Yes Springfield I think I have it now. Some times all one needs is a good nites sleep and to look at things from a different angle. Many Thanks


Thank you pinwheel, nobody, lc baker, shortstack, springfield. All great stuff, thanks for taking the time to put your thoughts out there. now that was truly a great read to me, and education. iam not very educated. so I like reading those short straight forward to the point thoughts on subjects.(I can understand it,lol) thanks again all.
where iam at, good and evil is used very much so, at some treasurer sites. I have the photos to prove it. if you find the so called good images, you will find the so called bad images. I can guarantee it, your at a good site, treasure wise, when you find that. and I know which image's will guide you to the true way. even with treasure, there's a lot of smoke and mirror's. I know it is said treasure wise, about the #7, that on the 7th day they rested, I say B.S., on the 7th day, they try to wash the blood from there souls. just from what I have found in the field. again great stuff. I think it tied right in with some treasures sites I have seen. id luv to hear more , on the matter. very, very, good stuff guys. thanks. it helped me a lot.

Hey Dog The Treasure Hunter. I ran across something today that may help you. Here is an excerpt form a book I just finished.

The planet Pluto is named after the Roman god "Pluto", guardian of the underworld and the god of the kingdom of death. Hades was the parallel god for the Greeks, and the underworld was later called Hades, after its ruler. In Greek mythology, however, Hades was also the ruler over riches and buried treasures, and it is fron this that the word plutocracy is derived, meaning a regime in which the rich rule the masses.

I hope this gives you a place to start looking. Another book that may help is "Morals and Dogma" A.P. has some to say about elementials, and the god "gob"


thanks pinwheel,iam gonna do a search on that,and see if I recognize anything that I have found in the field.

Dogthetreasurehunter and pinwheel:

Dr. Zecharia Sitchin explained in his book, THE 12th PLANET, that the Lower Earth / Under World was the southern part of the Earth, below the equator.....NOT down deep inside the earth below our feet. The gods of Greece, Egypt, Rome, Mesopotamia, etc. were the same entities, just known by different names. They were the Anunnaki and were mining gold and copper from all over the earth; starting with the Lower Earth south of the Egyptian / Sumerian areas which would put it in the southern part of Africa. They were the ones who named all of the planets in our solar system and, in addition, referred to the Earth as the 7th planet because they started counting the planets from the outside orbits INWARD.

I have wondered for a while if some of those "7"s could be referring to the Earth's number on the Ancient sites. I know that sounds far out and is probably wrong, but had to put it out there. :icon_scratch:

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Dogthetreasurehunter and pinwheel:

Dr. Zecharia Sitchin explained in his book, THE 12th PLANET, that the Lower Earth / Under World was the southern part of the Earth, below the equator.....NOT down deep inside the earth below our feet. The gods of Greece, Egypt, Rome, Mesopotamia, etc. were the same entities, just known by different names. They were the Anunnaki and were mining gold and copper from all over the earth; starting with the Lower Earth south of the Egyptian / Sumerian areas which would put it in the southern part of Africa. They were the ones who named all of the planets in our solar system and, in addition, referred to the Earth as the 7th planet because they started counting the planets from the outside orbits INWARD.

I have wondered for a while if some of those "7"s could be referring to the Earth's number on the Ancient sites. I know that sounds far out and is probably wrong, but had to put it out there. :icon_scratch:

Thanks Short Stack. I have been thinking for a while that a "7" might mark the end of a trail. Or The omega. Now along that line of thought, with the "7" meaning earth like a Square or sun cross gives the translation of the "7" some weight. I can not and Will not say It works in every case however on my trail after finding a "7" I located a triangle layout very close to the "7" One corner Was stone 2 1/2' cubed. The southern most corner was a stone shaped like a bell. I will not say what the northern corner was shaped like. However the long part of the "7" was pointing to that one. From one corner I was able to locate a dig spot. The dig spot produced a map at about 18" deep. Just a map, no gold or silver. Not even a coin. The rock I posted earlier with the box and "7" are part of that map. I am still working on the map, I may never get it decoded. Any ways with the thought that a "7" may mean earth fits right in on my trail. It may not be right, but it is surely something to work with. Thanks again SS.


many thanks for that info. on the #7 ss. and pinwheel,great stuff. I can say this on the subject,100% of all the #7's I have found in the field had nothing to do with a camp site, they seem to have the meaning of the other C word, CACHE. I think the camp site stuff is B.S. to throw people off the treasure trail. thanks guys,iam gonna look into that 7th planet stuff and the greek stuff,thanks again.


