Okay, time for me to weigh in here:
Regardless what some may think about CK, there are a few things that everybody should know:
1. He showed a friend of mine a LOT of very high grade (bonanza) ore in the trunk of his car that came from the Supers. I implicitly trust my friend's word. He was a good friend of CK before his death in 1999.
2. He found 1028 silver bars in Southern Arizona. The Jesuit Martyr Cache of Padre Javier Saeta SJ after his murder in 1695.
There are more finds, and I was hesitant about posting some of this info. The trunk of gold ore was never published, but the silver bars did make it into a rarely seen article. CK is one of the very few people in the treasure hunting family who has EVER found anything of consequence. I have met a load of people in this obsession who claim to have a lot of knowledge about symbols and hidden meanings, buuuuuuuuuuuuuut, when it comes to where the rubber meets the road, I can count the number of people who have REALLY found anything on two hands (with fingers to spare). I have said this many times before: choose to believe anybody you want, but take EVERYTHING you hear with a grain of salt. The funny thing is, the people I have met who have the most REAL knowledge in regards to treasure hunting........you have never heard of (probably

That being said, he did have some personal issues that didn't endear him to some. I don't know the source of Joe's Friend who had this conversation with CK, but I trust Joe, and he says he trusts this friend. Good enough for me. Why CK would lie about Dr. Lyons I have no idea. Is it possible that Dr. Lyons lied about a relationship with CK? That is possible as well, since he was employed at the time by the Fishers researching the Atocha. I could not say either way. I DO KNOW FOR A FACT that he had MANY sources of archival documents. He spent a small fortune getting the copies of documents he did.
He was a millionaire several times over from the real estate market in Southern California before ever seriously getting into Treasure Hunting. He had the money to pay for access to archives and archivists. I know one and have met another that have seen the hundreds of pages of documents that belonged to CK.
As far as your scans, I also know Dr. Lambert Dolphin (formerly of Stanford Research Institute). He verified to me personally that he came out and did several GPR (ground penetrating radar) Surveys of different treasure sites CK was working on.
Another thing I can say with a very high degree of surety is that while CK did share a lot of his information in his books, he held back probably as much. One thing many people fail to realize is that CK was a Treasure Hunter, not a philanthropist. He paid a great deal of money to get the information he got. All the mooches in the treasure hunting world seem to think that this is some great sin, that he wouldn't share ALL the info he got over the years.
You did come close to a truth in one of your posts, and you could have answered your own question had you looked a little closer. The name of the company that published his books was Quest Publishing. In the "Signs, Symbols, Shadow, and Sun Signs" Book, he states that:
Coincidence? Not likely.
CK was a complicated person. While his accomplishments were tremendous he had some pretty serious character flaws (ego being one). Since I started my own obsession with treasure hunting, I have always tried to find the truth behind not only the stories, but the authors (hence my username of Gollum, who climbed to the roots of the mountains in order to find the truth of all things). I have been pretty disappointed by almost every well known treasure hunter I have researched (I say Almost because Frank Fish seems to have been a pretty straight shooter, as well as Karl Von Mueller). I also possess a good bit of CKs research materials. Like some genuinely gifted psychics, he couldn't produce "on demand" so to speak, and probably "improvised" and "embellished" on occasion (being polite). That's the reason why a good treasure hunting TV Show has never been done. A special every now and then, when something good has been found is one thing, but a weekly audience expects you to find "SOMETHING" or they will lose interest very quickly. This leads to either making crap up (Ghost Hunters) or a very boring TV Show. Maybe Joe can mail me a copy of that DVD. That kind of thing interests me greatly.
I know a lot of the Apache Junction Folks look at CK as a joke, but because of what I KNOW he found, I am always willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.