Charliejr Signs and Adventures.

In that same area, up to about 100 mi radius, I followed the map around, and there are other places. No guess works on the symbols, and if you look hard enough, you might luck out, find a lightning bolt in the side of a mountain, a carriage -you can see the wheels- a dog rock map, and I think a ship, but I did'nt mark it because I thought I could remember where it was. Oh well.

Looks like administration is going to give me the boot for making a comment about Rangler. Sorry folks, looks like I'll die here because someone wants to put me under the boot. Yes, admin, I understand the rules, and I am and have been complying. Do you treat everyone this way? Geez, no wonder the vets left. Hell, I didn't get treated this bad in the service. Well, Rangler, looks like someone is protecting you son.

Anyway, if they don't boot me, I will try and post some pictures, trails, and lats n longs.

@ 32 15 48.93, 113 52 05.17 there are some strange things, and a few areas covered up, like you weren't supposed to see em.

A Tnet member , Usernotfound once posted some info, I followed it, found a cross (no way to miss it), a poodle head, and some other stuff. Here are the coords, I have a picture and map, but anyway, you start @ 31 53 47.58 , 104 53 34 87.

You say, well how do I figure this out. Well, from the three rocks, you make a cross, you follow the lines of the cross. If you follow the lines correctly, you will find the cross, the poodle, the serpent (or dragon whatever), and the rest. If you have good pictures, look for what sparkles. End of story.

Aww to hell with it. I'm too old for this. Anyway, I'm going to turn all my information over to a family member. He is younger and more able to handle this stuff. Heck, he taught me the computer stuff. He wanted to turn it into a book anyway. I am officially retiring and leaving all my information to him. I don't blame him for not wanting to join Tnet anyway. Well, it has been good hunting folks. I gave my word not to delete this thread, and I will be good to my word. Maybe my nephew will be able to handle the ropes. He's smarter than I am anyway. Good luck, I'm signing off.

On dign4it, I searched for this man, and after reading some of his prose, his mannerisms in writing seems very much like Rangler. I almost could not tell the difference between the two. He is alive and well, like Rangler, under multiple names, posting away about treasure.

Captain Kidd's Forum - A Forum

Here is one link to get you started. Basicly you Enter: dign4it into Google, and behold, all the wisdom Rangler talks about, strait from the words of the man himself.

Enjoy peers, spread this about, and Remember, Charliejr always had the truth, giving to you first and foremost.

I do apologize if I do not have the names of the inner circle of web site hosts who are pilfering everything you find and making it their own. That much I can tell you is true.

(One of their own is mad, and passing out information left and right about what web sites and hosts are selling us- the real treasure hunters out.) If I get the exact list, I will post it here.

What I also thought was odd was the manner of forceful knowledge, and how they both seemed to get called out for bogus information, and got extremely upset. Dign4it even calling the authorities on people. I am amazed.

I'm starting to wonder if this person has like a tripple split personality dis-order with so many online profiles.

See, if you take this link and read this stuff by dign4it, and then read Rangle's stuff, you will see what I mean:

Looks like I was right: << this links talks about dign4its 5 other names. Good lord.

The more I read it, it seems they are almost 5 in the same person. Al-bee jezuz, wow, what I think we have here is sum1 spinnin a tale across the internet in order to make a freakish legend of themselves at others expense. Wow, these folks are mad.

Anyway, said I wouldn't be back, but stumbled on the info and though yall could use it.


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OMG, I found a smoking gun. Practically the way they talk about parks, the BLM, and all of that is 'exactly the same'. Wow, I completely figured it out. They are the same exact person!

Ancient Lost Treasures • View topic - Worth a thousand words... pictures of some faces and gigantic hearts.

Database of Arizona treasure maps thanks to dign4it.

I have to mention on the above maps that the terminology, symbols, and rock layouts are in the maps. Very good edumakation. And, well, what can I say, this boy has done his homework.

These maps give names, some dates, spanish symbols, symbols I have never seen, and stuff you just can't ignore.

Enjoy partners.

