Thank you pinwheel, nobody, lc baker, shortstack, springfield. All great stuff, thanks for taking the time to put your thoughts out there. now that was truly a great read to me, and education. iam not very educated. so I like reading those short straight forward to the point thoughts on subjects.(I can understand it,lol) thanks again all.
where iam at, good and evil is used very much so, at some treasurer sites. I have the photos to prove it. if you find the so called good images, you will find the so called bad images. I can guarantee it, your at a good site, treasure wise, when you find that. and I know which image's will guide you to the true way. even with treasure, there's a lot of smoke and mirror's. I know it is said treasure wise, about the #7, that on the 7th day they rested, I say B.S., on the 7th day, they try to wash the blood from there souls. just from what I have found in the field. again great stuff. I think it tied right in with some treasures sites I have seen. id luv to hear more , on the matter. very, very, good stuff guys. thanks. it helped me a lot.