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There are two points (of probably many) that stand out in earnest:

1) "Icehouse" is an honorable and able investigator; this person deserves one's upmost respect.

2) The Beale Papers is solved and the vault is known and located. Specific reasons currently prevent its opening.

Out of high school in 1979, I became a military policeman working bomb dogs. Finalizing a police career in 2002, I was hospitalized for stress. No longer could I do what I loved to do. Through all of this was my research project originally called Project Red Knee; I swear, it helped me from falling deeper into trouble; the work was mesmerizing and soothing to consider. Able to write, I published two books. I made many friends and contacts. One of these contacts was 20102; I became acquainted with this person shortly after 2005 when I was introduced to the Beale Papers. A friendship developed over time until the BEALE MYSTERY having now been finalized. There were always two Beale treasures for me. One was of my research of the sword and coin leading to a Philadelphia mansion and the other, of the BEALE MYSTERY. One was public knowledge and the other, not. The two are linked through the phrase ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE. I promoted the solution to the Beale Treasure as that of the mansion on most occasions. I teased of the solution of the Beale Mystery due to antagonistic verbiage from posters who were quite rude and disagreeable to an unhealthy extent. Having great secrets and little money (just enough to pay bills which I was always grateful), I would make attempt at times to garner some help financially. I know gifts are tax free, so I would request these. By the same token, I would frequently give out percentages of my capital gains from future income to potential gift givers whether they gave or not; this I can prove if you're brave enough to face-to-face me and ask for this proof. Now, I've bared my soul and find a particular comfort is doing so as I have nothing to hide. I'm not perfect, but have always been forthright and truthful. I have just a few more comments to make:

As a quasi-agent to the BEALE MYSTERY, confidentiality was always paramount. I never revealed specific details in phraseology used in describing around main points. It is true, isn't it, you don't know the location of the vault? I never revealed pics, location, etc. within the BEALE MYSTERY. I did nothing wrong is this regard. I did my job, made decisions and was effective. The effect will become apparent soon.

As agent and owner of PROJECT ARACHNID RED KNEE, I have frequently solicited gifted funds due to the reasons that were written in the larger paragraph above. I have spent my whole being, other than supporting my family on one income as a janitor, to progress in the research of apparently simple sword and coin. It has always been my wish to give this research to the multitude (the public) in America and abroad. I've wished to teach compassion, study, research, reading, investigation and discovery - and primarily enthusiasm, which means "God in us".

When one renders service to the public, is it wrong to ask for help in return? Said point is especially true, perhaps, when the servant expends of him/her self to the point of near poverty over very many years (24 to be exact)?

Kace, you haven't hurt me. You betrayed me, my private communication to you. There's a difference. I feel a vindication, a relief, that my real position is out in the open. Now, maybe, the BEALE MYSTERY, in all of its beauty, may be dissected and studied as it should be - with or without me. I'm aware of your attempt to disrupt. It will be what it will be, I'm prepared for anything at this point.

Since I'm probably collateral damage, bring your minds together and study the BEALE MYSTERY solution. It is real. ...REAL, I say. It is Truth.

You're all lucky to have "Icehouse"...

One should know their quasi-agent:


Kenneth Andrew Bauman
5101 W. Whitley Road
South Whitley, Indiana 46787

There are two points (of probably many) that stand out in earnest:

1) "Icehouse" is an honorable and able investigator; this person deserves one's upmost respect.

2) The Beale Papers is solved and the vault is known and located. Specific reasons currently prevent its opening.

