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Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
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Golden Thread
Church Hollow was a small rural community with a church, a mill,
and a few houses located in a hollow with Cedar Creek to the west and
the Sac River to the east. In the early part of the Civil War three friends
from Church Hollow joined the Confederate Army, but before leaving
their homes they pooled their money and then they put the money into
a large kettle. The kettle full of money was so heavy that two men had
to carry and bury it. A rough stone map of a kettle was carved on a rock
with several symbols carved on other rocks. The three then left for the

On August 10, 1861, at the Battle of Wilson's Creek, just southwest
of Springfield, Missouri, one of the three was killed and another died
a few days later. The survivor later returned home, but his mind was
so affected by the war that his recollections of the past were hazy and
fragmented. His friends helped him search for the kettle of money, but
they never could locate it. He said the kettle was "30 minutes east of
the church."

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Church hollow

You are an idiot. Everyone reading this thread knows mud hut and creskol are the same loser just trying to get more info out of me. Keep in mind this took me 3 years to solve and find the kettle. Creskols short little summary of a few tiny details is NOTHING compared to my 3 years of documenting details. I bet creskol cant even tie his shoes without help.

You are an idiot. Everyone reading this thread knows mud hut and creskol are the same loser just trying to get more info out of me. Keep in mind this took me 3 years to solve and find the kettle. Creskols short little summary of a few tiny details is NOTHING compared to my 3 years of documenting details. I bet creskol cant even tie his shoes without help.

Actually .. to set the record straight, everybody reading this KNOWS you are full of :censored:!


By saying I find it funny...meaning...why would anyone read these legends just to assume anyone that finds one is a liar? Sometimes caches are found. I'm not a slave to any job or location. I live fulltime in a greyhound bus I converted. My job is whatever I choose to do at any given moment.
View attachment 1658354

I find the Skeleton of the structure you live in interesting , it reminds me of a place I would sleep all day while skipping school in 1982-83. Enjoy life dude.

Oh MY!

"So are the day's of our lives"

"Mo Money = Mo Problems".


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Will someone please DM me about this. Sam Austin was my grandfather and i used to spend ever summer with him and CW while they dug and looked for the artifacts. Ive grown up with them telling and talking about these stories. I have heard a lot that most have not and seen. I would be interested in talking with someone in person about some of these experiences. I have done a lot of dowsing with my grandfather around the land and area. If anyone has any info or interest please message me on here thank you.

Will someone please DM me about this. Sam Austin was my grandfather and i used to spend ever summer with him and CW while they dug and looked for the artifacts. Ive grown up with them telling and talking about these stories. I have heard a lot that most have not and seen. I would be interested in talking with someone in person about some of these experiences. I have done a lot of dowsing with my grandfather around the land and area. If anyone has any info or interest please message me on here thank you.

Send Bug a PM..


PERFECT! I invite you to meet with me and go over my "PROOF". I recieved a messege from you and replied with my phone number.

PERFECT! I invite you sammyaustin to meet with me and go over my "PROOF". I recieved a messege from you and replied with my phone number.

Apparently when i edit a post it doubled a post instead, sorry if this is all hard to read. Im not computer literate.

PERFECT! I invite you sammyaustin to meet with me and go over my "PROOF". I recieved a messege from you and replied with my phone number.

You are an idiot. Everyone reading this thread knows sammyaustin and bugoutbusman are the same loser just trying to keep his BS flowing. Keep in mind It took him 3 years to find a kettle which he has yet to have authenticated..

I dont play games. I have messeged sammy austin, he has not called or texted me yet. It seems we are both in the area. Id like to meet with sam, go over this, get pics of him and i together, then have him post his opinion, hows that? If i can convince another treasure hunter that was involved that i suceeded....? When the kettle comes back dated PRE CIVIL WAR what next? I pray sammy austin has the set of pots that match this bluing pot.

I dont play games. I have messeged sammy austin, he has not called or texted me yet. It seems we are both in the area. Id like to meet with sam, go over this, get pics of him and i together, then have him post his opinion, hows that? If i can convince another treasure hunter that was involved that i suceeded....? When the kettle comes back dated PRE CIVIL WAR what next? I pray sammy austin has the set of pots that match this bluing pot.


  • yawn.webp
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So this may stir the pot or kettle as it is, but has this kettle been authenticated or any actual photos of coins, bar s or treasure been validated at this point? I mean it is impressive to me that you live in an old grey hound bus that does not run, in the ruins of an old school. But I guess I am just one of those folks who has to call bs on this Bugout guy and being filthy rich with gold coins. I mean, if all that was stopping me from getting my bus back in the road and getting out of Dodge, was the smelt down a coin or two ( I mean when you have a kettle full of them, you can sacrifice a few for the greater cause, right? ) and pawn the gold. Now you have cash to fix old Bessie or go into town and pay cash for a vehicle. And then you are off to authenticate the kettle and or get outta Dodge with your booty. I guess if I lived like Matt Foley, I would be ultra paranoid and think everyone is after my Lucky Charms too. But then again, I would rather brag my butt off that I found it, showed proof of my bounty and been more than happy to pay almost 50% taxes on something that you were able to keep the other 50% off and live in a much nicer and newer grey hound.

But that is just me.

So..... No valid, actual proof that he has found gold in any way, shape or form, correct? Sweet! I will keep biting my nails and longing for the book to come out.

I'm still waiting on this book and the Dents Run movie, but production must be delayed on both!:dontknow:

This thread, in its entirety, is both hilarious & contradictory. The gold, the kettle, raving on & on about all the longstanding public information — It's an absolute riot.
Cleary, this is a fraud. It's a hoax. And, most importantly, it's all totally & previously known.
The vault is here, then it's there, then he won't talk about it, but he continues to talk about it.
While I don't know anyone on this page personally, I do live in Southwest Missouri... These tales, while they may hold slivers of truth, are a dime a dozen here. The point is, if there was ANYTHING of substance to what this guy is alleging, local newspapers & TV stations would've been chomping at the bit to get this story out there.
Why worry about coming forward with proof if, as he alleges, the gold is gone and he's "filthy rich"???
This is a feeble attempt at some sort of attention for the weirdest & most dishonest of reasons.

My bus runs very well...it drove me here and it will drive me out of here. If i post pics of coins...people will say i purchased them...and irs would be all over me as well. This cache was in 2 parts, the kettle of coins also contained a copper map to the older spaniard treasure the confederates had found. So instead of posting pics of coins...how about half a silver bar casted in stone? It has 500 years of oxidation and 160 years of oxidation on the cut end. You can see how the stone let air escape causing dents in the bottom. This is the real kettle, and i really did solve this legend and recovered BOTH of its caches. I dont post pics of coins because that could be faked, i want people to look at my solved clues. What cannot be faked is this 500 year old undocumented bar...there are many...but im only willing to show 1 bar. If i show them all there will still be skeptics, i wont totally convince everyone unless i lead them into my cavern...every reader...so they can weigh it themselves...not gunna happen. Heres 1 bar...

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