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You're dead wrong about your "cold hard fact" for the simple fact that the Beale was encoded from a plaintext (actual several plaintexts)

You do understand that you are supporting "exactly" what I have outlined many times in previous post as to the shear amount of endless text that can be applied in order to create whatever end result is desired. By including "several plaintext" you are only solidifying and confirming what I have outlined as being one of the typical procedures that are so common in a lot of these proposed solutions. i.e., when one plain text stops working shift to another, and then another. No doubt that this process will eventually produce a solution. The simple fact that this process does work, and has worked before with even different text, should tell us something quite profound, yes?

The simple fact that this process does work, and has worked before with even different text, should tell us something quite profound, yes?

We're really talking at cross purposes at this point. I'm happy to let you have the last word.

We're really talking at cross purposes at this point. I'm happy to let you have the last word.

It's not about last words. Just in recent threads we can find at least four different proposed remedies, all of them following exactly the same type of pre-focussed and selective processes. But where are the documented directly connecting events to Ward, Morriss, the alleged party, Thomas J Beale, and the narration, etc.? That's what it's about.

It's not about last words. Just in recent threads we can find at least four different proposed remedies, all of them following exactly the same type of pre-focussed and selective processes. But where are the documented directly connecting events to Ward, Morriss, the alleged party, Thomas J Beale, and the narration, etc.? That's what it's about.

As I said, we are ships passing in the night, at no point in any thread on this forum, or in any post, have I ever stated that the Beale Story was "fact", indeed, on multiple threads and in multiple posts, I have stated exactly the opposite.



Trev...are you going to address this: (Thanks)...

BES = a variation of the word "BE
SOP = basically.......................... ALE".

This excerpt from the tale written in about 1841 by Poe:

""It left me also in the dark," replied Legrand, "for a few days; during which I made diligent inquiry, in the neighborhood of Sullivan's Island, for any building which went by the name of the 'Bishop's Hotel'; for, of course, I dropped the obsolete word 'hostel.' Gaining no information on the subject, I was on the point of extending my sphere of search, and proceeding in a more systematic manner, when, one morning, it entered into my head, quite suddenly, that this 'Bishop's Hostel' might have some reference to an old family, of the name of Bessop, which, time out of mind, had held possession of an ancient manor-house, about four miles to the northward of the Island. I accordingly went over to the plantation, and reinstituted my inquiries among the older negroes of the place. At length one of the most aged of the women said that she had heard of such a place as Bessop's Castle, and thought that she could guide me to it, but that it was not a castle, nor a tavern, but a high rock."


See the intimation to The Beale Papers? Poe knew the Beale story long before it was copyrighted in 1885. Coincidence?

Unfortunately the dime novel theory ignores the amount of time and effort put into those 23 little pages... the Ciphers were handset to specific widths, but not just the ciphers, the letters were also handset to very specific widths. This is something no sane publisher of a dime novel would bother with.
James Beverly Ward's cousin, John William Sherman, handset the type of the job pamphlet, so is the "kerning" contains a hidden message as you suggest, Sherman would have worked closely with the "unknown author" , or was the "unknown author".
The owner of the print shop and newspaper at which Sherman worked, Charles W Button, did state that his sub-editor, Sherman, was the author of the Beale Papers.
So if the typeset letters were set to specific widths to create a code or cipher as you claim, Sherman was either the Beale Papers author, or was personally instructed by the author on how to handset the type.

See the intimation to The Beale Papers? Poe knew the Beale story long before it was copyrighted in 1885. Coincidence?
Since Poe's work was written in 1841, and the Beale Papers 1884/1885, the coincidence is that it was another item "borrowed" from an earlier source, as many other "coincidences" to other works that were utilized to create the Beale Papers story.

Franklin, try downloading Open Office and you should be able to then open the documents. You can still save them in Word format.

