Here ECS, but don't let it get to you so much, let go the obvious frustrations....
Things start to become really obvious in 1815 when after receiving his pardon with aid of Jackson, Claiborne, Madison, Monroe, Rush, you start to see a very distinct change in the administration's attitude and relations with the privateers, this being most obvious in Claiborne and Patterson.
Remember those sixteen gold plates I referenced earlier, well these and other items of merchandise were basically a court agreed settlement between Laffite and Patterson, the same man who only months before dedicated everything he had at his disposal to rid the country of this terrible banditti. But now he is virtually agreeing to the return of a large sum of finance and other goods. Why?
Well, shortly after this unexpected turn in attitude Laffite traveled to Washington to hold several counsels, ironically Latour and Jackson were there as well. Also while in Washington Laffite visited with Onis and this is where all of the spy misinformation comes from, though it is true that the Laffite's did act as such, just not as folks wish to design it. In reality the Laffite's were doing what need to be done for what lied ahead.
When Laffite left Washington he had somehow managed arrangements for new ships and he had also managed to accept a mapping and surveying expedition with Latour in the Texas region and north, all of this being done under the veil that it was for Spain, not the Americans. The irony in this is that it was the Americans who would eventually profit from this expedition, the route of Long expedition, which Jackson later encouraged, and the location of Champ D'Asile already having been laid out before either ever arrived on the scene. And the real irony, it was all at Spain's expense, a country paying for its own demise both out of pocket and by their HUGE amount of losses at sea. By the time Onis figured all of this out it was too late.
So obvious was all of this in New Orleans, where the filibusters were already gathering, rumor abounded that both the Americans and the British had launched a plan to completely annihilate Spain's commerce in the Gulf, this then causing insurance companies in New Orleans to simply refuse to insure Spanish goods or their ships. So even before these foreseen forces planted themselves at Spain's front door it was already known what was about to happen and who was behind it. You see after the treaty of 1815 the Americans and the British started to work commercial prosperity and continuity, this all including that desirable route of passage to the Pacific through the shared Oregon territory, which is why “350 miles north of Santa Fe” is referenced in the Beale papers, this being that critical line of new border established in the Adams Onis Treaty.
And as for those new ships, and especially the one being built in Charleston, this can be traced back......."The First Bank of America", that very same bank where George Graham held important position as well. It's all but a done deal now....just some minor tidying up and a couple of loose ends that still need cleaned up. But don't let it get so deep under your skin.....just let the obvious frustration go.

The fiction theory was a solid bet for a while....
PS: and by the way, had you taken the time to investigate all that Captain Porter information in regards to Laffite's alleged death, you'll discover that just about every knowledgeable historian agrees that the information is inaccurate. You see, I'm not the only one who has reserved the right to change their opinion based on the new information gained.