Thanks Short Stack. I have been thinking for a while that a "7" might mark the end of a trail. Or The omega. Now along that line of thought, with the "7" meaning earth like a Square or sun cross gives the translation of the "7" some weight. I can not and Will not say It works in every case however on my trail after finding a "7" I located a triangle layout very close to the "7" One corner Was stone 2 1/2' cubed. The southern most corner was a stone shaped like a bell. I will not say what the northern corner was shaped like. However the long part of the "7" was pointing to that one. From one corner I was able to locate a dig spot. The dig spot produced a map at about 18" deep. Just a map, no gold or silver. Not even a coin. The rock I posted earlier with the box and "7" are part of that map. I am still working on the map, I may never get it decoded. Any ways with the thought that a "7" may mean earth fits right in on my trail. It may not be right, but it is surely something to work with. Thanks again SS.


I also have a bell (the one shaped like calif.) at the southern corner, I had the chisled out squared notch at the other. also look close at your 7 and see if it is also a 3...

I don't know if anyone has thought about using John = 4th Book of the New Test, and Using the 4th Book of the Old Test. Numbers just a reference, it really works well

Monument mountain 018.webpMonument mountain 018.webp

Hey Dog. Just thought I would throw this at you. This hillside is covered in sign. In This Pic is a shadow sign of what some call a black dog. How ever I think it looks more like baphomet. Notice the ears look more like horns. It looks like small ears at the base of the horns and the face looks more like a goat. I do not know if you have anything like this at your site, I just thought I would share it with you.


Pinwheel, your using the name Baphomet reminded me that I came across another name for Satan that I'd never heard before. I am now reading the Book of Jubilees, and in it, Satan is not called that.....he's called Mastema. Now, the Book of Jubilees is also known as The Little Genesis and also The Apocalypse of Moses and is reportedly the information that was given to Moses during the 40 days he spend with God on Mt. Sinai. God instructed His assistant to give this information to Moses and cause it to be written down. That information was the complete history of the world from Creation, on into the future until the end of days.

Why am I bringing this up?? It's because the so called Lost Tribes of Israel are thought to have come to North America and there have been Hebrew like letters / words found in the West / Southwest of the U.S. God made the Isrealites HIS people from the beginning and allowed no one else in Heaven to "touch" them. He assigned other nations to different Angels, but reserved Israel for Himself. Also, according to this book, in the beginning, Hebrew was the language spoken in Heaven and on Earth by everyone, INCLUDING THE ANIMALS. When Adam was kicked out of Eden, he and Eve no longer had eternal life, but were assigned a limited lifespan. In those days, people lived as long as 900 plus years. THAT ended with the incident af Babel.

Another reason that I'm bringing up the Book of Jubilees is because it used to be in the KJV Bible until it was removed several years ago by some biblical council. I don't know if it is in the old Catholic Bible or not.

Great photo pinwheel, thanks for sharing it. is it a stain or shadow? I think it looks satanic. more so than a dog. I don't even know what black dog means,or what white dog means. I have found the devil in different forms, and really like finding him, he is a hard one to find. look and see if he is pointing,or what he is looking at. should be some info close. its sounds like your really doing good,and moving right along on your search. thanks for putting some Info. and photos out.it surely helps.

Great photo pinwheel, thanks for sharing it. is it a stain or shadow? I think it looks satanic. more so than a dog. I don't even know what black dog means,or what white dog means. I have found the devil in different forms, and really like finding him, he is a hard one to find. look and see if he is pointing,or what he is looking at. should be some info close. its sounds like your really doing good,and moving right along on your search. thanks for putting some Info. and photos out.it surely helps.

