Cricketts and Chipmunks??

BY Picker "Show me one time I ever said I was against the second amendment?" .

That is funny , huh? You have never said it! But then again, you have NEVER defended the second, and even fight against it with every post. It is easy to see here. Looks like you hope to be a politician someday. Maybe you and Mister Weiner can rule New York together!

The 2nd Amendment rights were given us by the founders of this country for a reason, as old as that reason is.

That reason remains relevant today.

A 5 year old is an infant, and should not be given a deadly weapon of any sort.

So, Stocky. Can you define what makes you such a strong defender of the second? Why is this particular amendment such a huge deal for you?

You can regulate it if you want. We do have age limits for driving, cigs, etc. It's just a choice of what we think is right. Would you let your five year old drive a car even if they were "properly supervised"? But lets not pretend like nothing can be done about it and hundreds of accidental child deaths each year are merely an unfortunate accident. It's a bit callous to all those innocent lives in my opinion.

A 5 year old shooting a gun, supervised on a range, is very different that a 5 year old driving a car on public roads.

What would you propose to regulate this? We all know, making it illegal to carry guns in a school has worked out really well! NOT!

BY Picker "Show me one time I ever said I was against the second amendment?" .

That is funny , huh? You have never said it! But then again, you have NEVER defended the second, and even fight against it with every post. It is easy to see here. Looks like you hope to be a politician someday. Maybe you and Mister Weiner can rule New York together!

Dave44 you should learn a few basic rules of discussion. What do you think it means that the only thing you seem to be able to do I'd make personal attacks as opposed to discussing the issues? I'm interested in your honest response.

""An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument. Ad hominem reasoning is normally described as an informal fallacy, more precisely an irrelevance.""

BY Picker "Show me one time I ever said I was against the second amendment?" .

That is funny , huh? You have never said it! But then again, you have NEVER defended the second, and even fight against it with every post. It is easy to see here. Looks like you hope to be a politician someday. Maybe you and Mister Weiner can rule New York together!

Oh man!!!

Even though I have been disturbed by some of Picker's posts - specifically the one where he called for that 75 year old man to pay for his own heart valve....

I would NEVER place picker so way down as to put him in the class of Weiner !!!!

Please don't do that to him. The 1st Amendment rights apply to him as well as us.

Weiner was a weiner..... His poor wife...

I do believe Picker is a better man than that!

Picky, I know you like to quote yourself so I thought I would try it. A question for you again.
So, Stocky. Can you define what makes you such a strong defender of the second? Why is this particular amendment such a huge deal for you?

By the way, Weiner is running a conservative campaign for mayor of New York. Also a laugh.

Oh man!!!

Even though I have been disturbed by some of Picker's posts - specifically the one where he called for that 75 year old man to pay for his own heart valve....

I would NEVER place picker so way down as to put him in the class of Weiner !!!!

Please don't do that to him. The 1st Amendment rights apply to him as well as us.

Weiner was a weiner..... His poor wife...

I do believe Picker is a better man than that!

Deep, actually simply making the point that many posters on this site should stop whining about handouts, socialism, etc, etc. When in fact most of these posters are current taking full advantage of the largest socialist program in the world - socialist security and Medicare. And that its my tax dollars paying for their heart valves. I'm not saying they shouldn't get it. I am saying lets call the spade the spade and admit the baby boomer entitlement programs are bankrupting this country - not immigrants, not food stamps or foreign aid which are all drops in the buckets. Merely trying the point out the hypocrisy to the blind. Best.

Oh man!!!

Even though I have been disturbed by some of Picker's posts - specifically the one where he called for that 75 year old man to pay for his own heart valve....

I would NEVER place picker so way down as to put him in the class of Weiner !!!!

Please don't do that to him. The 1st Amendment rights apply to him as well as us.

Weiner was a weiner..... His poor wife...

I do believe Picker is a better man than that!

