Hi Donald,

Great signature quote. Sancho Panza was the epitome of loyalty. Perhaps Don Q just needed glasses?


Casca, I found a egg shape boulder a little higher than my waist ( 40 inches ) how ever it was 68 inches long and an exact shape for an egg, I've found some that was knee high and some that was about the size of a large egg that had a heart ( that my grandson found ) ( something important ) on it the others had a cross ( church ) and a turkey track, if you take the heel and toe middle off a turkey track you have l V or ll V, middle toe = 1, heel, =1, V= 5, = 115, or 151, I have no idea how many I steped over, The egg size one with a heart was inside the notch of a flat rock and indicated the direction of a seven foot deep funnel shape handdug hole about 500 feet 300 degrees away. All of the Corner that I have seen in person and in this thread show at least 3 directions or 4 depending where you intersect, much like a intrsection of a highway left and right stright ahead or where you came from

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still live in that area dsty?

Casca, I found a egg shape boulder a little higher than my waist ( 40 inches ) how ever it was 68 inches long and an exact shape for an egg, I've found some that was knee high and some that was about the size of a large egg that had a heart ( that my grandson found ) ( something important ) on it the others had a cross ( church ) and a turkey track, if you take the heel and toe middle off a turkey track you have l V or ll V, middle toe = 1, heel, =1, V= 5, = 115, or 151, I have no idea how many I steped over, The egg size one with a heart was inside the notch of a flat rock and indicated the direction of a seven foot deep funnel shape handdug hole about 500 feet 300 degrees away. All of the Corner that I have seen in person and in this thread show at least 3 directions or 4 depending where you intersect, much like a intrsection of a highway left and right stright ahead or where you came from

Hello Dsty

I was taught that those egg shaped boulders represent the Omega. ( the ground = the horizontal line, the roundish shape of the egg= the upper part of the symbol)


Hello usernotfound, I was there in the early 60's Mrs Noss was still very much alive, got to speak with her on several occassions, lived in alamogordo, left a lot of footprints to the east, and north. I live in Oklahoma now. East of Cloud Croft 6 or 8 miles is very interesting country, rummor has it that thereres a large vein of platnium, some old copper mines in the area, as you go from alamogordo toward Cloud Croft stop just before you get to the Tunnel ( there's a place to pull over ) go south over the crest and there was a large boulder with Quartz, I broke a small piece off and there was wire gold in it, at that time gold was only 30 dollars an ounce, kinda interesting tho

Hello oddrock I also believe as you do however I think that anything that is an end or start of something, has the same meaning hence the 5/6 foot thought, regardless of the symbol used. An egg thats 6 ft in any direction( Horz / vertical ) is the start of something, one that's knee high is a trail marker , something the size of your fist probably has something else with it such as a direction indicator. That's my thought's

Hi Casca,

Sorry to jump into a conversation but you really have me curious about your comment " I was pricing a Kenworthy book I regularly pack into the wilderness with me on Amazon, its going for $900.00 bucks right now."

What book is that?

I started a project yesterday that is turning out to be quite a chore... cataloging all of my books into a spreadsheet. Wow, I didn't realize how many I had.

Yes I own the same book that is $900 dollars. Considered selling it. I enjoyed it, does contain a lot of info. Im looking forward to using it for years to come. I have my catalog in my head. When I die, it dies with me. While I do keep notes, they are worthless to anyone else. Unfortunately I hunt alone. Not by choice, everyone here is just tight lipped and afraid to share real info. I gave sites to a some guys, I seen where they were in the hole. Don't know what they took, but they spray painted the entrance with a dayglo orange "x". I hope my share they kept does them well.

Casca, I found a egg shape boulder a little higher than my waist ( 40 inches ) how ever it was 68 inches long and an exact shape for an egg, I've found some that was knee high and some that was about the size of a large egg that had a heart ( that my grandson found ) ( something important ) on it the others had a cross ( church ) and a turkey track, if you take the heel and toe middle off a turkey track you have l V or ll V, middle toe = 1, heel, =1, V= 5, = 115, or 151, I have no idea how many I steped over, The egg size one with a heart was inside the notch of a flat rock and indicated the direction of a seven foot deep funnel shape handdug hole about 500 feet 300 degrees away. All of the Corner that I have seen in person and in this thread show at least 3 directions or 4 depending where you intersect, much like a intrsection of a highway left and right stright ahead or where you came from

So far the eggs I found have no marking I can tell. But that is good info. I'll look again next time I am near one. So far I have only found one, wait high in a area of a lot of sign.

