Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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Hay , You are good at what you do, Not sure what that is yet but keep up the good work. I know were you are going with this and you are WAY OFF but hay you know more than I do, RIGHT :dontknow:

Pot calling the kettle black here FK?

I'd say your being a tad sarcastic towards GoDeep in implying that about him. I know in real life if one was to say that to another it would be cause other than a thank you and a handshake.

I'm not talking about the other known legit members, we're talking about one member in particular who recently signed up and immediately started posting in this thread and this thread only. He even claims to have talked to the excavator operator with the FBI present. Further, he claims he saw the FBI loading "boxes".

It is clear he wants us to believe he was present at the dig and all of his posts have been pushing sensationalism with unsubstantiated claims, they weren't the posts you'd see from a casual observer driving by with no vested interested in the outcome or perception of an outcome.

Question, were you present when the FBI was digging?


I spoke with the FBI on the road, and and I'm not ready yet to publish what was said. The feds have been looking in the Dents area for a long time dating back to Ulysses S. Grant visiting Dents Run in late 1860's to fish...but I think we now know what he really was fishing for now don't we?

View attachment 1581794View attachment 1581795

I spoke with the FBI on the road, and and I'm not ready yet to publish what was said. The feds have been looking in the Dents area for a long time dating back to Ulysses S. Grant visiting Dents Run in late 1860's to fish...but I think we now know what he really was fishing for now don't we?

You have certainly piqued my interest Timbersnort! According to FindersKeepers, he doesn't even know who you are, that you were just some casual observer driving by, but now you are talking about how you cant publish what was said (as though you have secrets that were confided in you, a random passerby, by the Backhoe operator and the FBI). Damn son, you must take me for Forest Gump:-) A casual, non vested, passerby would have no problem sharing what was said! Now you are even quoting the musings of Ulysses S Grant back in 1860, very cheeky of you!

It is against forum Policy to accuse anyone of dishonesty, so I will respectfully refrain. However, I will state with clear conviction and no-uncertainty, you were no random curious passerby and you clearly have a very vested interest in defending and promoting the Legend of the Payroll Gold and I wish that the Finderskeeper crew were more forthcoming and transparent!

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You have certainly piqued my interest Timbersnort! According to FindersKeepers, he doesn't even know who you are, that you were just some casual observer driving by, but now you are talking about how you cant publish what was said (as though you have secrets that were confided in you, a random passerby, by the Backhoe operator and the FBI). Damn son, you must take me for Forest Gump:-) A casual, non vested, passerby would have no problem sharing what was said! Now you are even quoting the musings of Ulysses S Grant back in 1860, very cheeky of you!

I did say I would not answer any more of your questions BUT until you start nit picking I will try again. In the post above I said I did not know Timbersnort or any other member that posted about what they saw at Dents Run but now I KNOW THEM. Because of what each posted I had to talk to them. I did give Timbersnort some info and we talked but he agreed to stay quiet with info for now. He is not part of our crew or this dig. Now Timbersnort you see what I go through with some members here. OK GoDeep lets get back to the pictures , please stay on one subject until we finish. Above you stated
The Museum said they were World War I artifacts? Because in their letter, they make no such claim, they date some of the artifacts to 1880 in point of fact. See attachments:
Lets look at them again :notworthy: I am glad you brought this up.

Now look at what the state said at #8 on the list, its WW1 or more recent. Then I had it checked out by a expert and its from the civil war time to 1870's. The bullets are civil war and there were a lot more at the site were they fired them at bottles. Now my point is who is right , do you think its from WW1 and more recent or closer to the civil war time period.Scan_20180423 (7).webpScan_20180423 (8).webpScan_20180423 (5).webp

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I talked to the FBI and they said those were empty donut boxes

Finders Keepers, you must have missed my question.

Were you at the FBI digging pictured above?

Pot calling the kettle black here FK?

I'd say your being a tad sarcastic towards GoDeep in implying that about him. I know in real life if one was to say that to another it would be cause other than a thank you and a handshake.
You wouldn't say that if you were at this end trying to keep up with his questions that are so far off target.

