The more I have been studying sign and symbol interpretation, I still notice how the "Age of Kenworthy" influence modern hunters. I apply the A.O.K. liberally to include KGC, Masonic, and Eastern related lore. Studying the history, it seems 1900's up to Kenworthy (including a handful of lesser known authors) that there was a great number of what I will say are contaminating elements:
Example: A depression hits, stories evolve, Economic hard times hit, stories evolve (the middle east is a prime example of looting run rampant due to a bad economy), individuals writing books on subjects with no actual experience (Kenworthy included; just because he paid for information does in no way imply he had expertise -almost anyone can follow a T.M.) Many Thunters in this era almost speak and function in a "text book" fashion. You can almost tell where a "line or interpretation" came from by reading their posts on related threads.
Never add to or embellish or add to what you are searching for. Some people over-lap KGC, with Mason (although one derives from the other with modification), or over-lap Spanish and Franciscan, or even Spanish with Mexican (believe me, it runs rampant). Simply because two or multiple sets of signs seem related does not mean the personal interpretation of a "user" is related to other systems (a logical fallacy).
The way some people idolize the jesuit could almost make you believe they were "super-human", crafting "Tomb-Raider" or "Indian Jones" quality sites, and only "The enlightened few will be chosen to break the code (so Davinci) and find the lost wealth of the ages."
You would almost think they were Leonardo's, and Michaelangelo's, and Mathematical and Geometrical, and Astronomically gifted with the "minds of God's". I say, "B.S."
In this AOK, I also noted at least since the 50's which I will call "the redundancy of found sites". Ok, there are unlimited numbers of people finding the same sites and symbols over and over again. Many will claim an original find, but if you buckle down and research the history (provided any exists other than what has been fabricated, for let's say, "A book or site thrown together to help treasure hunters, when really it is just a clever expression of self-amusement and monetary gain".)
If it really were as easy as interpreting "signs", then many would be rich by now. And, if there were any "experts", they would be the richest amongst us and not tied down to an internet thread. Word to the Wise. In addition, I believe that the actual "pools of treasure" (aside from ship-wrecks and mining areas) are not in the numbers that some fanatically report.
Some of the seniors who were here on TNET before the un-needed site modifications will tell you. "What is in the book, is not what is on the ground -and if your boots are not on the ground, well."
A majority of the interpretations are based on transference of an idea/interpretation of one book or thread to another book or thread. Now, there are actual people with boots on the ground, but it is my personal opinion that all sites will be different, regardless of similarities of signs. (A different person(s) set up a site, so differences are to be expected.)
At best, my experience leads me away from the "text-play" and even to disregard some signs -unless they are obviously danger or death signs. Understanding weights, levels, chemicals, and physics are the real tools you need to understand what "a death trap is". At best, a book or thread, or article can do for you is to get you "acclimated" to the psychology of treasure hunting -per say.
As some noted hunters have said "You can get lost in pareidolia." I believe you can almost get lost in "sign" interpretation.