Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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I know for a fact Dennis has found a cave and has photographed "evidence" in which compelled this search and years long battle with Pennsylvania state officials. The cave is not a walk in and requires work to get in. When he started digging, the Pa. DNR stopped him and it snow balled from there. Dennis does not give up easily. Something is in there, the question is what.

... and has photographed "evidence" in which compelled this search ...

Here's where the devil is in the details : You'd be surprised at how many dreamy eyed TH'rs consider a funny squiggle on a rock to be "evidence". Or a treasure map they bought from a guy on a street corner to be "evidence".

You can look back through the pages of T'net and see this over and over. Someone comes on with a doozie about a treasure they "found" (past tense). And they have a question about which machine goes deepest (typically they need 6 meters). Or "how to overcome govt. regulations". Or "where to smelt 100 bars of gold". Or "how to drain a swamp", Etc... etc... Other T'net members come on answering those questions of recovery, selling, govt. regulations, etc....

But I go past that. And question the person more about this treasure. Well guess what ? Turns out they haven't actually "found" anything yet. But not to worry: They've narrowed it down to a certain cave or canyon or whatever. Now it's merely a matter of retrieving. And when you question them on what makes them so sure, Yup, they have "evidence". And when you question them on the nature of the evidence, it's cryptograms, squiggles on rocks, boulders placed in an unusual formation, or a map passed down through the generations that they got from their brother in laws 2nd-cousin twice removed. Or their wand pointed a certain direction, etc.. And in each case, to them, this "evidence" is iron-clad to them.

Hence your word "evidence" jumps out at me. To the average reader, it's taken at face value. But when you look back through the annals of sincere anxious TH'rs, you begin to see that such things can often have more plausible explanations, are simply over-anxious TH'rs giddy with seeing signs in everything they look at.

This is part of a news story....I may have slightly mis-spoke.

“Public Affairs Specialist for the FBI Carrie Adamowski could only confirm that FBI agents were conducting court-authorized law enforcement activity.

Court authorized not court ordered...

Agree, the wording makes a difference. I think they are looking for gold. Legend says troops died, that may explain the FBI jurisdiction. They may be recovering remains.

Where is the evidence a US Army payroll was lost in the first place?

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

Why ? Why financially prohibitive ? After all, he's "found" (past tense) a treasure. All he'd have to do is sell a single pound out of the 50 gold bars he's found. To simply pay off whatever the bond cost. Certainly some investor is going to leap to the financial aid of Mr. Parada. Knowing that the certainty of this treasure is beyond question ??

See how this is falling apart at every step ?

Agree 100%


If this is how Dennis located the 50 #'s of gold, what chance is there of it being there? Also the news article says that Abraham Lincoln ordered this shipment of 50 #'s of gold. Surely not. 50 #'s of gold was only like $16,000. during the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln may order a million dollars or a million and one-half dollars in gold to help pay the troops, but 50 #'s? Come on. Fantasy.

I am hesitant to share this, but since the dig is on, it can not hurt. This is straight from the source. Please note, I am not involved in this dig, I was just asked my opinion since I am a cave guy. This is from 2015.

The cave is on state game land and DCNR office is on the back side of the mountain at Hicks Run. No this is not a known cave. It was closed up in 1969 by a bulldozer to make a road. DCNR owns the land. If you can help get it dug open we could work out a deal.
Here is what we have. Most of the cave is filled up with clay. The cave was divided into many rooms. We can only craw back 40' then the rest is filled in, the cave goes back into the mountain but we do not know how big or how far. There is a skeleton and artifacts still in it and gold and silver bars. We are still working at the site when we can . The cave is under a big bolder 30' wide and 32' long and then the cave goes back under bedrock but this area caved in. In the bedrock area there was a water fall that made a big 8' dome room . A lot of water runs out from the back wall.

The bedrock is sandstone , This cave is more of a shelter site for a over night stop because its on a Indian trail. With all the water inside I find it hard to find a dry spot to sleep. There are 6 major fire burn spots on the celling. Since we found many walls built with stones and clay and we have Indian artifacts inside there is no way this was used for coal mining. It looks like the Indians were there first then someone from the 1860 came in and filled the rooms up with clay from inside the cave to hide what's in the back of the cave. No this is not a known cave , the locals lived there all their lives and walked the road for years and never saw this cave . We can only craw 32' back now , the rest we caved in to keep things safe for other hunters. The Indian skeleton and other rooms we located with our snake cams. We go back 35' and that alone is a ***** to do. We build what we need to fit the job. WE do locate a lot of caves and that's were we locate most of our findings. We are good at locating things in caves that no one else can find. DCNR knows about the gold and they want it all. They will not give us any reward.

