Amen Brother!
For those that are skeptics about the Spanish treasure trails and Kenworthy’s Signs and Symbols book:
Now I don't give heck where he got the signs, they helped me find a Spanish Silver Mine in Kentucky! If you look at the picture you will see that there is a rock map, if you look at it real good you will see several figures right out of the book. Oh yea, I photographed these in 1983 ( a friend and I started looking but put it on hold for 25 years) which is why I didn't know what it was trying to tell me. This past year I got Kenworthy’s book on signs and symbols, and well…..the map then made sense. I found the mine and then went backwards and guess what I found? Several Spanish style markings, each one is reproduced on the large rock map…oh and the rock map is on the back of a turtle shaped rock! The person I believe was the engraver had his name carved near it (no I cannot prove it). Does this go to the credibility of Kenworthy? I think so. I have not read anything of his other than the signs and symbols. I am glad I did and have written the exploits down and will soon try to post a summary of it all.