Im really confused as to your claim, the attachments confirm what I was saying, the majority of the items found were determined not to be from the mid 19th Century. I previously stated that you no doubt have some mid 19th century artifacts. PA was settled in the 1600's and has been occupied continuously since. Artifacts of this nature can be found all over the Eastern US. From a fact based view, these artifacts confirm only one thing, humans were present in the area, which we knew. A civil war bullet does not even mean any troops were there, (a 1000 of them in the area, yes, but a few random, no). Civil war era firearms were used by hunters long after the war was over. Civil war clothing was worn, lost and discarded long after the war too. Just like modern times, people continued to wear and use items from the Army long after the war is over. I still have several pairs of BDU's, my class A's, various ribbons, medals, boots belts, hats, Gear webbing , canteens etc. that I still use from time to time!

Scan_20180423 (9).webpScan_20180423 (4).webpScan_20180423.webp There are two bullets ( one piece of bullet ) in photo. It looks like it hit a big stone as the rest of them did. The bullets are dated from the civil war , its the shell and other things we have a problem with . NOT WW1 . There was no trail or road in this site back then. Snooks Trail was 150' below this site.


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Interesting and this is a bit of sarcasm, so don't take offense, but you're posting up finds all md'ers find day in and day out, but what I don't see is any pictures of the Lost Payroll Gold which is the very reason for this approaching 100 page thread!

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You wouldn't say that if you were at this end trying to keep up with his questions that are so far off target.

Hold it, a bit of perspective here. In all due respect, YOU are the one who has come out and claimed to the respected members of this community and to the whole world, that YOU HAVE FOUND one of the Greatest Treasure Legends of our time.

One can not claim to have found one of the greatest Treasure Legends of the Civil war and not expect Treasure Hunters the world over to critically think and question the veracity of your claims. We are not the bad guys. By making the claim, FindersKeepers, that you found the Treasure, the burden of proof is upon you and it is our prerogative, for the credibility of the Treasure Hunting community, to hold you accountable. These are the questions I've asked, to which you have refused to answer, very simple, very pertinent, yet you dismiss them as "so far off".

If you can't answer simple questions with honest, concise, straightforward answers, we have no choice but to question the veracity and credibility of your claims:

1. Were you present at the FBI dig?
2. What do you define as "Hitting Gold" (in response to your claim of "hitting gold" when probing the ground)
3. What do you define as "Found" (in Response to your claim of "finding" the Lost Payroll Gold)

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Im really confused as to your claim, the attachments confirm what I was saying, the majority of the items found were determined not to be from the mid 19th Century. I previously stated that you no doubt have some mid 19th century artifacts. PA was settled in the 1600's and has been occupied continuously since. Artifacts of this nature can be found all over the Eastern US. From a fact based view, these artifacts confirm only one thing, humans were present in the area, which we knew. A civil war bullet does not even mean any troops were there, (a 1000 of them in the area, yes, but a few random, no). Civil war era firearms were used by hunters long after the war was over. Civil war clothing was worn, lost and discarded long after the war too. Just like modern times, people continued to wear and use items from the Army long after the war is over. I still have several pairs of BDU's, my class A's, various ribbons, medals, boots belts, hats, Gear webbing , canteens etc. that I still use from time to time!

Hitting gold, Found, was I on site:BangHead: If you ask a good question I will answer it.
Lets get back to your question , or I will stop answering them. Did you see #8 and what it said and do you agree with it. WW1 or newer ( the shell ) do you think its newer. I posted what Hublers Gun shop reported and they say its not close to WW1. So who is telling the truth.

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NO Lets get back to your question , or I will stop answering them. Did you see #8 and what it said and do you agree with it. WW1 or newer ( the shell ) do you think its newer. I posted what Hublers Gun shop reported and they say its not close to WW1. So who is telling the truth. I know bottles and these look around the 1860's to 1870's .

I already answered that some are no doubt mid 19th century. I'm sorry, in all due respect, this is not healthy and I realize i'm now being drawn into these sidetrack rabbit holes myself.

I can wholeheartedly appreciate your passion for this and how you've no doubt devoted a lifetime to perusing your passion, but the facts are not lining up with the claims, and the unwillingness to answer straightforward simple questions makes me doubt your credibility and that is truly sad because we all are very passionate about this sport. I'm going to withdraw from this thread for now. You said theres a big reveal coming soon (as in May as I recall) but that too doesn't line up with the facts. You just posted the other day, you have no Gold in your possession, have never had said gold dug up and in your possession and that you thought someone, presumably the FBI, came in and dug it while you were not there. You also stated you have no lawsuits pending so your revelation coming in May, will not be the revealing of any Lost Payroll Gold. I'm heading out to a bit o' metal detecting now. Peace.

