After 50 plus years of having SS and MC deducted from a check, or in my case paying it as a self-employment tax,( @15%!), I am ready for some of that to be returned to me. I have always felt that these programs should be voluntary vs. mandatory, I would rather have the control of my future than have to depend on the govt. for that period of my life. I would also much rather have the choic at age 65 to have my own health ins. plan, or medical savings acct., and not HAVE to go on Medicaid.
We do not have any say in that matter. I have paid in $10k per year for my health ins. and this past I spent a whole $500 for a physical. Now people here claim that we are unwilling to pay for the needy,Yet I just contributed $9500 to someone else. I bet that some think that this is justice, but it's always going to be the same in this pyramid program, and the new, "affordable health care" system is even worse. These changes and those instituted by the progressive state of Vt., with their single-payer system, are going to cost the people in Vt. $1.6 BILLion, 2x the already collected taxes. So dig deep in your pockets, or die. (which is what some would prefer!)