Hey Dog. The sign is in shadow form not stain or paint. Remember I have only been studying treasure trails for about 6 years. Hence my statement to rangler to explain it to me like I am a 6 year old. I will tell you what I think I understand about White and black dogs. Hopefully S.S. Or one of the other pro's chime in and either confirm or deny its accuracy. I studied the temple at Jerusalem. The Temple had a court yard where jews and gentiles were allowed to congregate. Then It had a yard around the holy place where sacrifices were done. Only jews were allowed in this yard. Then The Holy Place (or temple) where mostly only priest were allowed. There were exceptions to this. The temple was shaped like a rectangle prisism. Inside the Holy Place was the Holy of Holiest.The Most Holy Place or Temple was shaped like a perfect cube. Only the high priest was ever allowed to enter here and then only once a year. This is where the ark of the covenent was kept. It was made of wood but covered in pure gold. It Was also the Throne of God on earth.

Jesus made a statement " are not the dogs kept without?" It was a custom for the dogs to guard the temple but were never allow within the gates. I am a little confused about the black dog vs. the white dog unless it is the duelism thing or good vs. evil thing. It seems that the white dog is most useally found first suggesting to look for the more hidden black dog. When you find these dogs you should be just outside the temple gates or at least the courtyard gates. My theory is that many (not all) the jesuits were mystic's and not straight forward Judeo-christians. They actually adopted the luciferian doctrons. So their layouts were some what different than the traditional Spanish layouts. Symbols have a new or added depth of meaning. Any ways If you are a Christian 4square you would want to follow the white dog. But if you are a mystic you would know the white dog is the wrong way, the black dog is the one to follow. Hopefully some of the pro's will help out with this.


a123.webp what is this guy looking at and did you see the 3 with the 5 combo? 335 deg? looks like a sheep and horse looking the other way....could just be my cloud reading.....

Pinwheel , In regards to your post 97, I have found that either the white or the black dog will give more direction, Depends
on the layout and which location was better for designing signs. As for your temple studies, you are going in the right
direction. You went from a rectangle to a square. A square is one of the oldest signs for a site. If you look at the spynx
you will see a square under his right ear. Sign, treasure, (the library). Keep up the good work. Thanks, R,

I just finished reading the book, KILLING JESUS, by Bill O'Reilly an it includes an excellent drawing of the Temple with the Jew and Gentile area labelled and he describes the punishments for any unauthorized person to enter those areas. O'Reilly and his co-author did a heck of a job in their historical research and they have DETAILED footnotes and bibliography. This is and excellent book on the HISTORICAL Jesus, the man and those footnotes and bibliography tell the historical sources they used. HINT, HINT. :coffee2:

The Pharisees were filthy rich and the Head Priest was SINFULLY, filthy rich.

View attachment 889616 what is this guy looking at and did you see the 3 with the 5 combo? 335 deg? looks like a sheep and horse looking the other way....could just be my cloud reading.....

Thanks Billy for the mark up. I did not see the horse or sheep. how ever the sheep is looking at about 335 deg. The horse is looking closer to 350 deg. I found more sign in both directions. Billy what i thought i saw, was a bear head looking the opposite way of the horse head. At About 180 deg. His muzzle is hidden and he shares a ear with the horse. And of course there are a lot of signs in that direction also. Could this be a Janis Monument? It morphs into other things as you walk around it.

Monument mountain 023.webp
The last view was from the east. This one is from the north. I Think it morphs into an owl in this shot. This is actually two rocks that make a narrow gateway.

Monument Mountain 001.webp

This vista is my favorite. It is taken from the West. On the back side of Square face man is the baphomet shadow symbol. The Two rocks to the left of Square face man is where the owl, horse,sheep, and bear are. The sea turtle to the right of square face man is amazing. The sun signs under him blows my mind. I just got lucky in this picture because the "j" and "Key" or Dagger symbol is only there a few days each year. In late june I think.

Hoofer and Short Stack, thank you for support on the black dog, white dog, and temple. It gives me more confidence in the paths i am taking.


Ever been inside the walls of Vatican City?

Nope, but I do believe that with the way that the present Pope will not live in the Papal Quarters and is living, by choice, in another location shows the decadently rich layout is embarrassing to him.

Looks like a yard to me, there should be two boulders on the East side less than 200 feet they may be 95 /189.5 feet apart ( N - S ) perhaps on the side and the near top of a small hill, waist high or so

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