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Okay, if not mistaken 13 holes. Permission and all excavations agreed upon, and property owners and original partners doing the work. Most holes maybe 20 or 30 feet across (with sloping to prevent caving in on us) around 20 ft deep. No rock, no trash, nothing to be found but clean dirt, at at the bottom, a single clue, most often encased in grey clay. A few of the holes were larger, the map site started as the rest, but as we found more and more, the hole grew to the above stated size, with the last several feet of most of it done with shovels due to our findings and trying to preserve everything as is. Quite large. When we uncovered the originally planned vault location (locals vegetables storage telling you unwanted people knew the location) we had an area probably 40 yards by 50 yards dug to bedrock. The hole blasted into the bedrock by the cachers itself was around 50 ft across, and averaged 10 ft deep. In the bottom of this excavation we found spalled rock, handmade wooden ladders and work platforms, old drilling tools for blasting, and several quarried blocks near 2 ft square by 5 ft long. This site, as mentioned in the codes, was the originally planned burial location. Next big one was where we got off on one of the incorrect paths, that lead us to believe, again, this was certainly it. Nearly 2 weeks, 3 people on machinery, moving about the width of two football fields side by side, to the 75-80 yardline averaging 15 to 20 ft deep. Immense. We changed the landscape. Machinery used was a 120,000 pound trackhoe, a large cat dozer, and the biggest rubber tired backhoe you can haul on a trailer without a permit. In the end, we found not a single thing here, covered it over, backed up in the code, found where we were lead astray, and again proceeded. Talk about busting your bubble this one nearly ended the project for all. Generally, after the first couple shiwed clues deep, we stopped hand digging till around 3 ft from bedrock which was found by steel probe testing every couple buckets. Even with these orecautions we accidently moved a couple pointers but luckily were able to figure it out. Only a couple times were pointers buried shallow. Once, a pointer was accompanied by a plow point. The next marker, the one being pointed to, was 10 inches deep, around plowing depth. Material moved ? That is a joke. We moved over the complete course of the project no doubt over 1 million cubic yards in my opinion. Every year we spent the hot months digging. Sometimes weeks on end, every day, all day. And to think the cachers did all this with horses, mules, and drag pans. All holes save the vault hole have been documented along with everything found, and returned to their near beforehand appearance. Seems insane i'm sure but this is how sure we were of our wirk. We were intent on proving it, and working it to the end, although, like i said above there was a time or two we were 50/50 on throwing in the towel. By the time we both sat up all night studying in it, we both would doubke down, back up, find the alternate path, and go again.

That will not be duplicated any time soon...
Oak Hill dig in Danville VA. Left a few folks with looks like they smelled something bad in the fridge. And they too had permission. Can't make it easier for others seeking permissions.

Unrelated. But digging and Beale in a grand manner...
In 1863, General Edward Fitzgerald Beale came down from his 300,000-acre Tejon Ranch to take over a roadwork project in Fremont Pass, south of what would become the town of Newhall. The project had been started some years earlier by Beale's old battlefield adversary – Andrés Pico.

With picks and shovels, Beale's men cut a spectacular 90-foot-deep, vertical-sided gash through the mountain, enabling stagecoaches to enter the Santa Clarita Valley from the south and improving the single transportation linkage from Los Angeles to Fort Tejon and points north.

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It appears, as others have done before, you are creating your own fictional account of the Beale story to fit you theory of a secret "Brotherhood" and this found vault that is not in Bedford county, Virginia.
Is this "vault" even in Virginia?

No. Most all of the info provided comes from findings on site, much research, or from the code itself. My favorite from the code goes something like 'by the time you finish this you will know me as I now know you '. Try putting meaning to that quote. No theory on the brotherhood it is a proven fact. They are listed in the code. And more. The vault is not now, nor has it ever been, in Bedford although it is in Virginia. You want closer I plead the fifth temporarily, as its listed in the code. You want it before someone else reveals it as found in the code, you will have to figure it out yourself. Concerning the code, we may be moving towards chapter 2 pretty soon it looks like the fellow i mentioned before as working the code is very close. He is hitting all over it.

When one burns both ends for the candle's flame
Then continues to chastise he who is shamed
To allow it the entire TEAM is to blame
While still playing the same old game
All of them need a Burma Shave!

You have lost me. You keep mentioning the same thing, i merely keep replying. No problem i will stop as im about tired of repeating myself.

That will not be duplicated any time soon...
Oak Hill dig in Danville VA. Left a few folks with looks like they smelled something bad in the fridge. And they too had permission. Can't make it easier for others seeking permissions.

Unrelated. But digging and Beale in a grand manner...
In 1863, General Edward Fitzgerald Beale came down from his 300,000-acre Tejon Ranch to take over a roadwork project in Fremont Pass, south of what would become the town of Newhall. The project had been started some years earlier by Beale's old battlefield adversary – Andrés Pico.

With picks and shovels, Beale's men cut a spectacular 90-foot-deep, vertical-sided gash through the mountain, enabling stagecoaches to enter the Santa Clarita Valley from the south and improving the single transportation linkage from Los Angeles to Fort Tejon and points north.

