Well ok. There is a lot of disinformation that is a fact. But the fact remains that there are a lot of trail markers that lead to campsites, and mines. also to small vaults near the campsites. The big hoard that was found in the mission in south america and the tayopa mine recovery story is prof that these vaults and mines are still out there. My question is what are these groups, or the family or what ever name they my go by today or tomorrow, what are they planning to do with all this wealth. I have my thoughts but my thoughts and $1.50 will buy you a hot cup of coffee at Mickey D's. I was just wondering if I was alone in my theory's. I appreciate any speculation you guys may have.------------------------------------
----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------Pinwheel
I think I read a newspaper article about the South American thing, but that's all. A guy on this forum has claimed for years he's found the Tayopa mines but hasn't provided any verification. Lots of stories. Are you certain any of the stories are true as written?
Yes, there are lots of trail markers out there, but lots of the things people find are not markers, except in their imaginations. The bona fide markers were left by a lot of different folks - Indians, ranchers, hunters, trappers, hikers, trail riders, surveyors, timber cruisers, pioneers, drug runners, search/rescuers, forest service people, and yes, prospectors and miners too. There are thousands of old mines out there and 99% were abandoned by modern Anglos. I'll bet the last dollar I have that there are no caches of gold near any of those. Why would there be?
Now, that said - yes, IMO there seem to be a number of 'treasure signs' out there too. They are obvious man-made things and are easy to find, but the genuine ones are impossible to decipher because the people who made them are very smart. These folks know that treasure searchers identify the signs with information found in the treasure books and magazines, but the signs mean other things that only the creators know among themselves. The end result is that the treasures have been hidden in fairly recent times in places impossible to find without inside information. Meanwhile, searchers think they're looking for 'Spanish treasure' and run around in circles for years. Misdirection - a good plan.
You are absolutely correct in asking why the loot is still hidden. Lots of speculation here. One idea to think about is this: what happens when the world's paper money all becomes worthless, like what seems to be happening now? Maybe the world would be forced back into a system of money based on gold/silver. If you woke up tomorrow and turned on the tv and they said, "Dollars aren't money any more. We're using gold instead," what would you prefer to have in a shoe box in your closet, $100,000 in paper, or a couple dozen gold coins?