Blowing The Cast Iron Lids Off Of Beale

The implications are HUGE as well, and not just the more obvious ones. Basically, if what I'm proposing is accurate, which it is, then this means the entire Bank of America, especially the one in Washington itself, and all of its branches and shareholders, were directly profiting from the illegal slave trade, and this was in fact a government bank, a government that was publicly pushing/threatening to condemn the slave trade all together. :thumbsup:

That's because you know little to nothing about the actual subject matter so only natural that you would see it as such. Hard to understand what is so foreign to you.:icon_thumright:
I know that none of this has anything to do with the 1885 Beale Papers and those behind the creation, copyrighting, printing, publishing, marketing and sale of that dime novel pamphlet.
This massive slave trading/ American bankers conspiracy is all your own making, and you will never produce the SMOKING GUN BOMBSHELL you claim ties it all to the Beale Papers, because NONE exists.

I know that none of this has anything to do with the 1885 Beale Papers and those behind the creation, copyrighting, printing, publishing, marketing and sale of that dime novel pamphlet.
This massive slave trading/ American bankers conspiracy is all your own making, and you will never produce the SMOKING GUN BOMBSHELL you claim ties it all to the Beale Papers, because NONE exists.

Well then, rub you're romantic Risque crystal ball and then tell us exactly how you know that? :laughing7: Again, how can anyone even begin to debate what they know so little about? Why would they even try? Throughout this entire thread you have been invited to take part in the direct debate/discussion of the topics presented, to all of these invites you have continued to retreat shouting unrelated gibberish over your shoulder. That, in itself, says a lot. :icon_thumright:

Well then, rub you're romantic Risque crystal ball and then tell us exactly how you know that? :laughing7: Again, how can anyone even begin to debate what they know so little about? Why would they even try? Throughout this entire thread you have been invited to take part in the direct debate/discussion of the topics presented, to all of these invites you have continued to retreat shouting unrelated gibberish over your shoulder. That, in itself, says a lot. :icon_thumright:

I for one believe just like ECS. Nothing you have posted has anything to do with the Beale Papers or story. Where is the connextion? A lot of history yes but no connection what so ever? So I can understand ECS not wanting to rebuttal why should he? These post and threads are about the Beale Treasure where does all of your quoted history come into play? Make a connection for us please.

Look, I can't make you guys step outside of all the typical character romances and lore that has long surrounded the tale. I can't make you search for new characters and potential solutions that reside outside of all the typical romance and lore. All I can do is what I'm doing now in this thread and if you simply refuse to step outside of all of the typical romance and lore to entertain it then so be it. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing, in the manner I feel it has to be done, even making suggestions along the way. This isn't life or death to me or an issue of pride or ego, it's just honest explanation of the research undertaken in an effort to get to the true source and nature of the tale, an avenue of research that I not only feel is accurate but also an avenue of research that I am only just now realizing is completely foreign and unknown to many of you, which is actually somewhat surprising for several reasons. :icon_thumright:

I for one believe just like ECS. Nothing you have posted has anything to do with the Beale Papers or story. Where is the connextion? A lot of history yes but no connection what so ever? So I can understand ECS not wanting to rebuttal why should he? These post and threads are about the Beale Treasure where does all of your quoted history come into play? Make a connection for us please.

Franklin, you have referenced the Spanish archives on numerous occasions now so let me ask, what years were you there or did you just pay those hefty hourly fees for all of that research? And, just exactly what was that area of focus when you or your employed researcher conducted all of that extensive and extensive research? Also, how did you handle all of the required translating? Another payed translator, perhaps? :dontknow:

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Franklin, you have referenced the Spanish archives on numerous occasions now so let me ask, what years were you there or did you just pay those hefty hourly fees for all of that research? And, just exactly what was that area of focus when you or your employed researcher conducted all of that extensive and extensive research? Also, how did you handle all of the required translating? Another payed translator, perhaps? :dontknow:

You can get all that information on the Internet FREE. I had to get it on Inter-Library loan years ago. You can find it on the Internet. It goes back to the late 1600's a lot on the time period of 1800 until 1823.

You can get all that information on the Internet FREE. I had to get it on Inter-Library loan years ago. You can find it on the Internet. It goes back to the late 1600's a lot on the time period of 1800 until 1823.

Well then, I suggest you go back armed with some of what I've put in this post and you do it all over again. :icon_thumright:

As I have said before the answers discovered are subject to the questions one allows himself to ask. For instance, why was George Graham at Galveston Island so long? According to the documents/records regarding his official purpose for going to Galveston Island he could have concluded that business in the matter of days, if not a week or so, so why the extended stay? Why the apparent unscheduled stops on his way back?

We know that a great deal of the Galveston Island profits were being held by area merchants who were all taking part in the “association's” questionable business affairs, a merchant by the name of Marie allegedly holding as much as $200'000 at one time. This was done to avoid any chance that revenues could be seized by the courts as often happened during various court proceedings and suits and such, this wealth being especially subject to such events due to the nature of business from which it arrived. So if Graham required to make terms/arrangements for the collecting and eventual deposit of these funds then this would have required additional time and travel.

Opportunist. I've pointed this out many times before. Officially George Graham has government related business to conduct at Galveston Island but he was also an opportunist and a banker with “unofficial” personal business, if not unofficial government business, to conduct. The Galveston Island gig was up and there was considerable wealth involved that needed to be addressed. Who better to handle all of that then George Graham, president of the Washington branch of the Second Bank of America.

