15 years in LE and 6 in the Military(389th Eng Bt), makes when fact based. I stick to the facts, not bias confirmation, not speculation, not conjecture, not even a whole lot of wishful thinking (though at times, at a new site, its hard to temper the wishful thinking...lol). Bias confirmation is dangerous, it leads one to conclusions that don't exist. For example, seeing a Marine Corp Military Transport plane flying over, and then declaring, without facts, a narrative that fits one's view. Declaring FBI on board (unknown), declaring it was searching for treasure(unknown), declaring it was scanning the ground with some sort of high tech ground penetrating treasure seeking radar (unknown).
The only facts known was that it was a Boeing V22 Osprey Marine Corp Military Transport Plane that was flying low over the terrain. That is all that is know, period. You want facts, Go the nearest airport and through the freedom of information act, obtain flight records for that day. This will list the aircraft type, flight route, flight times, flight altitudes, number of souls on board, fuel level, pilot, proposed route etc. Then request flight logs for weeks before and after to see if there is pattern or if they are flying over different areas too which may indicate training missions. That is a start, and even then, doesn't get you to the conclusion that it was scanning the ground from treasure, that will require even more inquiry with different agencies.