Finders Keepers, you must have missed my question.

Were you at the FBI digging pictured above?
I was on channel 6 news so what do you think :BangHead:

When some members ask questions I try to answer them if they are good questions, but to ask them faster than I can answer them and not answer my questions back is why I stop posting to some members. #8 on the list states the shell is from WW1 or more newer, then I show what a expert said. I did posted some good info but got no answer back from GoDeep. Did the museum mess up on the report, YES. is everything from the date of the civil war NO, BUT its not all from the 1880's and newer. The bullets are civil war period. None of this proves treasure but it does tell someone was here around that time period and that's why we stayed and kept working.

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"Keep the discussion civil, respectful and on topic.

Posts should be suitable for all ages, on topic, concise, and courteous.

If you disagree with another member's post, make your comments in a polite and respectful manner.

Don't attack, provoke, insult, or deliberately offend anyone.

All members are equal, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, education, or experience. Never take a superior tone with, or "talk down" to, anyone."

You have certainly piqued my interest Timbersnort! According to FindersKeepers, he doesn't even know who you are, that you were just some casual observer driving by, but now you are talking about how you cant publish what was said (as though you have secrets that were confided in you, a random passerby, by the Backhoe operator and the FBI). Damn son, you must take me for Forest Gump:-) A casual, non vested, passerby would have no problem sharing what was said! Now you are even quoting the musings of Ulysses S Grant back in 1860, very cheeky of you!

It is against forum Policy to accuse anyone of dishonesty, so I will respectfully refrain. However, I will state with clear conviction and no-uncertainty, you were no random curious passerby and you clearly have a very vested interest in defending and promoting the Legend of the Payroll Gold and I wish that the Finderskeeper crew were more forthcoming and transparent!

Grant met Simon Cameron (next to Elk Cty, Cameron Cty named for him)at Dents Run for "fishing" in 1869, Simon was Secretary of War for Lincoln and would have had the details on the Union gold shipment, and would have been directing the Pinkerton boots on the ground searchers. We now know what they were really meeting and fishing for don't we?

As I understand it from other members, the federal government owns all Union gold and treasures. That is why the state call in the FBI. If gold was recovered, the FBI took it all and turn it in to the federal government. Finders Keepers stated that he had no contracts with the FBI, federal government and or the state government. Not a good thing. All full and part time treasure hunters have written contracts with the lands owners and others involve. With no contracts, we get screw like Finders Keepers got screwed. I do not know if any gold was found, the federal government got it all. I do believe that the FBI stated that no gold was found, and we know that the FBI never lie. Keep tune. I do enjoy GoDeep great interesting comments. Keep them coming.

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Gentlemen, I agree with Treasure Hunter, obey the Golden Rule. Treat members like you want them treat you.

As I understand it from other members, the federal government owns all Union gold and treasures. That is why the state call in the FBI. If gold was recovered, the FBI took it all and turn it in to the federal government. Finders Keepers stated that he had no contracts with the FBI, federal government and or the state government. Not a good thing. All full and part time treasure hunters have written contracts with the lands owners and others involve. With no contracts, we get screw like Finders Keepers got screwed. I do not know if any gold was found, the federal government got it all. I do believe that the FBI stated that no gold was found, and we know that the FBI never lie. Keep tune. I do enjoy GoDeep great interesting comments. Keep them coming.

The state called in the FBI :laughing7: we were working with the FBI 2 months before they showed up on March 12.

Then I had it checked out by a expert and its from the civil war time to 1870's.

Can you post the documentation that this expert gave you after he identified this bullett as Civil War.

In a previous thread you said you took it to Grice Gun Shop and the guy working the counter(who's name you don't remember) said it was Civil War.

Edit coming up with exact link as soon as I find it.....

It is in this mess of posts.......the expert who identified this as a Civil War artifact was Gil from Grice Gun shop.

Also if anyone does click on that link take notice how many times FK said he was done answering questions there also.....a news conference usually involves a lot of questions.I really have trouble trying to envision how this news conference on CNN FK has talked about is going to go down.

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