Out of high school in 1979, I became a military policeman working bomb dogs. Finalizing a police career in 2002, I was hospitalized for stress. No longer could I do what I loved to do. Through all of this was my research project originally called Project Red Knee; I swear, it helped me from falling deeper into trouble; the work was mesmerizing and soothing to consider. Able to write, I published two books. I made many friends and contacts. One of these contacts was 20102; I became acquainted with this person shortly after 2005 when I was introduced to the Beale Papers. A friendship developed over time until the BEALE MYSTERY having now been finalized. There were always two Beale treasures for me. One was of my research of the sword and coin leading to a Philadelphia mansion and the other, of the BEALE MYSTERY. One was public knowledge and the other, not. The two are linked through the phrase ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE. I promoted the solution to the Beale Treasure as that of the mansion on most occasions. I teased of the solution of the Beale Mystery due to antagonistic verbiage from posters who were quite rude and disagreeable to an unhealthy extent. Having great secrets and little money (just enough to pay bills which I was always grateful), I would make attempt at times to garner some help financially. I know gifts are tax free, so I would request these. By the same token, I would frequently give out percentages of my capital gains from future income to potential gift givers whether they gave or not; this I can prove if you're brave enough to face-to-face me and ask for this proof. Now, I've bared my soul and find a particular comfort is doing so as I have nothing to hide. I'm not perfect, but have always been forthright and truthful. I have just a few more comments to make:

As a quasi-agent to the BEALE MYSTERY, confidentiality was always paramount. I never revealed specific details in phraseology used in describing around main points. It is true, isn't it, you don't know the location of the vault? I never revealed pics, location, etc. within the BEALE MYSTERY. I did nothing wrong is this regard. I did my job, made decisions and was effective. The effect will become apparent soon.

As agent and owner of PROJECT ARACHNID RED KNEE, I have frequently solicited gifted funds due to the reasons that were written in the larger paragraph above. I have spent my whole being, other than supporting my family on one income as a janitor, to progress in the research of apparently simple sword and coin. It has always been my wish to give this research to the multitude (the public) in America and abroad. I've wished to teach compassion, study, research, reading, investigation and discovery - and primarily enthusiasm, which means "God in us".

When one renders service to the public, is it wrong to ask for help in return? Said point is especially true, perhaps, when the servant expends of him/her self to the point of near poverty over very many years (24 to be exact)?

Kace, you haven't hurt me. You betrayed me, my private communication to you. There's a difference. I feel a vindication, a relief, that my real position is out in the open. Now, maybe, the BEALE MYSTERY, in all of its beauty, may be dissected and studied as it should be - with or without me. I'm aware of your attempt to disrupt. It will be what it will be, I'm prepared for anything at this point.

Since I'm probably collateral damage, bring your minds together and study the BEALE MYSTERY solution. It is real. ...REAL, I say. It is Truth.

You're all lucky to have "Icehouse"...

One should know their quasi-agent:


Kenneth Andrew Bauman
5101 W. Whitley Road
South Whitley, Indiana 46787

By your post 81618, I thought you were Ken. Is this the "Great Reveal" you have been talking about for the past ten or fifteen years? Not much I have to say. I for one have been in contact with you like Kace. I have been in those types of deals before and I have never come out smelling like a rose. You have made your blog or entry story very difficult for anyone to even ask about what you are even talking about. If this is the "Great Reveal" then "REVEAL" Icehouse must be the one that came up with everything as you said you had to get his approval. So what is the "Great Reveal" or are you going to do like "FindersKeepers" just up and disappear after their great dig at Dent's Run in PA.

There are two points (of probably many) that stand out in earnest:

1) "Icehouse" is an honorable and able investigator; this person deserves one's upmost respect.

2) The Beale Papers is solved and the vault is known and located. Specific reasons currently prevent its opening.

Out of high school in 1979, I became a military policeman working bomb dogs. Finalizing a police career in 2002, I was hospitalized for stress. No longer could I do what I loved to do. Through all of this was my research project originally called Project Red Knee; I swear, it helped me from falling deeper into trouble; the work was mesmerizing and soothing to consider. Able to write, I published two books. I made many friends and contacts. One of these contacts was 20102; I became acquainted with this person shortly after 2005 when I was introduced to the Beale Papers. A friendship developed over time until the BEALE MYSTERY having now been finalized. There were always two Beale treasures for me. One was of my research of the sword and coin leading to a Philadelphia mansion and the other, of the BEALE MYSTERY. One was public knowledge and the other, not. The two are linked through the phrase ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE. I promoted the solution to the Beale Treasure as that of the mansion on most occasions. I teased of the solution of the Beale Mystery due to antagonistic verbiage from posters who were quite rude and disagreeable to an unhealthy extent. Having great secrets and little money (just enough to pay bills which I was always grateful), I would make attempt at times to garner some help financially. I know gifts are tax free, so I would request these. By the same token, I would frequently give out percentages of my capital gains from future income to potential gift givers whether they gave or not; this I can prove if you're brave enough to face-to-face me and ask for this proof. Now, I've bared my soul and find a particular comfort is doing so as I have nothing to hide. I'm not perfect, but have always been forthright and truthful. I have just a few more comments to make:

