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Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
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Golden Thread
Church Hollow was a small rural community with a church, a mill,
and a few houses located in a hollow with Cedar Creek to the west and
the Sac River to the east. In the early part of the Civil War three friends
from Church Hollow joined the Confederate Army, but before leaving
their homes they pooled their money and then they put the money into
a large kettle. The kettle full of money was so heavy that two men had
to carry and bury it. A rough stone map of a kettle was carved on a rock
with several symbols carved on other rocks. The three then left for the

On August 10, 1861, at the Battle of Wilson's Creek, just southwest
of Springfield, Missouri, one of the three was killed and another died
a few days later. The survivor later returned home, but his mind was
so affected by the war that his recollections of the past were hazy and
fragmented. His friends helped him search for the kettle of money, but
they never could locate it. He said the kettle was "30 minutes east of
the church."

Upvote 1
Bad rubbish...that you publicly claim you are stealing to copy....

My God you are ignorant! I will let it lie with that.

First you said best seller...now its rubbish?
Meanwhile you steal info to copy it? While publicly exposing YOURSELF to be a liar and a thief.

You are a special kind of stupid, i bet you have no friends.

First you said best seller...now its rubbish?
Meanwhile you steal info to copy it? While publicly exposing YOURSELF to be a liar and a thief.

You are a special kind of stupid, i bet you have no friends.

Your nonsensical response just serves to solidify my previous statement.

Man honestly your best weapon is to just stay quiet. Reading all 13 pages of this post I've come to the conclusion that 1) you can't tell the difference between someone making fun of the "drama" thats been posted and your find. The guy wasn't saying he's stealing your find and posting as his own he's saying that the responses your getting alone are worthy of a funny short story. You're getting all worked up a guy on the internet saying that hes going to write his own story. In the 13 pages you have made many mistakes. First and foremost being that you publicly stated that you found the treasure and gave your real name. That alone made me cringe. If someone thinks that your Morrison let them until your book is complete and youre able to publicly announce your find. Secondly, use a pen name don't use your real name. I tend to be skeptical on all things on the internet but honestly you're defensive posts aren't helping your cause. Also, I would refrain from bringing politics into your posts. Quickest way to ruin your credibility is to start bringing in emotions based on your political beliefs. If you found the treasure get date verification of the kettle no matter the trouble then you have some evidence to prove your claim without having to show the gold

Church hollow

Man honestly your best weapon is to just stay quiet. Reading all 13 pages of this post I've come to the conclusion that 1) you can't tell the difference between someone making fun of the "drama" thats been posted and your find. The guy wasn't saying he's stealing your find and posting as his own he's saying that the responses your getting alone are worthy of a funny short story. You're getting all worked up a guy on the internet saying that hes going to write his own story. In the 13 pages you have made many mistakes. First and foremost being that you publicly stated that you found the treasure and gave your real name. That alone made me cringe. If someone thinks that your Morrison let them until your book is complete and youre able to publicly announce your find. Secondly, use a pen name don't use your real name. I tend to be skeptical on all things on the internet but honestly you're defensive posts aren't helping your cause. Also, I would refrain from bringing politics into your posts. Quickest way to ruin your credibility is to start bringing in emotions based on your political beliefs. If you found the treasure get date verification of the kettle no matter the trouble then you have some evidence to prove your claim without having to show the gold

Im still getting the kettle dated...not that it would convince anyone. When its proved to be old enough, they will say so what, show me the gold. If i post a pic of a couple coins, they will say, so what anyone can buy gold on the internet, now prove where it came from. If i post a pic of all the gold, they will say it must be fake. I suppose everyone wants to come inspect for themselves, and weigh it and all...then still not believe.
Ive posted a few details...no more. If anyone wants the rest of the details...it is all in my book.
Many people on here ONLY FOCUS ON GOLD
I hope that if anyone doesnt believe me...come search for yourself...waste your life...i already found it.

As far as political...screw the government.
Govt shutdowns...while we pay those millionaires to take vacation, why dont we get that?
Congress needs term limits.
BUILD THE DAMN WALL TAXPAYERS DEMAND, instead sending much much more to other countries,
Nope...i think im gunna get very publicly political. You all need to wake up and stop suckin your mommas tit.
I cant advise anyone legally...but i suggest to every american...HOLD OUT ON YOUR TAXES, FORCE A CHANGE.
I vote for 2nd civil war, deal with it now before it gets worse, our children have no future. Thats where the gold is going.
I have all faith in Trump, but the swamp is too deep, his hands are tied.

