Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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Very well said....but they are collecting something, boxing it and moving it off the they are there for something more important than illegal digging I would think? Especially with that scary " FBI Police " escort. (That girl is kinda hot)

I'm not so sure that all that is factual in the first place ( except the hot chick). The seemingly suspicious activity, could just be someone's overactive imagination of what they think they saw. Ie.: people eager to see smoking guns in every suspicious action they see.

For example: if you've ever watched the Roswell/aliens documentaries, sure enough, they interview people who claim to see government officials stacking boxes and doing all sorts of suspicious things. But do you think those things proved aliens ?

My friend who lives in Emporium is heading there now.....will report with any updates.....

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What gold at Fort Knox???

It’s the Petro Dollar that backs our currency so where is the gold other then the same picture floating around on the Internet.Smoke and Mirrors Magic Shop now resides at Fort Knox where the citizens of the US and the world have the illusion that we have a gold reserve. Remember Bernie Madoff? He was rich on paper until people started calling in their notes and he was exposed as a fraud. Funny thing the Fed manufactures money out of thin air. That is no different then Bernie.

They House of cards will eventually crumble...That’s the panic financial gurus are talking about. So you see why GOLD is so hot for our government to obtain?

Hard to believe that the reason we are #1 is not because we gathered the spoils of WWII from the Nazis .

Here is Eisenhower inspecting suitcases of captured Nazi gold

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Our current ranking in the world on gold reserves

View attachment 1564577

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This is not a political statement just further factualinformation for members to review and consider regarding the initial post and why the government wants so badly to be involved in the recovery of gold.

That is not true! All of the paintings and priceless artifacts were turned over to the rightful owners. All of the gold was distributed to the countries it was captured from and all the rest went in to a Holocaust Fund that was given to the surviving victims in the early 1980's. No one profited from the millions that were found.

So the US has only a little over 8,000 tons of gold. I could give them that much from the CSA and KGC.

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THERE IS NO GOLD IN DENTS RUN. The FBI is no longer there. The staging area is empty. An excavator is sitting along the road and had been used up the hill to dig a small area. It has been filled back in . We walked up and the photos show the dig site and the entrance under a huge boulder to where the gold was supposed to be. There were 2 cameras that we saw. Could be Dennis's or DCNR. 162_0518.webp162_0523.webp162_0519.webp162_0522.webp

I'm not so sure that all that is factual in the first place ( except the hot chick). The seemingly suspicious activity, could just be someone's overactive imagination of what they think they saw. Ie.: people eager to see smoking guns in every suspicious action they see.

For example: if you've ever watched the Roswell/aliens documentaries, sure enough, they interview people who claim to see government officials stacking boxes and doing all sorts of suspicious things. But do you think those things proved aliens ?
The box thing was reported to me by my friend who is heading there now....something is going on in Area 51 so I don't rule out aliens....the videos from the 50's I do for sure....oh yeah, Area 51 must be fake because there's no government documentation on it....duh me!

Since no gold was found that means it is going to be harder for the rest of treasure hunter's that actually know where gold is located to get any permission. D____!

..... There isn't anything about this yarn that passes the laugh test .....

Huh ? What ? How can you say that ? Isn't the suspicious G-Men stacking boxes Beyond dispute ?

You see where all this is going, don't you ? Eventually, when no Treasures are forthcoming : it will never mean there was no treasure there. It will simply mean the government hid it in a big conspiracy. Or that it is deeper, and needs heavy equipment to reach (like oak island). Hence at no point can you ever put these Legends to rest. Someone will come up with a remote far-fetched way where it exists ( in the first place) & could still possibly be there. Or was Spirited Away in secrecy. But at no point was/is the treasure not most certainly there.

Funny how that works. In any other venue of study, besides Treasures, such evidence would be conclusive that an object is not there. But when it comes to treasure, the rules of logic are thrown out the window.

THERE IS NO GOLD IN DENTS RUN. The FBI is no longer there. The staging area is empty. An excavator is sitting along the road and had been used up the hill to dig a small area. It has been filled back in . We walked up and the photos show the dig site and the entrance under a huge boulder to where the gold was supposed to be. There were 2 cameras that we saw. Could be Dennis's or DCNR.View attachment 1564621View attachment 1564622View attachment 1564623View attachment 1564624
There's no gold because they took it all and we will never know either way.....unless Dennis disappears.....

The box thing was reported to me by my friend who is heading there now....something is going on in Area 51 so I don't rule out aliens....the videos from the 50's I do for sure....oh yeah, Area 51 must be fake because there's no government documentation on it....duh me!

There is an explanation for Area 51, the government tested their new jet planes there like the Stealth Fighters. Everyone believed in UFO's so the government just let them believe what they wanted to believe and it worked in the governments favor.

There's no gold because they took it all and we will never know either way.....unless Dennis disappears.....

Yup. Just as I predicted in post #147 :)

....something is going on in Area 51 so I don't rule out aliens....

This makes sense. If a person can put stock in the former (aliens & hidden UFO's @ hangers @ area 51) then yes: It is not a big leap to likewise believe in treasure legend conspiracies also. So I guess my analogy attempt failed, when I tried to use that as an example of the unlikeliness of a scenario. (or were you just joking ?)

