man, you can say that again. there sure is a lot of disinformation about treasures. especially by treasure hunters and the signs and the meanings. a big ole smoke screen, and some experts are either lying thru their teeth, or they really don't know them self. just my ole green horn self, proving their b.s. is wrong in the field. duck, reverse direction,lol.

Well ok. There is a lot of disinformation that is a fact. But the fact remains that there are a lot of trail markers that lead to campsites, and mines. also to small vaults near the campsites. The big hoard that was found in the mission in south america and the tayopa mine recovery story is prof that these vaults and mines are still out there. My question is what are these groups, or the family or what ever name they my go by today or tomorrow, what are they planning to do with all this wealth. I have my thoughts but my thoughts and $1.50 will buy you a hot cup of coffee at Mickey D's. I was just wondering if I was alone in my theory's. I appreciate any speculation you guys may have.------------------------------------

I liked to hear your thoughts. where iam at its still desolated out here. if I got hurt,traped,died. I probley wouldn't be found, if it wasn't for having a auto in the area.i only see boader patrol on horses, rarely at that. so l could imagine how it was back then.no one for hundreds of miles. some left to never make it back. some never left. life was probably short and hard. you probably could only make one trip like that,in a life time. could only carry so much food,water,treasure.had to cache the rest. I know someone did a ton of stone work out here,and that's without even digging a mine hole. maybe the spainish,mainly worked over the ancient native stuff?

Well ok. There is a lot of disinformation that is a fact. But the fact remains that there are a lot of trail markers that lead to campsites, and mines. also to small vaults near the campsites. The big hoard that was found in the mission in south america and the tayopa mine recovery story is prof that these vaults and mines are still out there. My question is what are these groups, or the family or what ever name they my go by today or tomorrow, what are they planning to do with all this wealth. I have my thoughts but my thoughts and $1.50 will buy you a hot cup of coffee at Mickey D's. I was just wondering if I was alone in my theory's. I appreciate any speculation you guys may have.------------------------------------
----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------Pinwheel

I think I read a newspaper article about the South American thing, but that's all. A guy on this forum has claimed for years he's found the Tayopa mines but hasn't provided any verification. Lots of stories. Are you certain any of the stories are true as written?

Yes, there are lots of trail markers out there, but lots of the things people find are not markers, except in their imaginations. The bona fide markers were left by a lot of different folks - Indians, ranchers, hunters, trappers, hikers, trail riders, surveyors, timber cruisers, pioneers, drug runners, search/rescuers, forest service people, and yes, prospectors and miners too. There are thousands of old mines out there and 99% were abandoned by modern Anglos. I'll bet the last dollar I have that there are no caches of gold near any of those. Why would there be?

Now, that said - yes, IMO there seem to be a number of 'treasure signs' out there too. They are obvious man-made things and are easy to find, but the genuine ones are impossible to decipher because the people who made them are very smart. These folks know that treasure searchers identify the signs with information found in the treasure books and magazines, but the signs mean other things that only the creators know among themselves. The end result is that the treasures have been hidden in fairly recent times in places impossible to find without inside information. Meanwhile, searchers think they're looking for 'Spanish treasure' and run around in circles for years. Misdirection - a good plan.

You are absolutely correct in asking why the loot is still hidden. Lots of speculation here. One idea to think about is this: what happens when the world's paper money all becomes worthless, like what seems to be happening now? Maybe the world would be forced back into a system of money based on gold/silver. If you woke up tomorrow and turned on the tv and they said, "Dollars aren't money any more. We're using gold instead," what would you prefer to have in a shoe box in your closet, $100,000 in paper, or a couple dozen gold coins?

Thank you Springfield. Your Thoughts and mine are quite the same. I know that it has been reported That kenworthy found some gold and silver. However not very much according to his private information. Or should I say the information he was privey to. I believe that most of his explorations and recoveries with the late Marion (John Wayne)were a different matter. Off shore sunken ship matter In which the owners really did not know the location and most likely received a split of the bounty. It may be making a leap but it seems that kenworthy had a working agreement in exchange for information, he would not touch the repositories and big mines. That is just my leap of faith. It is a fact that the repository recovery in the south american jesuit mission was quite by accident, however when it was discovered The jesuits/church made all claims to it. I really do not know how tayopa was discovered however when it was The american jesuit appoligist C.W. Polzer went to mexico to lay a claim to the mine, he was extended the invitation to leave the country by the mexican goverment. According to the report given on gollumn's site, The 80 bars of silver recovered was done only by the aid of metal detectors. However because of the first cache a pattern was discovered that allowed for a recovery of all the caches. My point is, the only repositories being recovered are by accident. There may be some that have figured out the system but they are not talking. I believe it is only a matter of time before enough information is shared until some clever people can put it togeather also.

Springfield I believe you are dead on about the Gold and silver. The owners knows exactly where it is. And feel secure in the fact that it cannot be found without inside information. Except by accident of course. In which case they rush in and lay claim to what belongs to them. In the tayopa case they do not have all their eggs in one basket. They have mines and repositories in practically every country in the world. If one egg gets robbed they still have others. To answer why hidden? One only has to look at the K.T. and what happened to them. Kingdoms and powers rise and fall and who knows when a kingdom will rise up and want to take what you have. If What you have is hidden they cant take it if they do not know about it. And they do not have to pay taxes on it to irs. Ok it is my opinion that when faith in paper fails and the only currency is precious metals, The one who has the most precious metals becomes the king of the world. Man!!!! It sure sounds like a plan to me. That is just my thoughts. -------Is the coffee still hot ????????????