Why is it people post drama anyways...jelousy? I think thier lives suck soo much they gotta make fun of other people, discredit strangers, and steal all they can just to make them feel better about themselves, Like Creskol the thieving Loser.

Why is it people post drama anyways...jelousy? I think thier lives suck soo much they gotta make fun of other people, discredit strangers, and steal all they can just to make them feel better about themselves, Like Creskol the thieving Loser.

Bu-gout .. I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent such as yourself .. the board is yours! Post all the nonsense you want.

Church hollow

So far I still have been unable to find a sepcialist to authenticate this antique pot. I`m still working on it.
Sorry for the delay.
If anyone can help please let me know

So far I still have been unable to find a sepcialist to authenticate this antique pot. I`m still working on it.
Sorry for the delay.
If anyone can help please let me know

If you go back to post #128...I think calling the Steamboat Arabia Museum in KC and Asking To Talk To A Member of the Hawley Family OR talk to a Curator that's there about who they recommend to use on Authentication of that pot is your best bet.

I mentioned before, plan on between $350-$500 to have that professionally done by a Certified Authenticator and getting paperwork detailing the authentication back. You can use that for appraisal and insurance down the road if needed.

Do Not Say Its A GERMAN KETTLE when you call and talk to anyone. Just tell whoever you talk to that you have an antique porcelain/enamelware pot that you want dated as well as who was the manufacturer and origin. They will tell you Everything about it in the Paperwork you get back as well.


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I just read a rough draft of Creskol's book titled Bu-gout:A Tall Tale of the Church Hollow Treasure It is hilarious! Definitely going to be a best seller!

I just read a rough draft of Creskol's book titled Bu-gout:A Tall Tale of the Church Hollow Treasure It is hilarious! Definitely going to be a best seller!


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Church hollow

I just read a rough draft of Creskol's book titled Bu-gout:A Tall Tale of the Church Hollow Treasure It is hilarious! Definitely going to be a best seller!

Bet it was the best 3 pages you ever read...wait till you get the full story, the real book is 470 pages, includes many nice pics, what ive posted on the thread is miniscule...of course im not gunna dump it all on the internet.
Hope he remembers to reference me in his short column story(i expect royalties)...or hes gunna get sued. I think i nice big public lawsuit would be a great way to promote my real book which is in editing as we speak. At this point his summary will release long after my book, no publisher will want to get sued along with him. But good luck to him, i will press my lawyer to his limits.
Half the gold goes to property owner, then minimum of 47% to govt..more likely all, thats why i keep the good stuff for the book :)

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Bet it was the best 3 pages you ever read...wait till you get the full story, the real book is 470 pages, includes many nice pics, what ive posted on the thread is miniscule...of course im not gunna dump it all on the internet.
Hope he remembers to reference me in his short column story(i expect royalties)...or hes gunna get sued. I think i nice big public lawsuit would be a great way to promote my real book which is in editing as we speak. At this point his summary will release long after my book, no publisher will want to get sued along with him. But good luck to him, i will press my lawyer to his limits.
Half the gold goes to property owner, then minimum of 47% to govt..more likely all, thats why i keep the good stuff for the book :)

Blah-a-blab--blab--blab .. blab .. Your book .. if there even is one ... will be nothing more than a fairy tale if you can't .. or won't get that kettle authenticated!


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I just read a rough draft of Creskol's book titled Bu-gout:A Tall Tale of the Church Hollow Treasure It is hilarious! Definitely going to be a best seller!

Please tell me if I made the final cut that my name was changed!! :wink::icon_pale:


Bet it was the best 3 pages you ever read...wait till you get the full story, the real book is 470 pages, includes many nice pics, what ive posted on the thread is miniscule...of course im not gunna dump it all on the internet.
Hope he remembers to reference me in his short column story(i expect royalties)...or hes gunna get sued. I think i nice big public lawsuit would be a great way to promote my real book which is in editing as we speak. At this point his summary will release long after my book, no publisher will want to get sued along with him. But good luck to him, i will press my lawyer to his limits.
Half the gold goes to property owner, then minimum of 47% to govt..more likely all, thats why i keep the good stuff for the book :)

A bit longer than that with some GREAT photographs and drawings. You will love it!~



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