Albert Pike --- I have been reading his works on and off for some time. As of recent, I made a map based off of someone's information concerning the area of the Permian Basin. In some of Pike's exploration, he did go into the Permian Basin and the LLano Estacado. And, some time back, I made a map of all the KGC temples in Texas -during which time, I had read that during the later years of his life, he was going around the country doing certain things. I guess I am still of the theory that I think this man actually hid things (whether caches's or not) around the country. Mr. Pike was very wise indeed. So, if the Native Ameridians, the Spanish, and the Jesuits were smart enough to hide things in those places of others before them, by what chance do you think Mr. Pike had done the same.
I think he did. I actually think he has hidden things, not just one place, but many places. And, I do not think all of it has to do with the KGC persay, as I believe it falls more on the Masonic side of things.
Odd as it is to have a realization like this, but, the information just fell into place. How ironic. Oh, and the map I made ---yes, something is there, and even pictures -the right ones- *show glints of yellow reflection*. I'll be dog. Who'da known you could find something without even realizing you are looking at it.