If this is how Dennis located the 50 #'s of gold, what chance is there of it being there? Also the news article says that Abraham Lincoln ordered this shipment of 50 #'s of gold. Surely not. 50 #'s of gold was only like $16,000. during the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln may order a million dollars or a million and one-half dollars in gold to help pay the troops, but 50 #'s? Come on. Fantasy.

I do not know why the screenshots do not work but anyway it is a post by Dennis about his best equipment for treasure hunting is dowsing.

Also, I believe that is the State FBI not the Federal FBI. I have never seen FBI Police on a a patch.

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haha, I love it. Well I got news for you: You can run GPR over a LOT of places and ... guess what ? Something will be there. You can turn on a 2-box detector or metal detector in a lot of places and guess what ? You'll get a "beep". And as for having "found CW relics there", well ... I got news for you: A quick look down the pages of T'net's Today's finds show & tell forum will show that CW relics are routinely found all over the deep south.

And then the crowning glory: He was told his trinkets were only WW1 period. But I know the comeback lines forthcoming : This is probably a hush-job, by G-man, who don't want anyone else to know about the treasure. Just like "weather balloon" was the decoy explanation for the aliens at Area 51. Eh ?

I merely assumed that the guy that found the relics knows the difference, I could see a State employee saying otherwise for self benefit, not necessarily a government cover up buy an individual cover up, yes.

Funny Little Squiggles in a drill Hole.


Maybe a Bar to the Upper Left Barely Visible
Maybe Drill Shavings Bottom Center.

Maybe nothing.

But My Understanding he Didn't drill the Hole to throw that down there.

No TV Producer is Hounding Him to have a Season 6 or Season 7 .

If you don't even care, Your Not a "Treasure Hunter"


Another "Legend" I've heard from the old timers from the last 20 years I've spent hunting fishing and detecting the area is that about 100 years ago someone found a gold ore bar in the creek that runs through Dents Run or Hicks Run (the hollow just east of Dents)...meaning the gold isn't or wasn't 100% fully processed yet.....the side of the mountain they are on is actually the point or ridge that separates the two Runs.....also to clear things up I think the news caster got it was fifty bars of gold weighing 50 lbs each.

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franklin: The yarn goes that the treasure consists of 26 gold bars, each of which weights 50 lbs. How that would be used to pay Union troops is another matter. As is the basis for the tall tale in the first place.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

Well the guy posted yesterday that the site was not dead yet and to stay tuned.
Something must have transpired. I love a great mystery. Not sure why anybody would spend time trying to dismiss this, when you can just wait and see.

Oh no, if an Indian burial(s) we’re purposely altered, that’s very bad news. If it’s a government troop burial that’s a different deal. Either scenario explains FBI presence. Regardless, the feds plan on being there a while with that camp.

Need some locals to get some photos of the equipment, there is no law against it so long as you don’t breach the perimeter.

I have read the yarn. I was only telling what the news report said. Even that much if all of it was there is 1300 #'s. And from what I have read there was about four men taking this gold somewhere. That much gold would have had a military escort and paymasters of at least an officer of rank from a Captain to a Major and about a 20 to 30 men as escort. Can not see how all could have been killed by a double crosser or someone getting sick or drunk. I do not believe the story is true.

Sure is a waste of taxpayers money. I could never go for a court order to recover the treasures I have located. They told me if the judge turned me down I had to pay for each individual's air plane tickets, room and board and all expenses. If Finder's Keepers are wrong they may have to foot the entire bill?

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So far I've counted five different TN threads (2 started by the same member) about this yarn:

I'm with franklin on this one. The story just doesn't make sense. And nobody has produced any of the obvious documentation supporting it. Where the gold is today is a secret. When, where, how and why it was lost should be well known, documented in detail. Even if it did happen one hundred and fifty years ago.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

It’s the Natzi Gold train....

Sorry I couldn’t resist either... LOL

Funny Little Squiggles in a drill Hole.

View attachment 1564283

Maybe a Bar to the Upper Left Barely Visible
Maybe Drill Shavings Bottom Center.

Maybe nothing.

But My Understanding he Didn't drill the Hole to throw that down there.

No TV Producer is Hounding Him to have a Season 6 or Season 7 .

If you don't even care, Your Not a "Treasure Hunter"

Why did he pull the camera out immediately after teasing with gold? Looks like the drilling stopped exactly where the gold was. Where does the backfill go I wonder....I’m very suspicious of this, and it was posted on YouTube?

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