There is an explanation for Area 51, the government tested their new jet planes there like the Stealth Fighters. Everyone believed in UFO's so the government just let them believe what they wanted to believe and it worked in the governments favor.

No ... no ... say it isn't so. It was really aliens, and YOU are a part of the conspiracy hush job. To plant seeds of doubt in our minds. Admit you are a govt. shill !

There is an explanation for Area 51, the government tested their new jet planes there like the Stealth Fighters. Everyone believed in UFO's so the government just let them believe what they wanted to believe and it worked in the governments favor.
Sorry but if there is no official documentation stating that they test aircraft there then it's not true

THERE IS NO GOLD IN DENTS RUN. The FBI is no longer there. The staging area is empty. An excavator is sitting along the road and had been used up the hill to dig a small area. It has been filled back in . We walked up and the photos show the dig site and the entrance under a huge boulder to where the gold was supposed to be. There were 2 cameras that we saw. Could be Dennis's or DCNR.View attachment 1564621View attachment 1564622View attachment 1564623View attachment 1564624

These images are not very convincing of your statements

Here's a good example of a real lost 19th Century US Army payroll:

"Holding Up the Pay Escort" - Frederic Remington

The Wham Paymaster robbery was an armed robbery on a United States Army paymaster transporting over US$28,000 in gold and silver coins (about $772,030 in present-day terms) and his escort that occurred on May 11, 1889. Major Joseph W. Wham was transporting a payroll from Fort Grant, Arizona Territory to Fort Thomas when he and his escort of eleven Buffalo Soldiers were ambushed. During the attack, the bandits wounded eight of the soldiers, forced them to retreat to cover, and stole the payroll. As a result of their actions under fire, Sergeant Benjamin Brown and Corporal Isaiah Mays were awarded the Medal of Honor while eight other soldiers received a Certificate of Merit. Eleven men, most from the nearby Mormon community of Pima, were arrested with eight tried on charges of robbery. At trial, all the accused were found not guilty, and the stolen money has never been recovered.

~ Wikipedia



Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

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Following up on the story years ago a friend and I found a old burned wagon on A ridge in the area. As the story goes the wagons were abandoned on a ridge and a trail leading off in a SW direction. Ten years later a survey crew doing the county border found 6 or so skeletons near the border. I traveled SW to the border. Ten feet from the border gun parts from the time period were found. A end of a ram rod. Trigger guard and wedge to hold a barrel in place. I will attach photos from my other phone.ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1521146907.680971.webp

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Following up on the story years ago a friend and I found a old burned wagon on A ridge in the area. As the story goes the wagons were abandoned on a ridge and a trail leading off in a SW direction. Ten years later a survey crew doing the county border found 6 or so skeletons near the border. I traveled SW to the border. Ten feet from the border gun parts from the time period were found. A end of a ram rod. Trigger guard and wedge to hold a barrel in place. I will attach photos from my other phone.

Frank? You're still alive! Long time no see.

I heard you were killed in death trap in the superstitions. We had a wake, poured booze on the ground and honored your memory. Did it right for you on the Hassayampa. :sadsmiley:

Glad you are still alive. :thumbsup:

Here's a good example of a real lost 19th Century US Army payroll:

View attachment 1564637
"Holding Up the Pay Escort" - Frederic Remington

The Wham Paymaster robbery was an armed robbery on a United States Army paymaster transporting over US$28,000 in gold and silver coins (about $772,030 in present-day terms) and his escort that occurred on May 11, 1889. Major Joseph W. Wham was transporting a payroll from Fort Grant, Arizona Territory to Fort Thomas when he and his escort of eleven Buffalo Soldiers were ambushed. During the attack, the bandits wounded eight of the soldiers, forced them to retreat to cover, and stole the payroll. As a result of their actions under fire, Sergeant Benjamin Brown and Corporal Isaiah Mays were awarded the Medal of Honor while eight other soldiers received a Certificate of Merit. Eleven men, most from the nearby Mormon community of Pima, were arrested with eight tried on charges of robbery. At trial, all the accused were found not guilty, and the stolen money has never been recovered.

~ Wikipedia

View attachment 1564636

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

Old bookaroo, a few things I have to say about this : You know there's a hidden treasure whenever it's accompanied by cool artist work like that. Eh ? Like the old treasure magazines : Throw in a drawing of a miner posed next to his burro, and ... now it's REALLY true. :tongue3:

But seriously now, assuming all the story is true, I notice the line near the end: "... the stolen money has never been recovered". Now if the rest of the story is beyond dispute (it's on wiki after all), then so too is the last line equally reputable. Right ?

As I hope you can see, how does anyone know the "money was never recovered" ? There can be lots of stories where the money was never missing in the first place, and was simply an inside-job (an insurance fraud or whatever). Or someone did indeed stash and return for it, but .... simply never made public waves. (after all, this is what we're made to believe by the "big game cache hunters" is they find big caches all the time, but remain mum about it).

Either way, as exciting as stories like that are, they are not conclusive that there's A) not more plausible explanations for the salacious details, or that B) it not already lone gone, or was never "gone".

Strange. I placed a post and later the 2 photos of items from the gold bar site. Not the area Dennis is searching. But a little to the east

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