the most. But now, people can be collecting for 20, 30, 40 years!!

Now Medicare is much much worse. Not only do we have the same problem as above with people living much, much longer but we also have the massive problem that healthcare costs / inflation have risen at rates 10x plus the rate of contributions. Now add on top of that the Bush drug giveaway that no one pays anything towards and you have a completely BUST system. So yes I know people have paid into the system but the amount they have paid in is a pittance compared to the benefits they are paid.

No one is blaming any individual is the gov fault (and lobbying groups like the AARP) that they have not had the balls to fix an obviously broken system. But the FACT is that these two entitlement programs are the largest contributors to our deficits each year. This is fact. It's not deadbeats, immigrants, fraudsters, etc, etc. it's regular people receiving their regular benefits. Now obviously we need to stop as much fraud as humanly possible. But people you need to be honest and quit blaming everyone one else for this countries financial problems. If you are participating in social security you will be taking out a lot more than you put in. Now many of you like to call that socialism, communism, hand outs, etc. call it whatever you want but just be honest and not so quick to point your fingers at others!!

Stocky you've mentioned baby Boomers sucking the life out of S.S and medicare Well I happened to be in both The first with my main profession I didn;t pay into S.S. because I had a great pension. But I had several business adventures on the side and military service which earned me my credits.
When I became the age I started to collect but because of my pension they took 60% back. Then came Medicare which I didn't want or need because I earned a life time health care benefit So I thought! 65 and it is no more.. forced to go on medicare at 104 per month then secondary insurance at 445$ per month.
Now i'm not complaining I'm asking how is it I worked all my life and some people think I'm sucking their system dry? When they took more then half back.
When I ran the squad I ran into many people in there younger years who claimed to be heroin addicts who were collecting S.S. Even Bi Polar?? So who's sucking it dry?

no one is blaming you or even saying its wrong. I'm merely stating the fact that people on average take way more out of social security and Medicare than what they put in. The difference is paid for by taxpayers and future generations in the form of debt. There are a few very basic reasons for this. Lets take social security. Look at the life expectancy when SS was created. We've tacked on another 15 plus years given medical advancements. SS was suppose to last folks 5, maybe 10 years at the most. But now, people can be collecting for 20, 30, 40 years!!

Now Medicare is much much worse. Not only do we have the same problem as above with people living much, much longer but we also have the massive problem that healthcare costs / inflation have risen at rates 10x plus the rate of contributions. Now add on top of that the Bush drug giveaway that no one pays anything towards and you have a completely BUST system. So yes I know people have paid into the system but the amount they have paid in is a pittance compared to the benefits they are paid.

No one is blaming any individual is the gov fault (and lobbying groups like the AARP) that they have not had the balls to fix an obviously broken system. But the FACT is that these two entitlement programs are the largest contributors to our deficits each year. This is fact. It's not deadbeats, immigrants, fraudsters, etc, etc. it's regular people receiving their regular benefits. Now obviously we need to stop as much fraud as humanly possible. But people you need to be honest and quit blaming everyone one else for this countries financial problems. If you are participating in social security you will be taking out a lot more than you put in. Now many of you like to call that socialism, communism, hand outs, etc. call it whatever you want but just be honest and not so quick to point your fingers at others!!

I am sure glad I don"t pay into ss. I am exempted from it.

Not trying to sound like anything, just trying to educate you. Knowing how to have an intelligent discussion is an important life skill to have don't you think?

sometime I wonder how so many people think they are intelligent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:notworthy:

sometime I wonder how so many people think they are intelligent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:notworthy:

A quote from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, in the character of Sherlock Holmes: "Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself."

That's a self-limiting feature of the brain. By definition, it's hard to imagine anyone smarter than one's self.

Of course, that can be tempered by a little humility and reflection ...................

sometime I wonder how so many people think they are intelligent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:notworthy:

Roy I believe WE ALL have something to teach and something to learn. One just needs to have an open mind and a love to learn.

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