As a quasi-agent to the BEALE MYSTERY, confidentiality was always paramount. I never revealed specific details in phraseology used in describing around main points. It is true, isn't it, you don't know the location of the vault? I never revealed pics, location, etc. within the BEALE MYSTERY. I did nothing wrong is this regard. I did my job, made decisions and was effective. The effect will become apparent soon.

As agent and owner of PROJECT ARACHNID RED KNEE, I have frequently solicited gifted funds due to the reasons that were written in the larger paragraph above. I have spent my whole being, other than supporting my family on one income as a janitor, to progress in the research of apparently simple sword and coin. It has always been my wish to give this research to the multitude (the public) in America and abroad. I've wished to teach compassion, study, research, reading, investigation and discovery - and primarily enthusiasm, which means "God in us".

When one renders service to the public, is it wrong to ask for help in return? Said point is especially true, perhaps, when the servant expends of him/her self to the point of near poverty over very many years (24 to be exact)?

Kace, you haven't hurt me. You betrayed me, my private communication to you. There's a difference. I feel a vindication, a relief, that my real position is out in the open. Now, maybe, the BEALE MYSTERY, in all of its beauty, may be dissected and studied as it should be - with or without me. I'm aware of your attempt to disrupt. It will be what it will be, I'm prepared for anything at this point.

Since I'm probably collateral damage, bring your minds together and study the BEALE MYSTERY solution. It is real. ...REAL, I say. It is Truth.

You're all lucky to have "Icehouse"...

One should know their quasi-agent:


Kenneth Andrew Bauman
5101 W. Whitley Road
South Whitley, Indiana 46787

Ken.. While I appreciate you opening up regarding your's your personal business. I hope things work out for you.

I wish you would of first said who you are to these guys... they know you....what you just said in your post is not what your Bio says in your Beale Mystery Team Link. I realize hindsight is 20-20, but more importantly stop and actually read and take in the way your partner spoke to me in two separate posts and to these guys in his other posts that they have spent many decades on Beale and then he called me a liar among his other personal insults. I seriously doubt I'm the first or the last that he has or will do that to.

In none of my posts to either of you I Never Once Insulted You or Him...I was respectful, I said a couple of times you guys maybe were right...maybe not...I didn't attack your theory, I merely stated the reasons Why I thought some of the responses were the way they were from members. I've never attacked Anyone's Beale theory.

I personally wouldn't refer to IH as Honorable...You have and that's your choice, We are all entitled to our beliefs.

Nor would I ever consider any type of business dealing with anyone that has that type of personality and superiority complex....I hope you keep your eyes wide open. For him to say he has yet to talk with any knowledgeable Beale researcher here is absurd and insulting to them... these guys might not always agree with each other and they do approach things differently but the main contributors are clearly very well versed in Beale, which is why I enjoy reading all the different thoughts.

As a former LEO....If someone you didn't know approached you and came right out of the gate (New Member) with that attitude and those comments and insults, What would you do? After reading your last post I don't doubt you are hoping to recover Beale and make a better life for you and your family, I do admire that because LEO's are not paid nearly enough for what goes on out there.

I went to two funerals Thursday for Two LEO's that were shot and killed last week and both of them worked 2-3 extra part time jobs just to get by and support their families with a little extra for the kids... Now 5 young kids have lost a Mother and a Father and a Wife lost her Husband...It is senseless...and extremely sad. That's 5 LEO funerals I've been to this year, all killed on the job... That's 5 too many and all worked other jobs to supplement their income.