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Anyway, I'm putta pdf together, so, check back.

Some Spanish stuff from this link:
Treasure Numbers in Spanish Symbols Forum


The persons referred to in the preceding Sections must present a written
statement to the Deputation of Miners in that district, or in case there should
not be one in that district, to the nearest thereunto, specifying in it his name,
those of his associates (if he has any), the place of his birth, his place of
habitation, profession, and employment, together with the most particular and
distinguishing features of the tract, mountain, or vein of which he claims the
discovery : all which circumstances, as. well as the hour in which the discoverer
shall present himself, must be noted down in a register, kept by the
deputation and clerk (if they have one) ; and after this, the said written
statement, shall, for his due security, be restored to the discoverer, and notices
of its object and contents shall be affixed to the doors of the church,
the government-houses, and other public buildings of the town, for the sake
of general notoriety. And I ordain, that within the term of ninety days,
the discoverer shall cause to be made in the vein or veins so registered, a
pit of a yard and a half in diameter or breadth, and ten yards (yards') in
depth, and that immediately on the existence of the vein being ascertained,
one of the deputies in person shall visit it, accompanied by the clerk (if there
is one), or, if there be no clerk, by two assisting witnesses, and by the
Mining Professor (Perito Facultatiao) of that territory, in order to inspect
the course and direction of the vein, its size, its inclination on the horizon,
called its falling or declivity, its hardness or softness, the greater or less
firmness of its bed, and the principal marks and species of the mineral ; taking
exact account of all this, in order to add the same to the entry in the
register, together with the act of possession, which must immediately be given to the discoverer in my Royal name, measuring him his portion, and making
him enclose it by poles at the limits as hereafter declared ; after which an
authentic copy of the proceedings shall be delivered to him for the security
of his title.

This was the King's law. You like to quote it so much, you should know this. It required the paper work and it shows that every mine was worked by it's individual discoverer or owner and that the necessary paperwork had to be filed and a copy kept by the mine owner. A description of the mine and the area around it was all that was necessary for the king. It was also required that a map be made to the mine and kept in the archives.

That no one shall abandon the working of his mine without giving notice
to the respective Deputation, in order that an inspection may immediately be
had thereof by the Deputies, accompanied by the Clerk and Surveyors, who
must examine and measure the mine, particularizing all its circumstances,
and draw up a map describing its plan and outlines, which, together with all
the necessary information, must be preserved in the Archives, with liberty
of access to all persons who may wish to see it, or to take a copy thereof.

Paperwork, just like the government of today. It always has to be done. The individual mine owner could mark his trail any way he wanted to.

This part came from a user on that site named:Alechydell

The mine is to the east of the pass. Below the pass on the bank of the creek there are twelve arrastres and twelve patios. At the mine there is a tunnel 300 varas (835 feet) long that runs to the north. About 200 varas from the portal of this tunnel a crosscut is yellow and is one half-silver and one-fifth gold. Fifty varas from the mouth of the mine in a southerly direction will be found planchas de plata (slabs or balls of silver) weighing from 25 to 250 pounds each. In the rock above the tunnel is the name La Purisima Concepcion, cut with a chisel. The mouth of the tunnel is covered by a copper door and fastened with a large iron lock."

I am happy to say that I have found actual pictures going back as far as the 40's of Royal Spanish Trail Markers (Camino Real). That, and it has helped to read over the information assembled and translated by Dr. Herbert E. Bolton -although much of what I have read is dry, and long winded. Included in some of the information are lat and longs of missions including the ones debated about on Tnet as far as their locations are concerned.

Interesting to note is that he translated over a million plus pages. Some of these come from the town of Queretano at the College of the Holy Cross. In addition to this is the diary of Anza who it seems was a very honorable man aside from the way some of the Jesuit priests are stereotyped.

After the orders of Charles III, and some of the mining business, Germans had a school which some of the later emissaries attended. Although, after replacement of some Spanish by Franciscan priest, there is some ambiguities among hunters improperly classifying which groups of miners used what symbols, which as the documents state, that this stopped some time way after the turn of the 1700's. As those who are studied in the actual history of marking the 'home-ward bound trail' know.

