You have certainly piqued my interest Timbersnort! According to FindersKeepers, he doesn't even know who you are, that you were just some casual observer driving by, but now you are talking about how you cant publish what was said (as though you have secrets that were confided in you, a random passerby, by the Backhoe operator and the FBI). Damn son, you must take me for Forest Gump:-) A casual, non vested, passerby would have no problem sharing what was said! Now you are even quoting the musings of Ulysses S Grant back in 1860, very cheeky of you!
I did say I would not answer any more of your questions BUT until you start nit picking I will try again. In the post above I said I did not know Timbersnort or any other member that posted about what they saw at Dents Run but now I KNOW THEM. Because of what each posted I had to talk to them. I did give Timbersnort some info and we talked but he agreed to stay quiet with info for now. He is not part of our crew or this dig. Now Timbersnort you see what I go through with some members here. OK GoDeep lets get back to the pictures , please stay on one subject until we finish. Above you stated
The Museum said they were World War I artifacts? Because in their letter, they make no such claim, they date some of the artifacts to 1880 in point of fact. See attachments:
Lets look at them again

I am glad you brought this up.