What makes you think Poe died in 1849? History is recorded by the victor. Poe was a Republic Intelligence Officer within the Society of the Cincinnati:
Schiller Institutue—The Purloined Life Of Edgar Allan Poe

A sop is a piece of bread (pretzel) or toast that is drenched in liquid (ale or beer) and then eaten. In medieval cuisine, sops were very common; they were served with broth, soup or wine (alcoholic beverage), and then picked apart into smaller pieces to soak in the liquid. At elaborate feasts, bread was often pre-cut into finger-sized pieces rather than broken off by the diners themselves. French onion soup, which took its current form in the 18th century, can be considered a modern-day sop.

One would have to know that Poe was a master at "Literary Steganography" which is how he hid this particular phrase within the word BESSOP. Beale was a notion prior to 1843 by Poe.

If you knew more of my research, this would be apparent.

Trev .... ?

Tad10, did you take Jean's test to see if you got the correct decipherment? He claims his is the correct one, although no one has seen it yet.

Tad10, did you take Jean's test to see if you got the correct decipherment? He claims his is the correct one, although no one has seen it yet.

I can tell you all, if you do not have a epitaph show up for Beale in the first part of you decoded cipher you are not doing it right . Not trying to be mean here just letting you know so you don't waist your time on a failed attempted . :icon_thumleft:

Tad10, did you take Jean's test to see if you got the correct decipherment? He claims his is the correct one, although no one has seen it yet.

Yeah, I'm not going to bother with that. I suggest Paul Stewart's book for anyone who thinks the Beale Story could possibly be true, on its face. Just ignore the whole Masonic Allegory second half of the book.

What makes you think Poe died in 1849? History is recorded by the victor. Poe was a Republic Intelligence Officer within the Society of the Cincinnati:
Schiller Institutue—The Purloined Life Of Edgar Allan Poe...

If you knew more of my research, this would be apparent ...
What is apparent is that the SCHLLER INSTITUTE sees hidden conspiracies in everything, and their tale of Poe needs many grains of salt to swallow.
Poe's time at Fort Moultrie and the Sullivan Island influences employed in THE GOLD BUG that also influenced the Beale Papers:

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No one really addresses what's ere them. Bigscoop, I proved to you that SOP was valid and hinted at "ale" and then I hear no feedback. Trev...for the third time...are you going to address the below material? And, ECS...I'm sure the Schiller Institute are not idiots. Everything is not a conspiracy. Which I might add is just a word, given little respect, that means two or more people thinking or acting in tandem, essentially. It's telling, also, when Rebel just disappears when the fact machine begins to whir. I would never reveal on this thread, to the people that post here, the Truth of the Beale Papers, as there is political agenda here and it stinks. The Truth will come out, but not in this forum. And soon:

What makes you think Poe died in 1849? History is recorded by the victor. Poe was a Republic Intelligence Officer within the Society of the Cincinnati:
Schiller Institutue—The Purloined Life Of Edgar Allan Poe

A sop is a piece of bread (pretzel) or toast that is drenched in liquid (ale or beer) and then eaten. In medieval cuisine, sops were very common; they were served with broth, soup or wine (alcoholic beverage), and then picked apart into smaller pieces to soak in the liquid. At elaborate feasts, bread was often pre-cut into finger-sized pieces rather than broken off by the diners themselves. French onion soup, which took its current form in the 18th century, can be considered a modern-day sop.

One would have to know that Poe was a master at "Literary Steganography" which is how he hid this particular phrase within the word BESSOP. Beale was a notion prior to 1843 by Poe.

If you knew more of my research, this would be apparent.

Trev .... ?

Let me guess...someone, just someone...wishes to focus on the word "ere"...maybe I headed that one off at the pass.

LOL! Ken, I haven't disappeared; not much here to "respond" to. YOU thought "it" was ALSO here in Lynchburg, Va.; remember the "Spice Guy"... heh. His daddy didn't think y'all should come to L'burg... "Spice" is illegal in Virginia. LOOK, we are BOTH former Law Enforcement; AND! I HAVE given ALL, FACTS of Lynchburg, Va. History. WHAT FACTS do YOU want...? OR... do YOU have...?

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Yeah, "Spice Guy"...different kind of cat. The logs did look like a spider though...

You'll be able to access us from [ Home ] soon. Links. Cant's say anymore, Rebel. Not right now.

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