§ 135.1. Scope.
This chapter regulates and controls the use and administration of lands, waters and buildings under Commission ownership, lease or jurisdiction.
§ 135.2. Unlawful actions.
In addition to the prohibitions in the act on lands, waters or buildings under Commission ownership, lease, agreement, control or jurisdiction, it is unlawful, except with the permission of the person in charge of the lands, or the written permission of the Director to:
(1) Camp or use campsites.
(2) Plant, gather, cut, dig, remove or otherwise injure plants or parts thereof, including trees, shrubs, vines, flowering plants, cultivated crops, mushrooms and fruits of berry-producing plants.
(3) Travel on lands by means of vehicle or conveyance propelled by motorized power. This prohibition does not include the travel by individuals permanently confined to a wheelchair propelled by electric power obtained from batteries. Individuals desiring to hunt from an electric powered wheelchair shall have a disabled person permit under section 2923 of the act (relating to disabled person permits).
(4) Swim in a dam, pond, lake or stream.
(5) Injure, destroy or cause damage to property—real, personal or mixed.
(6) Remove or attempt to remove any manmade or natural object except wildlife and fish lawfully taken. Objects which may not be removed include animals, rocks, minerals, sand and historical or archaeological artifacts.
(7) Participate in, become a part of, contribute to or engage in disorderly conduct as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § § 5503 and 5505 (relating to disorderly conduct; and public drunkenness).
(8) Kindle, use or maintain an open fire.
(9) Travel on roads open to vehicular travel with vehicle or conveyance propelled by motorized power which is not licensed or authorized for operation on a public highway under 75 Pa.C.S. (relating to the Vehicle Code).
(10) Violate, fail or neglect to follow instructions posted on signs authorized by the Director.
(11) Travel by mechanical or motorized conveyance or ride animals on newly constructed, seeded or planted roads, or other areas, when posted against the travel.
(12) Possess, maintain, operate, occupy or travel by snowmobile or ATV in a manner not in accordance with the standards in 75 Pa.C.S. Chapter 77 (relating to Snowmobile and All-Terrain Vehicle Law).
(13) Construct, place, maintain, occupy, use, leave or abandon structures or other tangible property, except in the manner otherwise authorized and limited by § 135.41(c)(11) (relating to State game lands).