Dear cactusjumper;
My offer to expose Mr. Kenworthy for the charaltan that I feel he was still stands. It seems that certain forum members wish for me to prove my claims, which should be naught but a walk in the park for anyone who is even halfway grounded in Western US history. It does not have to be about any specific topic or subject either. Just a random page from one of Mr. Kenworthy's rather dillusional tomes will suffice to prove my point.
That the man could not seem to accurately name the oldest Cathedral in the Western USA, nor properly place it's position in the then village, nor even the year which it was constructed nor the original religious Order whom constructed the building should state something about the man's undying need for historical (in)accuracies.
If anyone wishes to see for themselves that what I am stating is in fact the truth, then my offer stands. It does not matter a whit whether he is dead or alive, as his written words remain behind for us to judge and judge them I shall. When someone crosses the line and starts to write false and/or inaccurate statements about my religion and what we've supposedly done, or did not do, then that person should expect others to call him on the carpet, my friend.
Someone can write that the LDM was discovered by aliens from another galaxy with Elvis Presley as their leader and Jesse James as their foreman and I could honestly care less, but when they involve the Jesuits, Franciscans, Dominicans, Templars, Hospitallers, or any other Roman Catholic religious Order then I will involve myself in the discourse very quickly.
To my way of thinking, these unfounded accusations reek of anti-Catholicism and this is one prejudice which I will not allow without interjecting the facts of the subject into the discussions. Again, my offer remains open and valid to any and all who wish to participate.
Your friend;
My offer to expose Mr. Kenworthy for the charaltan that I feel he was still stands. It seems that certain forum members wish for me to prove my claims, which should be naught but a walk in the park for anyone who is even halfway grounded in Western US history. It does not have to be about any specific topic or subject either. Just a random page from one of Mr. Kenworthy's rather dillusional tomes will suffice to prove my point.
That the man could not seem to accurately name the oldest Cathedral in the Western USA, nor properly place it's position in the then village, nor even the year which it was constructed nor the original religious Order whom constructed the building should state something about the man's undying need for historical (in)accuracies.
If anyone wishes to see for themselves that what I am stating is in fact the truth, then my offer stands. It does not matter a whit whether he is dead or alive, as his written words remain behind for us to judge and judge them I shall. When someone crosses the line and starts to write false and/or inaccurate statements about my religion and what we've supposedly done, or did not do, then that person should expect others to call him on the carpet, my friend.
Someone can write that the LDM was discovered by aliens from another galaxy with Elvis Presley as their leader and Jesse James as their foreman and I could honestly care less, but when they involve the Jesuits, Franciscans, Dominicans, Templars, Hospitallers, or any other Roman Catholic religious Order then I will involve myself in the discourse very quickly.
To my way of thinking, these unfounded accusations reek of anti-Catholicism and this is one prejudice which I will not allow without interjecting the facts of the subject into the discussions. Again, my offer remains open and valid to any and all who wish to participate.
Your friend;