I'm sorry you feel I betrayed you.. it was never my intention to hurt you. I can ignore a lot of things, but We All only have our word and reputation to show our character and for your partner or anyone else to call me a liar is something I won't roll over on...Ever.

In your former line of work and as a father, husband and treasure hunter... your word and character is imperative for success. I'm sure you can understand that and also see that when someone impugns your character it can have far reaching affects on your reputation. How far do you think anyone can get as a Treasure Hunter as far as access, partnerships and credibility if others have doubts about whether or not you lie or deceive? I won't risk it on anything.

Good Luck With Everything.


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While we have approached this alleged "Beale mystery" from different directions, and many times arrived at very apposing opinions based on our research, many times causing disagreement, but Rebel-KGC, Franklin, Bigscoop , and I have provided legitimate factual evidence to support our conclusions...
...which is totally lacking in your and others back patting boast posts of gossamer cipher solutions and Beale vault location.

I tell you what Mr Carl-NC. I realize your misunderstandings. The reference to a dowser automatically leads you to believe insanity. No problem. But once you learn that the master of the game was also a genious who was very interested in magnetics, and was able to use that interest in a way that is indescribable unless you see it in person. Still i understand your apprehension on this. I do not understand your thoughts on the balance of the project, the work, or the game. So, I tell you what, you provide, either here in open session, or by private message, the name, and contact info of the expert of your choice in the art of codes and/or ciphers and the breaking/deciphering/decrypting of such, and i will see if i can help arrange for him to review the work and provide you with his thoughts on this work. There will only be 2 things i would require; 1. Being this person has to be a well versed expert, with references, and/or a provable background in cryptology and the breaking of such. 2. You post his findings on this, and every other website you post on regarding any type treasures. I have opened the door. It's up to you to enter.

I would suggest Craig Bauer:

Craig P. Bauer
is professor of mathematics at York College of Pennsylvania. He is editor in chief of the journal
, has served as a scholar in residence at the NSA’s Center for Cryptologic History, and is the author of
Secret History: The Story of Cryptology
. He lives in York, Pennsylvania.

He was able to decrypt a message left by the Zodiac Killer that had never been previously deciphered.

"Today, I have little in the way of money"-81618 from

By 81618's admission on your website, it is evident that not members of TEAM BEALE MYSTERY are as well off as you claim to be, and we are still waiting for his reply to the question presented on this thread concerning if he under his current or previous screen name ever contacted TN members soliciting non refundable investments in this Beale search for a share in the recovered Beale treasure.

Up until the very recent publication of thebealemystery website there were but 2 members, partners, and the property owners involvement. 81618 is a very recent addition to the team, and was involved for certain reasons and capabilities that do not involve the raising of funds nor the begging of money. As replied to Kace, if it has happened it is a scam. Provided with actual proof instead of say so, it will be severely dealt with.

Still waiting for 81618's reply to this very simple yes or no question.

81618 most likely will not be replying on this thread. When all is investigated, I, or possibly another member will be glad to.

You Can Think Anything You Want About Me.... I Don't Care and you can call me Just About Anything you like too..Don't Care. But Don't Ever Call Me A Liar Because I Guaran-Damn-Tee You I Can Back Up Anything I Say. Don't Play Poker Much Do You? Big Hat...No Cattle.

View attachment 1604336

There's More Where That Came From... And Guess What.. That's The Same Exact Website Name and Address As Your Link You Just Posted...Wow, What A Coincidence!!
What Are The Odds? Forget that part... You don't do odds.


Looks manufactured. Maybe not. We will get to the bottom of it.

By your post 81618, I thought you were Ken. Is this the "Great Reveal" you have been talking about for the past ten or fifteen years? Not much I have to say. I for one have been in contact with you like Kace. I have been in those types of deals before and I have never come out smelling like a rose. You have made your blog or entry story very difficult for anyone to even ask about what you are even talking about. If this is the "Great Reveal" then "REVEAL" Icehouse must be the one that came up with everything as you said you had to get his approval. So what is the "Great Reveal" or are you going to do like "FindersKeepers" just up and disappear after their great dig at Dent's Run in PA.

