Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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DCNR has a lot of our equipment they took from our site over the years and will not return it until the investigation is done, So I hope it ends soon and they return everything they took. :occasion14:

10% to 100% It depends on what kind of gold ( Spanish, Confederate, Union , Indian ) , the story behind it ( owners ) and was a claim for it missing filed. Then in Federal court if we show hardship from someone in the Gov. it will help us to. This lost gold story is a one of a kind find that has everyone thinking who and what.
Since you know that it was a payroll gold, then you know what type of gold it is. You never answer the question. In your contract with the FBI and the state. What percentage was stated in your contract with them?

Since you know that it was a payroll gold, then you know what type of gold it is. You never answer the question. In your contract with the FBI and the state. What percentage was stated in your contract with them?

No contract with them, I just posted we never signed any paperwork with DCNR in 12 yrs. I will not talk about what was said by the FBI yet. Hay I believe its 52 bars of gold and 7 1/2 tons of silver in bars from the Parker/Blackbeard hunt. I had a bigger area in the cave with silver readings 12' long x 6' wide . I do not know why else it would be there . Maybe someone removed it from another site and put it there. I have many questions to that need to be answered :icon_scratch:. It has to be bars because some equipment we used will not pick up coins or objects smaller than 2lbs at 10'. Ground Radar picked this up and at 8' to10' down , it has to be bigger than 8" in size.
When using Radar you need to know the amount of clay down under and its grade, that will change readings. Our GPL picked it up and it will only pick up metal objects 2lb or bigger.
We have been back to the site since the FBI left and checked it out with our equipment. There is nothing there now :dontknow:

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:BangHead: I am done with your questions to :notworthy: Have a GREAT DAY

I have been nothing but respectful. I ask the hard questions, as they need to be asked. It's not a trick question. Personally, I thought I hit "Gold" when I found my wife. So you can see that an individuals definition is very paramount. So i'd respectfully ask again, when you say you hit "Gold", how do you define "hitting gold"? Note, I don't care about the gov't, permits, bonds, that's all irrelevant. Lets talk Treasure!!!

If the FBI recovered the gold, they did not tell Finders Keepers nor does Finders Keepers will get anything, no gold, no money.

:BangHead: I am done with your questions to :notworthy: Have a GREAT DAY

I apologize for asking tough questions that cause you to contradict yourself only a couple posts apart.

Is this what you are going to tell Anderson Cooper or Jake Tapper when you get that CNN airtime you posted about earlier.I guarentee those guys or whoever interviews you are going to do their homework.Erin Burnett asks tough questions also.Have you ever watched them interview someone or do you think you are going to go on CNN and just talk until they take a commercial break.

Anyhow Act 1 of your usual script complete.Act 2 saying you have signed with a film crew and they won't let you talk......coming soon.May 15th is getting close.

No contract with them, I just posted we never signed any paperwork with DCNR in 12 yrs. I will not talk about what was said by the FBI yet. Hay I believe its 52 bars of gold and 7 1/2 tons of silver in bars from the Parker/Blackbeard hunt. I had a bigger area in the cave with silver readings 12' long x 6' wide . I do not know why else it would be there . Maybe someone removed it from another site and put it there. I have many questions to that need to be answered :icon_scratch:. It has to be bars because some equipment we used will not pick up coins or objects smaller than 2lbs at 10'. Ground Radar picked this up and at 8' to10' down , it has to be bigger than 8" in size.
When using Radar you need to know the amount of clay down under and its grade, that will change readings. Our GPL picked it up and it will only pick up metal objects 2lb or bigger.
We have been back to the site since the FBI left and checked it out with our equipment. There is nothing there now :dontknow:

The first sentence in this post made me cringe. I hope you get your share, whatever it is. But that would take a miracle at this point. Not saying ALL hope is lost but you took a government agencies word for it that you would actually be getting anything out of this. You should have maneuvered everyone in to signing a contract man... But hopefully I'm wrong. Good luck

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I total agree with # 891. All of us except Finders Keepers crew, have contracts with land owners and others involve including expenses and what percentage of the founds that we are entitle to. They are total screwed for not having contracts with the state and federal government. Put all contracts in writing. I do not believe the truth will come out on May 15. If gold was recovered, it was by the FBI who turn it over to the federal government. No Contract, No gold.

I never claimed to have taken the picture...clearly a stock photo to illustrate what military plane flew down West Hicks Run to Hicks Run to Bennett Branch. Scouring the ridge between there and Dents Run. This would be the golden ridge.

