I'll have to give that a double
I'll have to give that a double- I've never heard that Waltz was a book publisher before either Somero. You learn something new every day eh? Wonder if there's a source for that
Sierra Estrella Old Spanish Mine page
Sierra Estrella 360 degree Panorama
It's not near Weavers Needle but the mine/stone cabin part of the clue fits.
It appears to me that Waltz, a book publisher, may have known of this Spanish Mine and added some facts of the Spanish Mine to his story.
Its like my favorite quote:
"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it is difficult to determine whether or not they are genuine."
Abraham Lincoln 1866
Normally I would have just "liked" this, but it's so rare that I actually get to Laugh Out Loud at something that I thought I'd let you know I LOL'd just now.
It's on youtube
It's on youtube
It's from film. I got it at a library. I couldn't find it on the net.
I am not sure to what degree you are joking if at all, but it seem that there is a conscious effort to dissuade people from searching the Sups. I always dismissed the "dark under-current" talk but I have found that it is real and something to be conscious of when researching. Exposing these people and their half truths is a great way to plug the holes.
The earliest "book" written on the DLM is said to date to 1895... Four years after his passing. I have not identified the tile yet but that is the date given in records. Any idea which book it could have been?
I am not sure to what degree you are joking if at all, but it seem that there is a conscious effort to dissuade people from searching the Sups. I always dismissed the "dark under-current" talk but I have found that it is real and something to be conscious of when researching. Exposing these people and their half truths is a great way to plug the holes.
The earliest "book" written on the DLM is said to date to 1895... Four years after his passing. I have not identified the tile yet but that is the date given in records. Any idea which book it could have been?