Your site, your rules. Are we allowed to question the validity of any religious document as it pertains to treasure legends? Or must we omit those very, very important, crucial and inextricably linked subjects? I am not being a smart arse, merely asking for clarification. Again, your site, your rules, and I will abide by them, but to disallow any such discussion merely limits the discovery of truth.

Tis' amazing the self-imposed limits of intellectual pursuit that most place upon themselves, consistent with thousands of years of history and human nature ...

As it pertains to treasure legends yes, that is not what your posts were doing....

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DTTH it is my opinion that a seven has a long part and a short part,/ big to little, I believe that they can indicate, a place of rest- trail -- G ---( gold or perhaps God ( church ) ) I never discount anything, nor do I believe everything, a seven can be in my opinion be a start trail marker most of the time, lots of onega signs out there and they can be anything from a cross with a cripple arm or anything else that indicates the start / end, the triangle indicates the directional indicator by using the V as a bow and arrow, Gotta Get THANK YOU MODERATOR

Rock maps 3-2012 082.webp

I think I figured out how to do this. More thoughts on the number 7. " And on the 7th day he rested, and reflected back on all he had created and said it is good" I am sorry about the paraphrase and not using the quote. The word "Reflect" Or "Look Back On" means like to mirror or to see the creation from the completed side. I can't prove none of this it is just my thoughts. I would give my source for this information but it would probably get deleted if I did.

Dog I have come to understand that any sign or symbol that is made backwards or upside down is perverted as in good/evil underworld kind of thing. You know troll's and goblin's kind of thing. Of course the "shadow knows". so anything that is created in shadow form is important. I hope this helps. I would give you the sources for my train of thought but, this post would probably be deleted If I did.

May the sun be warm on your face, the breeze cool at your back, and your trails downhill.------------------------Pinwheel

very good pinwheel, nice call. the upside down shadow #7 is at one of the cache sites, that is very laden with religious symbols. its the only upside down #7 I have found so far. thanks. its the Jesuit #7, with the slashed ends.

thanks dsty on the #7, possible meaning of god(church),I didn't know that. but it does fit at one site iam working. nice call again.

thanks for that info. on the #7 stevesno,and the author . iam gonna look him up,thanks.

Hey Dog the treasure hunter, Billythekidder. I have ducks on my sites as well. I have not figured out what any of them mean either. On one bluff I have an arrow carve in stone. It points across a deep reviene. Take one steep in the direction the arrow points and it is 200 feet into the rocks below. Anyway across the reviene there is a bluff on a ridgetop on the other side about 3/4 of a mile away. I picked out an object on the other bluff and crossed over. I found the spot and right in under it was a duck head about as big as a voltzwagon. It was looking back at the bluff I just came from. When I looked at it, there it was as plain as day. The whole bluff with an arrow on it looked just like a giant skull. That scared the bejeebies right out of me. A skull is a symbol for a death trap however it is a symbol for other things as well. I have often wondered if this large duck head was a symbol meaning that I had just ducked out on death. Funny thing is, From the duck head or close to it is the only place where the other bluff looked like the giant skull. On another site I have the most beautiful sun sign of a duck flying looking under a rock. not far away I have 2 more ducks with their heads under ground/water. I have heard a few things out about the duck. means go south. Return to the alpha and start over. It is a bird and means change of direction. some say it is as good as an owl. Some say it is equal with the eagle, meaning go south. This is what I Think. All of these probably work when it is used in its proper context. This is what I Think is key. Somewhere in the mystery's is the answer. Like the Owl and and the Manervia. When one finds this and relates it to his site the duck will not be able to hide his secrets any longer. I have been reading all the mythology, Roman, Creek, and ancient Egyptian, I just have not found it yet. Oh yea. one that is real important is that the duck relates to John The Baptist. Or The gospel of John in the bible. There again i think it has to be used in it's proper context. This is just what I think, I am still just a green horn and may prove myself wrong next week.

May the sun be warm on your face, and the breeze cool at your back, and your trails downhill.


great job pinwheel. I have a giant duck head at one of the sites iam working, about that size.(only the head,no body) beak is pointing at the ground. id say your on the right side. but iam just a green horn too. billythekidder can do a much better job. just be carefull with some of the info. you get. some is not on the up and up. do you have a compass? maybe range finder too? if not, no sweat, look what you found already with your legs and eyes. keep it simple. don't fall into. info. over load. again look how far you got already. cant wait to hear more.

Pinwheel....In what capacity is the duck related to John the Baptist? I also have several ducks at one of my locations...And they have more than one meeting...some were topographical...some formed a triangle...I found the motherly corner and followed accordingly. Part of another site looks like a John site...but I am not familiar on how to process this location....Steve

The Duck. In my very limited experience I have seen a duck with either its beak opened or closed. The duck was always placed in a unique way so it could not just be found. It was used in area where a normal sign would not do.Usually by itself or a another unique sign. I always find a neck and head of a duck, and never the whole duck. While I suspect I was close to something around these ducks, I never found anything. While I found other markers in line with a duck, I dont believe they actually pointed to another marker, but more a direction and distance. I find ducks with older workings, but again I am working a very small area and limited to this area.

