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… OR, we can work on a word math problem:
An alleged discoverer of a legendary treasure yet to be recovered is offering 10% shares of the recovered treasure for a one time non-refundable "gift" investment of only $5000, which includes the signing of complete non disclosure of any and all things related to this treasure recovery.
How many of these 10% can be sold under the non disclosure agreement?
Unlimited, because the payoff is based on a treasure in fictional dime novel.

Take a number have a seat and WAIT?

Take a number have a seat and WAIT?


You say the Beale Vault is a concrete vault? Why does the Beale Papers say they excavated a hole, roughly lining it with stone and covered it over with other stones. Does not sound like concrete to me. Also your avatar or handle as "Icehouse" At one time a Beale Treasure hunter said the treasure was on the property of Sanford Bower in Upper Goose Creek and that it had been concealed in an "Icehouse" but it is no longer there. Is this your conclusion or do you have another location in mind?

Good One franklin on the Icehouse!

Pretty Insightful for a Pop Drinking, Potato Chip, Cupcake Eating Armchair 'Amateur' Beale Hunter! lol!


... Since i am here, I would like to have a decent conversation, answering questions, etc, in regard to the project.
I will in the next day or so give a rundown of our experiences.
Maybe then you will understand why I keep saying play the game...
So you admit that it is all a game, after all? No vault, no treasure...
...or will it end with the vault "found", but EMPTY?

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You say the Beale Vault is a concrete vault? Why does the Beale Papers say they excavated a hole, roughly lining it with stone and covered it over with other stones. Does not sound like concrete to me. Also your avatar or handle as "Icehouse" At one time a Beale Treasure hunter said the treasure was on the property of Sanford Bower in Upper Goose Creek and that it had been concealed in an "Icehouse" but it is no longer there. Is this your conclusion or do you have another location in mind?

The supposed c2 "broken" code isnt broken. It is designed to look as if it is. The authors knew if put out as such, everyone would drive themselves mad in trying to break c1 and c3, alone and seperately. There are many clues in the supposed broken codes words along with the rest of the beale info as originally provided, but the story related by c2 is just that, a story. Fiction. The numbers of c2, along with c1 and c3, ALL are important to solving the code. You can try for the rest if eternity to break c1 and c3, it can not be done as they are but two seperate parts of a large code. Once broken you will understsnd the supposed mistakes in c2 are not mistskes at all. The vault is concrete. It could be 6 ft below the surface of the ground. The bottom surface of the ground. Parts of it at least, are in wooden kegs, 2 ft tall. 1 of which was repaired. Icehouse could be referring to a vault. It could just as easy be referring to cold beer. There are clues in all the words of the papers associated with the codes. There are several clues within this thread. No, the vault wouldnt be anywhere near the location you mention. Not even close. Our location isn't merely something in our mind. The property is listed by name in the code. Also included in the code, once you figure out the property, are several sets of exact coordinates. I will go into all that in a reply to everyone here as soon as i can make time to do it as it will be quite a long post.

Take a number have a seat and WAIT?

Well you could speed things up a little franklin. I keep saying play the game. The start will lead you in several directions, only one of which is correct. There is a way to verify right from wrong throughout. The correct path will provide you with enough informstion to positively identify the key to get you into the code. Note: its not a family bible, and will never arrive from st louis, no matter the time, well unless maybe you order it from there.

So you admit that it is all a game, after all? No vault, no treasure...
...or will it end with the vault "found", but EMPTY?

Its a game ECS. As related in the story. But it is a game the authors intended on winning. Kind of like an in your face thing. They make the game, the code,. They lead you in a very roundabout way to the vault. Then they do everything possible throughout, to lead you astray. They intended on winning. Up till now they have done an expert job of it. It is like trying to outsmart the best master of chess, with every move. I will be making a very long post to all as soon as possible to further try to explain. It is a game. There is a vault. And treasure.

Good One franklin on the Icehouse!

Pretty Insightful for a Pop Drinking, Potato Chip, Cupcake Eating Armchair 'Amateur' Beale Hunter! lol!


Kace i really didnt intend to cut anyone here. I know some of these people have spent many years on the Beale. But when i look back over some of their posts over the past few years i see "i found it, he found it, cant get permission, beale did this, later, hutter did that, the beale is real, the beale is not real, its been broken years ago, etc," all coming from the same poster or same few, and then i am told about all these serious beale hunters, it just looks hard to swallow. No, i am not trashing anyone. Anyone actually hunting the beale has their hands full no doubt, We sure have.

Makes no sense? Why are you here then? If you are giving it away free--------POST IT HERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE.

I'm afraid all that info would melt the treasurenet servers.

CORRECTION: I (Kace) Did Not Post 81618's Real Name-Address etc... 81618 Posted That Himself In Post #82 Of This Thread.

There Will Be No More I Will Post Here Regarding My Name Being Associated With This Beale Mystery Group or Whatever It's Called... It's Not My Deal, Nor Am I Affiliated With It In Any Way.

I Would Very Much Like To Thank All Of You Beale Regulars For Your Support Of Me When My Character Was Challenged.

I'm just a bystander and interested reader as you know of the Beale Topics you all cuss and discuss, (lol)... I've Never Once contributed anything to Beale... but I do want you All to know I've learned so much from each and every one of you about it and I'm Very Grateful for the way you share your knowledge. Each one of you regular posters are all highly intelligent and even the most cursory readings of your posts show the enormous amount of time, research and effort that you've put into Beale. You've made it interesting for me...Thank You For That.

