Charliejr Signs and Adventures.

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Ok, I was over looking for Shambhala and found this building sittin off in a circle of mountains over by Ghangaria. Anyone have any idea what it is. I'm thinking an ancient temple. I don't think it Shambhala, but I gotta ways to go to search.
Unknown Building.webp

Ok folks, believe I found what it is.

Strange just sittin there like that. Pretty neat.

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Yep. I don't know how you did it, but your info was "spot on the money". Heck, I only went north and didn't search the other three. Your measurements lead directly to the location. Plus, the only other time I seen a cross in the canyon I found, was similar to Mike McChesney's area that they found.

P.S. Awesome cross by the way! Thank you so, so much for sharing.

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Charliejr yes cross was nice but i like this one better.DSC00769[1] (Medium).webp

Well I'll be. Looks like you've been busy (lol). Amazin.

Yes busy here a nice turtle, i have a hole lot's more but i stop useing your post up,turtle (Medium).webp

Hahahaha! Heck naw, have all the forum post you want! I am honored. Most folks don't share this much, and I think it is fantastic! Whatever you want to share, please, have at it. These are truly beautiful. You are welcome here!!!

Oh, and just to be clear, I was referring to usernotfound and Rangler (just to be clear). They are nice guys sometimes, but at others, boy they smack the farh outta me.

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Understood. Of many lessons learned, I have learned that I more often than not please few, if any. I don't know about that line either. That is why I guess I removed it. We must always be careful how we interpret text as it leaves much to be mentioned -i.e. body language, actual voice tone, etc. etc..

Thank you for thinking the posts are amazing, and it is not my intention to be over anyone's head. That may be an error on my part as I thought to be a "treasure hunter" required a rather high intelligence or that of well-groomed common knowledge.

As far as the avatar, even Carl Jung has stated in his writings that symbols and ideologies speak to us in ways that we might oft not understand. The truest answer I could give for the symbol was "that I liked it". I like many things I do not understand. For example, "I like to drive cars but I have no real mechanical inclination towards understanding the physics behind such automatons." In way, you can like the golden sun and never reach it, or the light that it brings without ever being aware of the unlimited numbers of nuclear radiation coming from such.

Although, it reminds me of the cross, the Knight Templars, the Red Cross, the Masons, and the numerology of the number 7.

All of this leads to an introspective question, "Need we understand life in order to enjoy it, let alone live it?" Even the treasure lore and stories we seek? In no way, do I think any of us completely understand what we are pursuing, for if we did, I imagine we would all be rich by now -in one way or another.

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No need to be sorry @Pala Y Pico, perhaps I am the one statistical anomaly that was not intended to be understood. I have no proof that aliens exist, but I could only imagine that if they did, they might have encountered the same disposition.

.....................................................*deep inhale; deep exhale*. While other children played, I read books. While other adults found relations, I found loneliness. Where others sought adventure, I sought exploration. Where others find the horizon, I seek the other side of the known universe.

falling sands of water
the end is so clear
the night beckons silence

Aliens are real, I have been called one.

Yep, silence is golden.

Yep, you should be hanging out with Kings.

Charlie, you words drip with honey, and oh so delicious.

My pick and shovel are sharp, but not enough to hang with you.

I thank you for patting my fur, and saying good boy. Bark Bark ( Hung out to dry?).

Why are you hanging out with bone heads?

Will you tell a bonehead what your avatar means?

Hello @Pala Y Pico, good to hear from you again. (Rather strange post though. Weird.)

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okiedowser..nice cross. Reminds me of one not too far from the Baja. Charlie, your carrizo first I thought old old. But pffft..just another more modern thing I think.

Yes all those pdfs...sites. So..if it is not there, except for traces of origins...what would some likely explanations be.

I do believe, now, some knowledge is not written. The old traditions and ways hold true to this day for passing of some knowledge. It is a good thing I think. And I try to honor those traditions. Humble and grateful in my heart. is treasure that is being spoken of. Its your life matey...if you tell a soul..and sometimes even if you do not. Yes..that changes everything. Treasure of monetary value. That would not be written of or subject for a dissertation. Those that found it generally speaking, would keep it quiet and tend to their own economic well being. Indonesia comes to mind for a tale that will shiver your timbers if true.

Mmmm.. about ready to fall over here. Over and out.

Tonight, what a night. Is it a full-moon tonight? For some reason, although I read English fine, I am having some difficulty deciphering whatever it is people are attempting to speak to me(irony). @DesertMoons, the carrizo face was a way to establish a face (rock, animal, etc. in the desert) before the "Age of Kenworthy". The reason is that if his theories hold true, then it is more than plausible somewhere in recorded history before Kenworthy that someone else might have stumbled onto whatever it is that he thinks he found, as many worship his literature. I think in all the information he pulled from around the world he made lines of similarities between history, and his view of wealth and riches. Thus, based off of his "quest" he wrote the books, and the masses excepted it without question, bestowing "Treasure Finding God-hood" upon him.