Yes but the dig at oak hill was on a historic property, very near the original location of the old plantation house. Our site is in the middle of nowhere where the only building that ever went on anywhere close was the vault itself. We also photographed, marked coordinates, and treated every artifact as a historical treasure, with only a single loss, that being a large concrete turtle head marker, which, after being told to treat the area as an archeological site, the landowners 20 something year old grandson smashed it to pieces with a sledgehammer so we only got 2 pics, bearings, and coordinates. A bit different. P.S. we were able to find what the turtle head was and was not looking at.

You have lost me. You keep mentioning the same thing, i merely keep replying. No problem i will stop as im about tired of repeating myself.
Maybe you should reply with more substance then the variations on the same thing, you did, after all, entered this discussion on this particular thread on your own volition.

4 miles from Buford's in Bedford county is what the Beale papers read.

The Beale papers are a fiction, with clues. The Beale code shows you exactly where it is, going so far as to properly name it, once again. You folks who have been hunting Bedford for half your life maybe you are comfortable hunting there but you are wasting your time unless you are just looking to get some exercise.

Are an official ACA card signed by "Gamester" carrying member as another who has claimed cipher solution and working a dig on the site?
...Or is he another member of TEAM BEALE MYSTERY?
American Cryptogram Association

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Maybe you should reply with more substance then the variations on the same thing, you did, after all, entered this discussion on this particular thread on your own volition.

Okay friend. I have had enough. The childishness amongst many here is nigh overwhelming. You keep poking around goose creek, the peaks, bufords..i really am not interested in this sociopathic back and forth go nowhere banter. When it all comes to light, and it will shortly, dont blame me as i seriously tried but at this point i'm done. No, we are not just going to put it in your lap. You interested you will need work for it.

Just pay your ACA dues and let us know when you actually recovered the Beale treasure in wood kegs and not in Bedford county, Virginia.
Then Y'all come back, hear!

Oh yeah one more thing. Confederate military maps (seems like 4) showing your search area show 3 locations marked Bufords, and a 4th, named bufords gap, which has been erased yet you can still see it, on 3 of the maps. The 4th map plainly shows bufords gap with no erasures. So, im just wondering, and no there is no need to reply as i really do not care, but just wondering when all you undergraduate majors of Beale study start your 4 mile measurement just exactly which bufords do you measure from ? Or do you take and locate the centerpoint of the 4 and go from there ? Not that it really matters or will ever make a difference. Like i said, work for it.

Icehouse, you do not seem to realize that I am one of the hardcore "Naysayers" that from my research has determined , as you have state, the Beale Papers dime novel pamphlet, is a work of fiction.
Yes , the "unknown author" made ambiguous references throughout the work to create plausible believability as well as purposeful discrepancies that the targeted 1885 Lynchburg market would have been totally aware.
This ephemeral period adventure treasure tale would have disappeared entirely from history if not for Pauline Innis being intrigued by George Hart's THE HART PAPERS, and writing GOLD IN THE BLUE RIDGE and several articles in treasure and men's magazines in the late 1950's and '60's.
Fiction from fiction is still fiction, and many have followed with their creative revisionist fiction adding to the story, all as Shakespeare would say: "Full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing".
So far, all you have brought forth, like others before you, is the "sound and fury".

Ice, this story gets sadder and sadder with every page. Markers and carvings and pointers and clues to clues to more clues. Classic treasure hunting delusions. Here's a forum full of Big Time Treasure Hunters who pretend every rock they see is a treasure marker. It's turtles all the way down. Maybe you're there, too. Ya got nothing, and a year from now you'll still have nothing, except more make-believe clues and otherwise empty holes. I'm still willing to put a wager on that.

Icehouse, you do not seem to realize that I am one of the hardcore "Naysayers" that from my research has determined , as you have state, the Beale Papers dime novel pamphlet, is a work of fiction.
Yes , the "unknown author" made ambiguous references throughout the work to create plausible believability as well as purposeful discrepancies that the targeted 1885 Lynchburg market would have been totally aware.
This ephemeral period adventure treasure tale would have disappeared entirely from history if not for Pauline Innis being intrigued by George Hart's THE HART PAPERS, and writing GOLD IN THE BLUE RIDGE and several articles in treasure and men's magazines in the late 1950's and '60's.
Fiction from fiction is still fiction, and many have followed with their creative revisionist fiction adding to the story, all as Shakespeare would say: "Full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing".
So far, all you have brought forth, like others before you, is the "sound and fury".

Funny, I have seen what you call research. You wouldn’t know research if it bit you. But you are King of this website, well maybe not the whole site, but King of the forums. Well maybe not the forums, but King of your post anyway. Well possibly not that ether, but in your own mind I’m sure.

Funny, I have seen what you call research...
Funny, none of us have seen what anyone would call research from you...
Like a Jack in a box, you pop up with some derisive comment when another turns your crank! :smileinbox:

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Funny, none of us have seen what anyone would call research from you...
Like a Jack in a box, you pop up with some derisive comment when another turns your crank! :smileinbox:

... But you are King of this website, well maybe not the whole site, but King of the forums.
Well maybe not the forums, but King of your post anyway.
Well possibly not that ether, but in your own mind I’m sure.
No, I am not a king, and have not played a king on television, so I must reject your offer as jester. :icon_jokercolor: Sorry.

Best of luck in your employment search. :thumbsup:

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