There are two points (of probably many) that stand out in earnest:
1) "Icehouse" is an honorable and able investigator; this person deserves one's upmost respect.
2) The Beale Papers is solved and the vault is known and located. Specific reasons currently prevent its opening.
Out of high school in 1979, I became a military policeman working bomb dogs. Finalizing a police career in 2002, I was hospitalized for stress. No longer could I do what I loved to do. Through all of this was my research project originally called Project Red Knee; I swear, it helped me from falling deeper into trouble; the work was mesmerizing and soothing to consider. Able to write, I published two books. I made many friends and contacts. One of these contacts was 20102; I became acquainted with this person shortly after 2005 when I was introduced to the Beale Papers. A friendship developed over time until the BEALE MYSTERY having now been finalized. There were always two Beale treasures for me. One was of my research of the sword and coin leading to a Philadelphia mansion and the other, of the BEALE MYSTERY. One was public knowledge and the other, not. The two are linked through the phrase ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE. I promoted the solution to the Beale Treasure as that of the mansion on most occasions. I teased of the solution of the Beale Mystery due to antagonistic verbiage from posters who were quite rude and disagreeable to an unhealthy extent. Having great secrets and little money (just enough to pay bills which I was always grateful), I would make attempt at times to garner some help financially. I know gifts are tax free, so I would request these. By the same token, I would frequently give out percentages of my capital gains from future income to potential gift givers whether they gave or not; this I can prove if you're brave enough to face-to-face me and ask for this proof. Now, I've bared my soul and find a particular comfort is doing so as I have nothing to hide. I'm not perfect, but have always been forthright and truthful. I have just a few more comments to make:
As a quasi-agent to the BEALE MYSTERY, confidentiality was always paramount. I never revealed specific details in phraseology used in describing around main points. It is true, isn't it, you don't know the location of the vault? I never revealed pics, location, etc. within the BEALE MYSTERY. I did nothing wrong is this regard. I did my job, made decisions and was effective. The effect will become apparent soon.
As agent and owner of PROJECT ARACHNID RED KNEE, I have frequently solicited gifted funds due to the reasons that were written in the larger paragraph above. I have spent my whole being, other than supporting my family on one income as a janitor, to progress in the research of apparently simple sword and coin. It has always been my wish to give this research to the multitude (the public) in America and abroad. I've wished to teach compassion, study, research, reading, investigation and discovery - and primarily enthusiasm, which means "God in us".
When one renders service to the public, is it wrong to ask for help in return? Said point is especially true, perhaps, when the servant expends of him/her self to the point of near poverty over very many years (24 to be exact)?
Kace, you haven't hurt me. You betrayed me, my private communication to you. There's a difference. I feel a vindication, a relief, that my real position is out in the open. Now, maybe, the BEALE MYSTERY, in all of its beauty, may be dissected and studied as it should be - with or without me. I'm aware of your attempt to disrupt. It will be what it will be, I'm prepared for anything at this point.
Since I'm probably collateral damage, bring your minds together and study the BEALE MYSTERY solution. It is real. ...REAL, I say. It is Truth.
You're all lucky to have "Icehouse"...
One should know their quasi-agent:
Kenneth Andrew Bauman
5101 W. Whitley Road
South Whitley, Indiana 46787