Hello usernotfound, I was there in the early 60's Mrs Noss was still very much alive, got to speak with her on several occassions, lived in alamogordo, left a lot of footprints to the east, and north. I live in Oklahoma now. East of Cloud Croft 6 or 8 miles is very interesting country, rummor has it that thereres a large vein of platnium, some old copper mines in the area, as you go from alamogordo toward Cloud Croft stop just before you get to the Tunnel ( there's a place to pull over ) go south over the crest and there was a large boulder with Quartz, I broke a small piece off and there was wire gold in it, at that time gold was only 30 dollars an ounce, kinda interesting tho
Now why did you go and tell me that lol......I visit the area regularly to spend time with family up there.

Hi Donald, I believe the folks who left here went to a war, and the maps and owners died with them. So all we can do is figure out how they did things back then. We can exchange info here quickly with computers and the internet. The Spanish did not have that. Some believe there is rules or decree. While that may fit some explanations, I have yet to see a copy of these rules. As dsty has said, he talks about Veins of ore. That's what I really look for. The camps of the Spanish have been picked over pretty good.

Hello usernotfound, I was there in the early 60's Mrs Noss was still very much alive, got to speak with her on several occassions, lived in alamogordo, left a lot of footprints to the east, and north. I live in Oklahoma now. East of Cloud Croft 6 or 8 miles is very interesting country, rummor has it that thereres a large vein of platnium, some old copper mines in the area, as you go from alamogordo toward Cloud Croft stop just before you get to the Tunnel ( there's a place to pull over ) go south over the crest and there was a large boulder with Quartz, I broke a small piece off and there was wire gold in it, at that time gold was only 30 dollars an ounce, kinda interesting tho

You know, dsty, wire gold is rare enough that soaking specimen-sized quartz in an acid to eat away some of the rock material so that the wire gold looks like sculptures, will bring higher value than the gold value alone. I forget what acid to use......maybe hot nitric or sulpheric to eat the rock, but leave the gold unharmed. The fumes from nitric acid will cause bad physical problems, too. About 30 years ago, I was looking at a copy of Rocks & Gems magazine that had a cover story about this and those specimens were $1500 to $3000 dollars, depending on the amount of gold wire and the 3-d shapes they formed. The specimen sizes in this case, were about softball size, with about a third of the rock left for a "base".

What is also fascinating is the geological process that creates wire gold. There is most like a lot more gold there, no matter where the boulder came from.

I don't think Kenworthy revealed EVERYTHING that he knew or suspected......and I would not blame him at all. No THer would ever reveal the "meat" of his research for free.....or even $10 per book.

You couldn't be more correct Shortstack. A friend of mine has several letters that Chuck Kenworthy wrote to different people over the years. They are almost word for word the same. Something to the effect of "Congratulations my friend! Looks like you really have something going on there. Whatever you do, don't give up. Persistence can pay off big in the end!" Now that's not exact, but a fair representation. CK did not publish his books out of some feeling of philanthropy. Of wanting to share the knowledge he gained over many years of searching and an untold amount of money payed out.

He expected to get a return on his investment. He didn't make diddlysquat on the books he sold (and nobody will get $900 for any one or set of them). From the responses I have gotten from different forums and my website, I have a good guess as to what CK's plan was: Publish books that include everything a person needs to know to get into the area of a treasure, but not to actually dig it up. He reserved the last tidbits of information for himself. Like me, he undoubtedly got hundreds of pictures and drawings sent to him. In the beginning, he probably was honest with the people that sent him pictures of "just rocks" and highly imaginative interpretations of those same rocks. After a few times of people getting pissed at him for not seeing what they saw, he probably had a form letter made to send to the people that didn't really have anything. That way, he wouldn't have to endure angry replies and phone calls. On the rare occasion that someone actually had real treasure signs, I am sure they got phone calls or immediate correspondence from CK asking what he could do to help. Maybe if the person agreed to giving him a certain percentage of whatever they found, he could come out and see what he could do. I know for a fact that he found at least two treasures (one was a large number of silver bars and another that filled the trunk of his Mercedes with very rich gold ore).

I can't say that with 100% certainty, but I think my guess is pretty close to the mark.

What makes me laugh is that there are some people on this and other forums that think they are owed something by people that have gained knowledge that few others have. Humility and honesty will get you a lot further with those folks than arrogance and attitude! Just saying.