And personal attacks never bother me it is just a sign that a person does not have the wherewithal to hold an intelligent conversation. So I actually just feel bad for who ever does it.

Picky, I know you like to quote yourself so I thought I would try it. A question for you again.

Dave, I think you missed this. If you don't get it let me know and ill try and explain to you.

""An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument. Ad hominem reasoning is normally described as an informal fallacy, more precisely an irrelevance.""

give the kids to hillary and her village............. or, make em a brown shirt.................. ya cant prevent stupid!!! I was shooting a 22, and hunting by myself and 10. taught my kids to shoot at a young age............ and, how to handle guns!!!!!!!! I do not want rights taken away from me, because of stupidity on some one else's part!

And personal attacks never bother me it is just a sign that a person does not have the wherewithal to hold an intelligent conversation. So I actually just feel bad for who ever does it.

Because answering a question is an affront to you? Give it a try instead of trying to turn every subject against someone else.

give the kids to hillary and her village............. or, make em a brown shirt.................. ya cant prevent stupid!!! I was shooting a 22, and hunting by myself and 10. taught my kids to shoot at a young age............ and, how to handle guns!!!!!!!! I do not want rights taken away from me, because of stupidity on some one else's part!

What about the rights of children to live in a safe environment. Don't you believe children have rights or no?

Picker, I don't see that as the truth, when 11 states have welfare recipients in a percentage higher than workers.....

Baby boomers, and that is me, will have paid more into SSN and Medicare than we will ever draw. I've personally by last statement paid in over $130K to SSN alone. I won't see that returned to me. Last time I looked, the median life expectancy for a male is about 74. Maybe it's a little higher now, but that is inconsequential since most of us just stroke out. I don't mind having paid that, and if it is for the better good - if it saves a child, that's okay by me, no problem.

But, I have seen the other side - years in Detroit, a license plate in Newport News with the personalized tag of ILV4FRE with little curtain climbers all over the van unrestrained by seat belts, that's not what it is meant to be. You of all people, with the wisdom of what you personally have seen, have to acknowledge the perversity of these situations against the working man - of which I presume you are as well.

This nation cannot sustain this, period. And you as a younger man will face this as the future progresses.

My best of luck to you, as my time is limited. I won't see what you face as a future - BUT, my kids will.

Because answering a question is an affront to you? Give it a try instead of trying to turn every subject against someone else.

I think I'm certainly posting plenty of opinions, etc, etc so no idea what you are referring to. But I will certainly admit that when I do engage in dialog it is always about the subject and not the person you are having the dialog with. The issue and arguments for or against stand alone on their own merit regardless of who is making the arguments. I hope you can come to understand some of these basic principals of discussion / debate / logic. These are good basic skills to pick up and I would encourage anyone to read up on those topics. It makes for a much more intelligent and enjoyable conversation all around. Best.

Rule number 1.

An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument.[2]Ad hominem reasoning is normally described as an informal fallacy,[3][4][5] more precisely an irrelevance.[6]

The 2nd Amendment rights were given us by the founders of this country for a reason, as old as that reason is.

That reason remains relevant today.

A 5 year old is an infant, and should not be given a deadly weapon of any sort.

Completely agree with you Deep. One would think that this would be pretty much common sense but as you can see from the article (and shockingly many posts on this thread) other have no problem with the idea of a five year old with a gun.

I would ask again - doesn't the child have a right to be in a safe environment? Or is the right of the patent to be an idiot more important. Personally I'd vote for the child??

Nice lawyerly retort and putdown. You are still evading, picker.

Nice lawyerly retort and putdown. You are still evading, picker.

Not putting you down, just trying to help educate. Do you understand the concept of ad hominem? It's not a difficult one but for those not versed in discussion it isn't necessarily obvious. Just let me know that you understand this and ill let you interview me for as long as you want. I'm flattered that you are so interested in all my thoughts and beliefs.

And no answer. Good for you. I am flattered that you are afraid to tell me. But really, just trying to help you educate yourself.

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