Best Regards,


My mistake Kaci. I thought the info was in a post of yours. As long as it's here for anyone in need I guess is the main thing.

Icehouse, is this Beale vault in Bedford county, Virginia, a Philadelphia mansion quoin, or Bedford, Nova Scotia or some other site that has been mentioned on these threads by your former colleague 81618 and others?

None of the above. The Beale vault is exactly where the Beale code says it is. Many of the markers/pointers were excavated at precise coordinates as listed in the code

Who is 10201? You do not have him listed on your site as one of the partners. You have 20102? Are they the same person?

Sorry Ive looked at so many numbers as of late looks like I'm getting dyslexia. No 10201. I meant 20102. Give you clues then mess them up. I'm just glad it's not 867-5309.

HA! NOT into "GAMES"... BORING! AND! Waste of MY time... Heh!

Okay. But the first correct move will open the door to the key you and many others throughout the years have been looking for. The key to get you into the codes. And it's as easy to get as going to town and making an order. And no, it's not anything we are selling. Its been around for many a year.

Its a game ECS. As related in the story. But it is a game the authors intended on winning. Kind of like an in your face thing. They make the game, the code,. They lead you in a very roundabout way to the vault. Then they do everything possible throughout, to lead you astray. They intended on winning. Up till now they have done an expert job of it. It is like trying to outsmart the best master of chess, with every move. I will be making a very long post to all as soon as possible to further try to explain. It is a game. There is a vault. And treasure.

...and of course "they" is this mysterious "BROTHERHOOD" that convinced James Beverly Ward to spend his own limited money to copyright and publish a dime novel pamphlet with a cipher game to be sold for a limited time in the 1885 Lynchburg market.
Once again, if a connection can not be made to James Beverly Ward, this "BROTHERHOOD THEORY" will melt away like the contents of an open door icehouse on a July afternoon.
If you and your "cronies" actually have the key, why do you keep telling us to play the game to find the key?
As Franklin stated " If you are giving it away free...POST IT HERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE"" instead of all your current constant gameplaying.

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Why all the numbers concealing members names and identities?
It raises suspicion and makes one wonder what else is being concealed, especially after one member's TN PM solicitations for non-returnable gift donations.

The member soliciting scam donations has been permanently removed from the team at thebealemystery. I have offered an apology. There is not much else i can do except say people make mistakes and it's obvious he made one. A serious one to the balance of the team. We are not soliciting, selling, nor borrowing. We do not want nor need your money. At some point there may be a book, for posterity, but, we thought best to give this info first to those deserving it, the ones who have been in the wood hunting the Beale. So, that is what we are attempting to do. Who better to review the work but the ones who have spent years trying to break it ? I hate it happened. It's over, Let's move on. There are several reasons for no names. One, as mentioned in a previous reply, we are giving you clues. Two, who we are isn't important. We are not here to gain notoriety. We do not want to be inundated with scams, beggars, hungry kin, hangers on, theives, people making claims, etc. It's pretty simple, and best. The Long Ranger wore a mask and was a good guy. Give us a chance to prove there is nothing hidden here except our names.

... i havent actually been in conversation with anyone i would consider a knowledgeable beale researcher, much less one in good standing.
So far, they have pretty much already been named, naysayers...
No I do not care in the least for you nor what you think. I know what you are...
Most likely i could buy your complete total miserable life and everything in it should I take the notion.
But you have nothing I want...
The team involved has located the Beale...
What a joke.
The punchline of this "joke", if we have nothing you want, why do keep asking us "naysayers" and "unknowledgeable Beale researchers" to play your GAME?
Your continuing to post on these TN Beale threads confirms that you do want something we have.

The punchline of this "joke", if we have nothing you want, why do keep asking us "naysayers" and "unknowledgeable Beale researchers" to play your GAME?
Your continuing to post on these TN Beale threads confirms that you do want something we have.

ECS if you look through many posts here by some as described to me as knowledgeable Beale researchers you can plainly see why i used the term naysayers. All want to deny we know what we have done yet none seem interested in disproving the decipherment. Just bashing the thought of the possibility. My continuance on this forum is solely due to the fact that the code involves a story that needs to be told. The code is a masterpiece. The treasure is great. But the story is greater. The game, if played tells part. In the playing of it you learn alot more of it. Yes you have something We would like. It's not your money. It's not your approval. It's not a pat on the back. We would seriously like all, especially ones who have worked the Beale, to see how it was done. Period. To work your way through the code is mindbending. Watching every little thing come together with precision more advanced than computers, yet originating from the mind of man well over 100 years ago from a time that was supposed to be simple. I seem to have upset several by saying play the game. But that is how the authors of the code describe it. And to them, I'm sure it was. Sitting around deciding how to show you how to get from point A to point B, yet at the same time working every thing you could come up with to throw you off in disgust along the way. Maybe I should have said break the codes. Then they would really be pissed as you can not break the codes. You can though, break the code.

I'm afraid all that info would melt the treasurenet servers.

Melt us, we can move on to another treasure. Nothing wrong with anyone finding a treasure but everyone has to know for sure that you have found the Beale Treasure. You say there are 2 ft. tall wooden kegs and one has been repaired but you failed to mention any treasure. If you saw the wooden kegs then you say there was treasure then why have you not recovered the treasure? Too many loose ends. If you were a boat you would have so many holes you would sink like a rock. I have replied to
"" or whatever but I have received no reply. When do you plan on replying to people playing your game? I like instant action not delayed for weeks or months for a reply that is not coming. You are really wasting my time and others as well. I need to move on to constructive work as this is going no where.

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