Also, if anyone tells you they have broken the "Jesuit Treasure Code", then tell them to send you a picture of the mansion they live in! HAHAHAHAHA Including myself, I know several people that have been researching (and I don't mean reading TH Forums) Jesuit wealth and history. If someone had actually broken that code, they would be wealthy beyond measure (not fixing forklifts in Tucson :wink: ). One day, someone will finally break the code. When that happens, it will only be the beginning of their problems! US Treasure Trove Laws say that found treasure goes to the finder "UNLESS" the original person "or group" that hid the treasure is still alive (or exists in the case of a group). Guess what? THE JESUITS ARE STILL AROUND! Even if they have not been telling the truth about their wealth all these years, think those Vatican Lawyers wouldn't jump in? HAHAHA

Best - Mike

Very well stated Mike, looking at the dollar bill I wonder what it could be.

I think you are absolutely correct on Kenworthy's "business plan". And the subject of Jesuit treasures is surely rode hard and worn thin. Seems to me that, with the different factions of Jesuits, no single code would be useable......except for that particular group. With some of the shenanigans they pulled, I don't expect the different sects trusted each other very much. I could be wrong on that, but the old saying about "honor among thieves" just never rang true to me. LOL And, Yep, if anyone had actually solved a Jesuit code, would dang sure not be working as a forklift mechanic ANYWHERE.

Finding a historical treasure with possible claimants still around would surely present a conundrum. Would one reprocess the metals for the current values and destroy the historical part or try to cash in on that part, too. I'm thinking, reprocess the metal for current values and save a small portion for the historical significance. Of course, it's reeeeal easy for me to sit and "figure" about a lost treasure since I'll never actually FIND one, but it's all a part of the day dream. Now, what would I do if I found.........................................................:icon_scratch:

I think you are absolutely correct on Kenworthy's "business plan". And the subject of Jesuit treasures is surely rode hard and worn thin. Seems to me that, with the different factions of Jesuits, no single code would be useable......except for that particular group. With some of the shenanigans they pulled, I don't expect the different sects trusted each other very much. I could be wrong on that, but the old saying about "honor among thieves" just never rang true to me. LOL And, Yep, if anyone had actually solved a Jesuit code, would dang sure not be working as a forklift mechanic ANYWHERE.

Finding a historical treasure with possible claimants still around would surely present a conundrum. Would one reprocess the metals for the current values and destroy the historical part or try to cash in on that part, too. I'm thinking, reprocess the metal for current values and save a small portion for the historical significance. Of course, it's reeeeal easy for me to sit and "figure" about a lost treasure since I'll never actually FIND one, but it's all a part of the day dream. Now, what would I do if I found.........................................................:icon_scratch:

SS, I suspect you would most likely keep the best pieces and sell some of it to pay bills or what not...

A Thousand pardons for jumping into this conversation. It is pretty well understood that the Jesuits/Church has tremendous hoards like the one found in south America stashed all around the world. The question that I have is, What are they going to do with it. I mean why Is hundreds of billions of dollars in gold and silver hid in vaults in the mountains and in the basements of old jesuit's headquarters. Why is it not in a bank in Roam. I know one can only come to theory and not prove what these groups plan to do with all this wealth. I believe if it belonged to these groups it has never been lost. just hidden. They most likely have the gps cords to within a fraction of an inch of where the opening to these vaults are. The questions that I have is why is it still hidden and what do they plan to use it for? Any thoughts on this matter will be greatly appreciated. -----------------------------

A Thousand pardons for jumping into this conversation. It is pretty well understood that the Jesuits/Church has tremendous hoards like the one found in south America stashed all around the world. The question that I have is, What are they going to do with it. I mean why Is hundreds of billions of dollars in gold and silver hid in vaults in the mountains and in the basements of old jesuit's headquarters. Why is it not in a bank in Roam. I know one can only come to theory and not prove what these groups plan to do with all this wealth. I believe if it belonged to these groups it has never been lost. just hidden. They most likely have the gps cords to within a fraction of an inch of where the opening to these vaults are. The questions that I have is why is it still hidden and what do they plan to use it for? Any thoughts on this matter will be greatly appreciated. -----------------------------
----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------Pinwheel

Good question, wheel. In fact, by asking that question you are jump-starting to the very heart of the mystery - why is it still buried? You are also eliminating the Jesuits from the story - if the gold belonged to the church, it would have long ago been moved to Vatican City along with the catlicks' other billions in wealth. Maybe the 'well understood facts' are not facts at all, but disinformation.

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