When Monroe and Adams found out that Graham had encouraged Laffite to consult with DeForest regarding the acquiring of possible letters of marque they weren't very pleased about it, their concern being how it all might appear at such a critical time in the impending treaty negotiations they had just secured, a representative of the United States actually encouraging the continued plunder of Spanish commerce in the Gulf. This pretty much confirms that Graham had been conducting personal relations and business affairs of his own design and that his presence at Galveston Island was more then just an “official” Government visit. The very last thing the United States wanted from his visit was the possibility that the details of his trip could turn public and turn the already shaky political tide against them. So weather official government business, unofficial government business, or simply personal agenda, the United States did all they could to suppress these details.

This is just another example why folks need to take a lot of what they read in regard to all of this business with a grain of salt until all of the resource materials can be viewed for one's self, because a great deal of it is simple perspective by those who pen these various summaries based on what information they had available to them at the time. As that information base grows so do the perspectives.

Look... it's just honest explanation of the research undertaken in an effort to get to the true source and nature of the tale, an avenue of research that I not only feel is accurate but also an avenue of research that I am only just now realizing is completely foreign and unknown to many of you...
One major question you need to address:
No one does anything without a purpose. If the Beale Papers copyrighted by Ward is really a "cover" story of Lafitte, pirates, Galveston slave trade with bankers laundering money and so on, what was the purpose of fabricating a totally different story which character names related to Lynchburg , not New Orleans or Galveston, and was placed for sale only in Lynchburg for a limited time due to complaints of Lynchburg descendants of those named in the job pamphlet?
If what you are presenting as the TRUE story behind the FICTIONAL story of the Beale Papers, there is no reason why Ward would act as the agent of copyright for this "unknown author".
This is where all your theories have fallen apart as wishful "connexions" that never are.

One major question you need to address:
No one does anything without a purpose. If the Beale Papers copyrighted by Ward is really a "cover" story of Lafitte, pirates, Galveston slave trade with bankers laundering money and so on, what was the purpose of fabricating a totally different story which character names related to Lynchburg , not New Orleans or Galveston, and was placed for sale only in Lynchburg for a limited time due to complaints of Lynchburg descendants of those named in the job pamphlet?
If what you are presenting as the TRUE story behind the FICTIONAL story of the Beale Papers, there is no reason why Ward would act as the agent of copyright for this "unknown author".

Here again you have attempted to make issue while addressing it yourself at the same time. What you posted above, as well as other concerns, is exactly why the author removed his name from the publication. And once again, you are still cuddling the groundless local romances that Clay, Coles, Witcher, Jackson, and Chief Justice Marshall were "local" references, which they were not. Also you're still cuddling that this was "a local" story when in fact the narration itself goes way beyond the local and even Virginia itself, unless of course you believe that Santa Fe and 350 miles north of Santa Fe was still in Virginia, or that Richmond was in Lynchburg and Bedford county, which they are/were not. :laughing7: So you see it's you who has fallen apart, completely fallen apart, not me. This is what happens when you reach too far in desperate attempt to pursue argument over matters that you quite clearly have yet to even try to understand. Just about anyone who has ever read the narration is fully aware that Santa Fe and Colorado are not in Virginia and that Richmond isn't/wasn't in Bedford County or Lynchburg. :icon_thumright:

Here you go ECS, something you should already have the answers to;

The Beale author tells you where he is from and who he was, "Thomas J. Beale" of "Richmond." So my question to you is what happened to this Thomas J. Beale? The answer to this will tell you why he had the narration published when he did and as he did. :icon_thumright:

Another strawman hayride to the red herring fishfry at the rabbit hole on the yellow brick road over on the lost highway.

Another strawman hayride to the red herring fishfry at the rabbit hole on the yellow brick road over on the lost highway.

So in other words you are completely clueless again. :laughing7:

In June, 1821, a Laffite personally commanded privateer took a schooner, the "Constitution" as prize while it was in route from Cadiz to Vera Cruise. Aboard this vessel there was discovered $50'000 to $60'000 in silver. The other merchandise was later sold but what became of all of this silver? Here again, this is just one more example of the HUGE revenues that were still being raked in, and this is after the Galveston enterprise had all but seen its final days. So in just one prize an absolutely HUGE amount of silver had been realized, this just one ship out of hundreds, if not even more then that over the years.

Regarding the alleged deaths of both Laffite's, both accounts lack a body and in both of the generally accepted cases both men fell victim to wounds suffered during conflicts that were completely out documented character of both of them as neither man ever spent much time aboard the vessels they owned and did business with. In reality these brothers were basically land lubbers who spent the vast majority of their time on land running their enterprise and not taking the prizes from which they profited. Yet in both accounts of death we are portrayed visions of fierce pirates engaged in mortal sea battles with authorities.

Also, in both cases it is told that both managed to escape their captors, not a single account of any certainty that even places either man aboard both vessels. And last, in both cases the only manner in which these details are allegedly confirmed is by way of testimony from men who had either never served with either brother before or by those who were so close to the Laffites that they had a long record of loyalty to them and long records of even lying on their behalf. Not even the captains of any of the involved military vessels were able to conclusively confirm that either man was even on the vessels involved in the alleged engagements. And in fact, later it would be discovered that both accounts of engagement and death held a certain amount of details that were inaccurate.

Of these two accounts the one regarding Pierre's alleged death is most believable, but even so it is not without its share of inaccurate and suspect details. On the hand, however, anyone buying into the story of Jean Laffite's alleged death is simply a victim to their own gullibility of swashbuckling tales that end with “Arg!”

Is this a thread about the Beale Papers, or is it about Jean Lafitte?

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