The Favores Celestials by Eusebio Kino is a highly fascinating read if you can find a copy which speaks of the Italian Jesuit missionary among the Pimas of Sonora and Arizona 1689-1711.

In no certain words Dr. Bolton does speak indirectly of 'cross contamination' of symbols and trail markers as I had theorized earlier, although I had no secondary sources to validate my hypothesis. When it comes to the Jerolificos, Las jarras viejas, or la jarra (dart), I think there may me some overtly embellished ways that Thunters are using to 'divine trails'. Honestly, as the text states, without the signs which more or less are 'after the fact of the mine', if you understand how they were schooled in mining, then, you come to see how they viewed the land. Really, it isn't much of anything religious, much less conspiratory. Actually, it is rather blunt and strait forward.

I would upload the pictures - huge turtles the sized of 3 houses, owls from as far back as the 30's and 40's, 'ojo's' not neccesarily 'hoyo's' (lol) as some would say, and actual crosses and markers without all the esoterica - but, Tnet or my internet connection isn't allowing me to do so. Until then, this is my update.

I am finally proud to say that I have found conclusive evidence and proof 30-50 years before the Age of Kenworthy.

Oh, and I do have all the sources and all of that stuff to validate what I am saying.

What I have found strange is some recurring themes. One story of why Navajo and Indian -as in India- dwellings were so high. Elders who passed oral traditions, as in one article I found stated that they needed to be high enough to be protected from 'lizards'. In Mexico and South America, there are places the governments have closed off due to sculptures and figures being found of 'people riding, playing with, and teaching' what appear to be 'lizards'. Also, after some of the periods of great flooding -more than once-, was an additional problem on top of dealing with the lizards.

Aside from 7 foot tall, red-haired vikings being found, a tribe of Indians 'Seri's'(?) some 'ten foot tall', and the bodies of well preserved humanoids found in Yellow Stone(?), by archaeology experts.

Lastly, the Navajo's and other Native Ameridian tribes speaking of 'emerging from the earth' coinciding with Egyptian and other cultures -including South America, of having 'lived underground for great amounts of time'. These places are not limited, but also unofficially found in the American West, including the vast 'millions of square miles of cavern systems, reaching from the coast of California to the interior of the country -Also found to be repeated with similar history all around the world with various mantle and ocean touching areas.

It seems the more I dig, the more I read, at times, I really am not sure what to say.

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Welcome back. I still drop by from time to time to see if anything has been posted that is of interest to me. Your posts are interesting still.


Thanks oddrock. If I am lucky and my health provides, I might have some pictures by the end of the year of my own quest (keeps fingers crossed). I am glad that you think they are interesting. For the most part, aside from my exploring, I read the hell out of as much as I can. Good luck with your works and endeavors.

I believe the "lizards" the Indians were afraid of were dinosaurs. There were pottery and burial stones with highly detailed etchings of humans riding on the backs of Stegosaurus's in graves of inhabitants of the Nazca Plains area. The main stream scientists claim that they are drawings done from descriptions handed down verbally through the centuries. That explanation is absolute STUPID. First, the same scientists tell us that the dinosaurs died out 77 million years BEFORE humans developed. They won't say how the hell stories of the animals could have been told by humans who did not exist. LOL Now, the details of the etchings are so fine that the only way the artists could have knowledge of them was from actually SEEING a living example. The reason for the humans RIDING the Stegs is because the Stegs were domesticated for laboring in the fields and forests. As you know, the Cape Buffalo is one of the most dangerous animals in areas of Africa and the Southeast Asia areas of the world yet THEY have been domesticated for hundreds of years for pulling plows and snaking logs out of forests for lumber. Stegs were herbivores, which made them "safe" for use by humans since they wouldn't be trying to "snack" on their "owners".. LMAO

Anyway, there are areas of the world where dinos still live. There's a large swamp area on the Northwest coast of Austrailia where the Aborigines will NOT go because of the man-eating "thunder" animals living there.

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