I will say, this thread is interesting! One can easily go down the rabbit holes of debating bonds, contracts, lawyers and a bunch of other peripheral issues that really distract from the one and only burning question: Was the alleged Payroll Gold Found?!

In looking closely at the posts(feel free to correct me if I'm wrong FindersKeepers), there are a few takeaways:

What has not been claimed:

1. He has not claimed to have dug up(as in physically removed from the ground) the alleged payroll Gold/Silver.
2. He has not claimed to have had, in his physical possession, even temporarily, said payroll Gold/Silver.

What has been claimed:

1. That Gold was "hit" underground. (I asked for his definition of "Hit" but was rebuffed)
2. That there were silver "readings" in the ground via Radar/GPL
3. That another entity has now removed the alleged payroll gold/silver.

In short, the Legend lives on....

I never claimed to have taken the picture...clearly a stock photo to illustrate what military plane flew down West Hicks Run to Hicks Run to Bennett Branch. Scouring the ridge between there and Dents Run. This would be the golden ridge.

This afternoon the FBI was fying over Hicks Run area low above tree line, Feds continuing search with hi-tech equipment.

Respectfully, while it is true that you did not specifically claim to have taken the picture, it was implied. More importantly though, claims were made in the post that could not have been verified by someone fishing on the ground:

1. It was claimed that the "FBI" was flying over. There is no way to ascertain that the FBI was in the plane. It could have just as likely been the Marines on a training mission or most likely Pilots logging their required annual seat time.
2. It was claimed that the feds were searching from the air with "High Tech equipment". Again, a ground observer would not have been able to determine that they was any "high tech" scanning going on.

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Respectfully, while it is true that you did not specifically claim to have taken the picture, it was implied. More importantly though, claims were made in the post that could not have been verified by someone fishing on the ground:

1. It was claimed that the "FBI" was flying over. There is no way to ascertain that the FBI was in the plane. It could have just as likely been the Marines on a training mission or most likely Pilots logging their required annual seat time.
2. It was claimed that the feds were searching from the air with "High Tech equipment". Again, a ground observer would not have been able to determine that they was any "high tech" scanning going on.

It is clear the FBI and military have been in the area looking for their as in Union gold over the recent months. High tech military planes don't conduct maneuvers below the ridgelines in this area.

10% to 100% It depends on what kind of gold ( Spanish, Confederate, Union , Indian ) , the story behind it ( owners ) and was a claim for it missing filed. Then in Federal court if we show hardship from someone in the Gov. it will help us to. This lost gold story is a one of a kind find that has everyone thinking who and what.
Do you not know the story? It was Union gold. So, What was your percentage of the Union gold that may had been found?

Do you not know the story? It was Union gold. So, What was your percentage of the Union gold that may had been found?
Only a Federal Court can answer that question, You should know that. If that was a FBI plane over Dents Run I know what they are looking for and it would not surprise me at all. I told them about something in the area but would not give them the location. I know what tool they are using and its good. Lets see how good. If they don't find it then they will try to get me in the area again :BangHead:. This should be good. Every day it gets better.

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Only a Federal Court can answer that question, You should know that. If that was a FBI plane over Dents Run I know what they are looking for and it would not surprise me at all. I told them about something in the area but would not give them the location. I know what tool they are using and its good. Lets see how good. If they don't find it then they will try to get me in the area again :BangHead:. This should be good. Every day it gets better.

Respectfully, The Osprey's Primary Mission is as a Troop Transport/Cargo transport plane designed for short take offs and landings to rapidly insert combat troops and supplies into battle. It is not an FBI treasure hunting platform. I flew in one when I was stationed at Fort Jackson, SC.

I will say, this thread is interesting! One can easily go down the rabbit holes of debating bonds, contracts, lawyers and a bunch of other peripheral issues that really distract from the one and only burning question: Was the alleged Payroll Gold Found?!

In looking closely at the posts(feel free to correct me if I'm wrong FindersKeepers), there are a few takeaways:

What has not been claimed:

1. He has not claimed to have dug up(as in physically removed from the ground) the alleged payroll Gold/Silver.
2. He has not claimed to have had, in his physical possession, even temporarily, said payroll Gold/Silver.

What has been claimed:

1. That Gold was "hit" underground. (I asked for his definition of "Hit" but was rebuffed)
2. That there were silver "readings" in the ground via Radar/GPL
3. That another entity has now removed the alleged payroll gold/silver.

In short, the Legend lives on....

It's simple -KEEP IT IN THE GREY AREA- That way there's always a way out, a reason, because it was grey blanket statements and beliefs given.

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