Sorry Dog! I did not intend to ignor you, I just forgot. You are right. There are small caches and vaults that are more of a personal nature. For what ever reason they have been lost. The organization never had these, they were lost. These are the ones that I believe Kenworthy was allowed to recover.


no problem pinwheel, we where talking two different cache types. for the super large ones that are out of their country, they probably have so much where they are located anyways. they just hope no one finds it. and it probably depends on what group it is, on the chance of going into another country for a covert recovery. or if its a country where they can claim some type of international antiquity law. war or big natural disasters probably increase their chances if its a closed country. if you have more thoughts on it. iam interested in hearing them.

All of you have made some good points. IMO I think the stasher(s) never made it back to tell where the goods are or did not tell all so THEY could come back...My site has been a total misdirection if you go by the thing that shall not be named.lol.....Dog in my case the duck I had came to mean go south to the correct line in...

that's good to hear billythekidder, about the duck. I haven't got a good grasp on him yet, but I sure like seeing it, I kinda put him and the owl in the same class, its always great to find them two. I guess different groups may have had there own slight different meanings. its good to hear about the thing that shall not be named, and it showing how a lot of things in print don't add up, with the true direction. thanks billythekidder, at least I know iam not the only one finding some of this stuff to be false.

In my case I had to become a cloud reader I studied the rocks and they told more. Shadows morphing,faces telling you where to stand to see more, and symbols. I see the same symbols in other photos so they used these also..The obvious signs lead me away from there. Like the old outlaws would double back and dust the trail with a branch DECEPTION!!!

Thank you pinwheel, nobody, lc baker, shortstack, springfield. All great stuff, thanks for taking the time to put your thoughts out there. now that was truly a great read to me, and education. iam not very educated. so I like reading those short straight forward to the point thoughts on subjects.(I can understand it,lol) thanks again all.
where iam at, good and evil is used very much so, at some treasurer sites. I have the photos to prove it. if you find the so called good images, you will find the so called bad images. I can guarantee it, your at a good site, treasure wise, when you find that. and I know which image's will guide you to the true way. even with treasure, there's a lot of smoke and mirror's. I know it is said treasure wise, about the #7, that on the 7th day they rested, I say B.S., on the 7th day, they try to wash the blood from there souls. just from what I have found in the field. again great stuff. I think it tied right in with some treasures sites I have seen. id luv to hear more , on the matter. very, very, good stuff guys. thanks. it helped me a lot.

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Hello All. Short Stack you helped me out not too long ago and I sure appreciate it. Now I will try to return the favor. The rare books your are trying to collect can be found in one compilation. It is called the Nag Hammadi scriptures. Edited by Marvin Meyer. It can be bought from amazon for around $25.00 I think.

May the wild be cool and your trail easy to follow.--------------------------------Pinwheel

Poof ! Keep the religious veiws out of the thread or it will be locked. Thank you.

Hello All. Short Stack you helped me out not too long ago and I sure appreciate it. Now I will try to return the favor. The rare books your are trying to collect can be found in one compilation. It is called the Nag Hammadi scriptures. Edited by Marvin Meyer. It can be bought from amazon for around $25.00 I think.

May the wild be cool and your trail easy to follow.--------------------------------Pinwheel

Thnk you Pinwheel. I'll give that book a good look. :icon_thumright:

Hey Dog. Just my thoughts on the #7. I have heard it said that the 7 means campsite. I am sure that this is true in some cases. I have also heard it said that 7 is a symbol for Gold. I do not know this to be true because I have never found any gold. However i do know that 7 is the number of completion as in finished. Done. I have not proven this yet but perhaps the 7 may mean the completion of the layout. End of the trail. I do not know this to be true at all. Just my thoughts on the 7. I am going to try and add a pic here of a 7 I have found.

May the breeze be cool and your trail downhill----------------------------------------Pinwheel

ok i did not figure out how to post a pic. I'll post it as soon as I figure out how.

I haven't found any gold or silver either. but I just don't see the # 7 meaning camp site. I find it more at what I believe are cache sites on the sides of steep inclines. of but I cant find the cache's x spot either. but I have read where some authors say gold. I believe that more than camp, in the area I hunt. but don't go by what I say,i have only done this part time for 2 years, just a green horn here . I mainly go by what I see and feel at the sites I work. no wonder my pockets are empty,lol.

would you happen to have a ideal what a upside down shadow #7 means, pinwheel, or seen it?

Hey Dog. Just my thoughts on the #7. I have heard it said that the 7 means campsite. I am sure that this is true in some cases. I have also heard it said that 7 is a symbol for Gold. I do not know this to be true because I have never found any gold. However i do know that 7 is the number of completion as in finished. Done. I have not proven this yet but perhaps the 7 may mean the completion of the layout. End of the trail. I do not know this to be true at all. Just my thoughts on the 7. I am going to try and add a pic here of a 7 I have found.

May the breeze be cool and your trail downhill----------------------------------------Pinwheel

ok i did not figure out how to post a pic. I'll post it as soon as I figure out how.
I have found the number 7 once..it was at a KGC cache site. The end of the trail...gold. The number 7 is the Jesuit number for gold according to Pickett field book manual. I can send a picture to someone through email..just cant figure out how to post on this site...Steve

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Well, Nobody, I see your brilliant post (the original #54) has been deleted. Too bad for the readers here. Now it's back to "The earth is flat," I guess.

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