(This is a Theory, I repeat, before the crazies once again come of of the wood work. -in addition, if English is not your first language when reading my posts, I suggest getting an interpreter. Just a thought, and I mean this in a positive way.)

Hello @Pala Y Pico, good to hear from you again. Hahahahaha.

History is pretty complex -that's a given. Personally, I believe there is tons of super-ancient mixed with all the old-world that people consider ancient.

*Mental note: I should have never said anything about aliens. Damn. Now, I have aliens everywhere talking to me.*

Ok, I believe that the old civilizations the world talks about, and we read about in history books, are built upon much older ones. Also, I believe that there were races and civilizations so old, that they no longer are composed enough to derive any evidence from, let alone a recorded history. Only vague references here and there, and an occasional artifact not allowed to be viewed by the public. (i.e. a component in one of temples of Africa purported to be apart of the Ark of Covenant). This, and perhaps, whatever meritorious artifacts that were within the abode of the Dome Rock.

One thing that has stood out to me are "CAVES". In Vietnam, South America, North America (Navajo has an excellent story about their kind rising up out of the earth). In Europe, and all other Asiatic countries the same holds true.

Now, in Egypt there is the Labyrinth of Maharata, which is a vast and supposedly unground area. In this area are supposed to be all the recorded histories of the previous worlds. The down side of that is that the Egyptian Archeological Society always feel the need to keep the secrets -which really aren't secrets- to themselves. That damn Zahi Hawass is a regular show man and apart of the Egyptian controversy of keeping everything hush-hush. I think it is bigger than Egypt, I believe it is the right of ever human being on the planet to know what is there. Especially if it pertains to understanding our origins. Honestly, the way he has talked and acted in the past, I would love to insert my boot side-ways into his catacomb. Nothing is worse than an archeological society that has something to hide. I make the argument -in an indirect way- that as not all white people are totally white, anymore than present Egyptians are descended from the Ancient Egyptians.

I believe there were possible 4, maybe 7 possible world histories. Let me further define this by saying "world history" as an actualized period in the planets existence. Not as in recorded history as it is more commonly thought of. I also believe that almost 90+ percent of present history -to the ancient degree of which we have evidence- is built upon this "present world history". So, all the ancient places we have, the archeology, the temples, etc. etc. is all characteristic of this world history. It may be possible that elements of a prior world history still exist, but, if they were essentially primitive, they did not; If a prior world history met a period of highly advanced technological attributions, then it may be possible that the intelligences among them made such preparations for the end of their cycle.

It is more than plausible that a previous world history existed as advanced as we are now, perhaps even further. Just like we face certain world disasters from the terrestrial sphere, what examined evidence we find is also noted to be damage coming from the space that surrounds us -i.e. outer space.

In no way will I go into Aliens or whatever, as I have seen no proof of such things. By that same token I will neither validate or invalidate such things until evidence is provided in a solid form with tangible merit.

So, I believe this answers the question asked of me. "What am I searching for?" Simple, I am looking for evidence of past world histories separate from the histories we now assume to be ancient and or dated.

More to follow.

This new Tnet -a editing nightmare in my dairy-air

(P.S. to all "Aliens" no disrespect as I only have issues with humans who think they are Aliens. If in fact, if there are Aliens, that is fine, I just wished they would leave me alone, and leave probing to the professionals, and quite trying to prob me. *Good grief*)

(And yes Tnet, I entered more than three characters, security token (sigh), what else is this damn site going to tell me.)

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Picture inspect

Give me a moment inspect it and I will be right back. Ok, Tnet isn't helping me out much on uploading. Keeps timing out and telling me all kinds of crazy junk. Hopefully, the picture will have uploaded. I've tried 5 or 6 times now.

CJ Diag.webp

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look to the right of the seven what looks like a cross
it is the omega rock crossed showing change of dir
of the rock

My understanding is that the Omega rock (Alpha = Beginning; Omega = Ending) is the end of the trail. So, I do not believe there would be a need to change direction. But, if that "3" is really a three, then I suppose there would be. Have you attempted to lift that rock up? Looks like there might have been more symbols there but I could not tell. Work the trail both ways if you can. With that "7" there, you might actually be on top of something and not know it.

Oh, and that "7" has a dot below it, which is why I thought about lifting the rock up. Also, I lined out what appeared to be a "dagger" -I guess- and, it is pointing strait down. On the side of the rock, there is a "pointer" that looks like a "sun-dial". Might be a reference to time or direction. Re-enforce this with the mining symbol, all in all, I would think look under the rock, and if you find something there, I would dig about 2 feet. If anything looks good, go deeper.

I did search for that cemetery, and there are "2" in that given area.

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