Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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So far I've counted five different TN threads (2 started by the same member) about this yarn:

I'm with franklin on this one. The story just doesn't make sense. And nobody has produced any of the obvious documentation supporting it. Where the gold is today is a secret. When, where, how and why it was lost should be well known, documented in detail. Even if it did happen one hundred and fifty years ago.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

Every shipment of gold missing is the responsibility of the Paymasters. They kept accurate records. A train burned from Danville going North to Staunton, Virginia, the city lost all of it's $300,000 odd dollars in the fire but the Confederate Paymaster threw or pushed his money off the train and saved his money he was in charge of. And it would have been noted in the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion.

Where is the evidence a US Army payroll was lost in the first place?...

The evidence is the "legend". And is further collaborated by anyone who now comes within 50 yards of the place and gives you a suspicious glance. And says "no you can't dig". *Obviously* they are up to no good.

Is it ok to dig on State land there? I’m assume so since an opportunity to secure a bond was granted.

Is it ok to dig on State land there? I’m assume so since an opportunity to secure a bond was granted.

Look at all the different threads. It appears to me the state turned these people down quite some time ago.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

Bumbalawski, I see these assertions of treasure in your post :

.... There is a skeleton and artifacts still in it and gold and silver bars. ....

.... .... DCNR knows about the gold .....

Yet I've looked long and hard at the rest of the post, and fail to see where this is shown. It's an assertion , yes. But , reading the rest of your post carefully, I see that it's just that: An assertion . Ie.: How do you know ? Because merely saying so, does not make-it-so. But we're certainly open to evidence.

.... I do not know why the screenshots do not work but anyway it is a post by Dennis about his best equipment for treasure hunting is dowsing.....

Well if THIS was his method of certainty that a treasure is there, ... what further doubt can we have now ? Grab your shovels and let's go !

So is there anything to back up this story of the lost gold? The Post-Gazette asked Dr. Allen C. Guelzo, of Gettysburg College’s Civil War Era Studies Program. Guelzo indicated no documentation supports the legend. Indeed, there’s no record for a Lt. Castleton who is cited as the leader of the escorting cavalry detachment. “There’s no documentation, description, letter, official report, no paper trail.”

In the first place, what was a ton and a half of gold bars doing in Wheeling in 1863? And why only an eight man escort? Heck, General Meade’s nightshirt had more escorting troopers. And as Dr. Guelzo pointed out, where’s the paperwork? Service records? Anything?

Heck if we know who the third man from the right was at Pickett’s Charge, then we should at least have a receipt for a ton and a half of gold….

.... Maybe nothing....

Agreed. And ... why does this video remind me of Oak Island and Yamashita treasure hunts ? So too is there people drilling holes, dropping cameras, and ...... every shiny glint, every fuzzy image, and/or every hard surface they hit , is ..... the treasure that is now imminent.

.....also to clear things up I think the news caster got it was fifty bars of gold weighing 50 lbs each.

Ahhh , now it's 2500 lbs of gold . And you know what that means don't you ? : a) The bigger the treasure, the more certain it is there. And b) The bigger the treasure, then the deeper, of necessity, it must be.

Makes perfect sense now.

... Not sure why anybody would spend time trying to dismiss this, when you can just wait and see.

For the same reason one would wonder why anyone would bolster the story , if you could just "wait and see".

Ahhh , now it's 2500 lbs of gold . And you know what that means don't you ? : a) The bigger the treasure, the more certain it is there. And b) The bigger the treasure, then the deeper, of necessity, it must be.

Makes perfect sense now.
I don't care what it just hoping they find something to back the'd be nice to know some stories and legends have some truth behind them.....also on "where's the proof for this or that ..." the government motto even back then with the General public is "you are on a need to know basis and you (us) don't need to know...."

Look at all the different threads. It appears to me the state turned these people down quite some time ago....

Yes, I recall this story circulating years ago. So the dudes went and made a stink, called the media and found a few to give them some press. And ... after enough circus, is anyone surprised if some activity is going on there now ?

As I said: I could single-handedly get the same reactions at any state park here in CA. Dig a bunch of holes around a sensitive ruins/monument. Get kicked off. Make a stink and alert the press. Take legal measures, etc... So the govt. ramps up security. Ok, so what ?

And notice none of the resulting bruhaha I could create doing the same things these dudes did, would, of necessity, mean "treasure".

....also on "where's the proof for this or that ..." the government motto even back then with the General public is "you are on a need to know basis and you (us) don't need to know...."

Perhaps. But notice that this motto does nothing to prove any particular legend is true either. Ie.: "Silence" does not prove anything. Unless someone is very bent on conspiracy theories, where ....... someone else's denial or silence , is ALL THE MORE PROOF of the certainty. The truth of the motto does nothing to verify or un-verify the story.

I hear ya....although i was always sceptical about the story im just hoping this one has some truth....make me feel better that the days....weeks... i spent in those fields and mountains over the past 5 years were not spent in vane....looking for this legend.

Kick the FBI out of the location, and let us treasure hunters find the gold.

there is Obviously much more to the Story,
That they have been told to keep under wraps at least for the Moment.

Perhaps out of Fear of The News getting too Involved,
and them needing to Hire an outside Security Firm to watch the site.

Right now they can still count on the Majority to Laugh it Off.

the FBI Making an Admission, of what they Know or even Think ,
Could hit Fox & World News If True.

Then you got everyone Publicly taking Sides. and Posturing.
including 3000+ Lawyers .

especially with a possible body of a Civil War soldier on Site.

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If they find it I think they may need to change their name from finders keepers to finder givers since the FBI is already there. HH

Something is there, or took place there,or or this would not be taking place in a state forest, a wma at that.

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