Hello Stevesno. I Have read some place, either here or on alt i think, that the relationship between john The Baptist and The Duck is that John Baptized ( ducked under the water) The people in the wilderness. Sorry I cannot remember the exact thread. This is the part that i am confused about, John The Baptist and John the writer, apostle were not the same person. I do not know if the person making the relations between John The Baptist, The Duck, and the gospel of John was aware of this fact or if they had connected them some other way.
I sure wished I knew more about a John site. Oh one more thing. I Think a lot of the confussion about the duck comes with the way the Spanish used the duck as to the way the KGC used it. So I guess in that reguard, a person would have to know what kind of site they were working.

May the sun be warm on your face, the breeze cool at your back, And your trails downhill.


Monument Mountain 042.webpMonument Mountain 042 (2).webp

Hello Everyone. Here are 2 pic's of the duck flying i was talking about. Sorry I croped these pics and i do not intend to show the rest of the picture. The first pic has been inverted to show better.. The second pic is the sun sign of the flying duck. The rocks that make this up is no more than 1 foot square. May be some of you guys that have ducks will post the pics. Do what I done and crop everything else out if you would like. Here is the crazy thing. In the full picture, I looked at it at least a 1000 times before I saw the duck. That fact still amazes me.

Hello Springfield. I am a little slow here. What I think you are trying to tell me is that the john sites relate to KGC only. Not Spanish or other. If That is right, thank you very much for that information. If I am wrong Please give me a better hint. And Thank you very much for the post.

May The sun be warm on your face, the breeze cool at your back, and your trails downhill.


... Hello Springfield. I am a little slow here. What I think you are trying to tell me is that the john sites relate to KGC only. Not Spanish or other. If That is right, thank you very much for that information. If I am wrong Please give me a better hint. And Thank you very much for the post...

IMO, the 'genuine treasure signs' (way less than 1% of all those posted) were all created by the Organization, which includes the 'KGC' as one of its arms. A large majority of legitimate man-made clues were created for other routine non-treasure reasons. Nearly all the 'looks like' rocks, shadows, etc. are natural phenomena, IMO. I believe you are better served focusing on rock carvings and geometric patterns formed by these clues and other things. I guess you guys in AR find a lot of tree carvings - I don't have much experience with them.

Here's something to look for: if a shadow clue overlaps a carving, you've found something important.

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Hello Springfield. Truth is I have only found 1 tree with an actual carving on it. These trees are very old. They are Oaks. I found them at about 2200 feet. Now I know that is not high for most of you folks but here the foot hills are at about 600-800 feet. The delta is only at about 300 I think. I need to look up the delta to make sure. any ways I estimate these trees to be over 300 years old. The trunks on these trees have a 12-15 foot circumference. I have other trees, but none i would like to share at this time. I do not know why but I have not found very many trees with carvings on them. Most of them I have found i have ruled out as graffiti or survey markers. Any ways the pics of these trees are surly man manipulated. Hey Springfield do you know how they did this?

May the sun be warm on your face, The breeze cool at your back, and your trails downhill.

... Hey Springfield do you know how they did this?

I know you can tie back saplings and manipulate their shapes. In your case (02/12/2011 pic), I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't find a mature tree that already had a weird shape, then carve that burl into a face and use it in their set of signs. Just a guess.

I don't have much experience with trees, but I know the long-lived ones in your part of the world are great for carving. The guys up in Utah claim the Aspens with carvings on them are treasure signs too, but those trees have very short life-spans - this doesn't make much sense when right next to them are found firs, spruces, etc., which live longer. Your hardwoods are ideal - they can live hundreds of years and don't often blow down. Of course, they can burn, but it doesn't seem AR has many wildfires.

Hi Casca,

Sorry to jump into a conversation but you really have me curious about your comment " I was pricing a Kenworthy book I regularly pack into the wilderness with me on Amazon, its going for $900.00 bucks right now."

What book is that?

I started a project yesterday that is turning out to be quite a chore... cataloging all of my books into a spreadsheet. Wow, I didn't realize how many I had.

some one had his monuments and signs book listed for $900.00, its down to 240.00 dollars now lol.

I have met a few of the Treasure Hunters on here and had a chance to work with them. I get to see user every so often and he never disappoints me. I wish I was a few years younger, I would go with him every time I had the opportunity to do so. I was looking for any post or pictures he would share of some of his recent hunts. So user if your out there, and get some time, did you find anything on the old Kenworthy trails?

I think I read a newspaper article about the South American thing, but that's all. A guy on this forum has claimed for years he's found the Tayopa mines but hasn't provided any verification. Lots of stories. Are you certain any of the stories are true as written?

Hello Springfield. Had some time to go back and look up old reference material. You were right. I was not correct about the tayopa mine. ON Old Dogs thread "Basic signs and symbols you have found" Gollum's post 526, he tells the story about C.W. Polzer going down to Sonoria to claim the Tayopa. However it was not the Tayopa. Polzer Just believed it was. Sorry, I had misremembered the story. I will try and be more careful in future post.

Hey Springfield, I been thinking a lot about the duck and the symbol on the John. I see the symbolism, I just do not understand it. If What I am thinking is correct, well that will change almost everything I know about the duck. Sorry for rambling. I gotta hit the books.


Hey Springfield. I got it now. A million thanks. That old owl is a sly old fox is'nt He?


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