Again, i am not 81618.

I would suggest Craig Bauer:

Craig P. Bauer
is professor of mathematics at York College of Pennsylvania. He is editor in chief of the journal
, has served as a scholar in residence at the NSA’s Center for Cryptologic History, and is the author of
Secret History: The Story of Cryptology
. He lives in York, Pennsylvania.

He was able to decrypt a message left by the Zodiac Killer that had never been previously deciphered.

Thank you very much ! The first actual person to reply with decency and maturity. I will be back to you on this. Count on it.

Again, i am not 81618.

Where did I state 81618 was ICEHOUSE. I said 81618 was Ken.Now if ICEHOUSE is Ken then you need to clarify post #82. And yes Kace's Email is not manufactured. I have several that has the same wording with how much for 10% and the like. Do you want me to post my Emails so you two can talk out your differences. Yes Kace told the truth as always. I have found nothing in any of his well thought out post to the contrary. Now are you going to grumble or humble yourself and talk to posters in a friendly manner or are you going to keep talking down to us?

FYI. The more i read the more I see. If any of you were approached for money thebealemystery team wholeheartedly apologizes. This project started many years ago. It has been totally funded by the 2 original partners, and the landowner. Neither partner, nor the landowner has ever been involved with the red knee thing beyond seeing it, same as anyone else. They have not asked for a single cent from a single person. And anyone involved asking for money in reference to this project will be dealt with. In this time they have personally funded many hours of research, ground work, car trips, plane tickets, motel rooms, excavations, etc. Trackhoes, backhoes, bulldozers, generators, water pumps, hand tools, detecting equipment, electronic surveys, material testing, manual laborers, etc. They have played it to the end. There was some help (not monetarily) along the way, and the ones who provided the needed info know who they are and will, at the appropriate time, be compensated very well for their time advice, and/or knowledge, as was agreed upon. I will not bicker anymore here with anyone. You will need do that amongst yourselves. I will answer any reasonable posts to the best of my ability, although at times it may take a day or 3 to reply life is generally busy as of late. I came here for the interested.

I do not understand your mixture of posted facts. In one place your team says they can not get landowner's permission now you say the landowner has been working with your team? If you have used all of the heavy digging equipment and you know exactly where the Beale Codes say the treasure is located why has your team not recovered said treasure? Why electronic surveys? The codes should tell you how to find and recover the treasure. They used no heavy machinery when burying the treasure? Sounds to me like your team is still searching and researching? You do not have to answer the questions speak for themselves.

As my dear departed grandfather would have said, “Put up or hesh up.”

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As my dear departed grandfather would have said, “Put up or hesh up.”

Well we are trying but until you play the game you will never know. Seems like a lot of interest from a few yet i see none interested in working much past their post button for an answer. Personally i would want to know, especially if i had spent as many years hunting the Beale as some here claim to have done. I would want to see how it is broken, see if it was correct, follow the numbers, play the game. But all i seem to see is potato chip eating armchair professionals. Sorry, maybe I'm near sighted but that, along with the usual naysayers, is what i see. My mind would want to know.

... It has always been my wish to give this research to the multitude (the public) in America and abroad.
I've wished to teach compassion, study, research, reading, investigation and discovery...
When one renders service to the public, is it wrong to ask for help in return? Said point is especially true, perhaps, when the servant expends of him/her self to the point of near poverty over very many years (24 to be exact)?
"Patriotism is the last refuge to which every scoundrel clings,
Steal a little they put you in jail, steal a lot they make you a King"

I do not understand your mixture of posted facts. In one place your team says they can not get landowner's permission now you say the landowner has been working with your team? If you have used all of the heavy digging equipment and you know exactly where the Beale Codes say the treasure is located why has your team not recovered said treasure? Why electronic surveys? The codes should tell you how to find and recover the treasure. They used no heavy machinery when burying the treasure? Sounds to me like your team is still searching and researching? You do not have to answer the questions speak for themselves.

Right strange how quick a post can be deleted here. Must not be following the rules by speaking the truth many here obviously are not interested in.

"Patriotism is the last refuge to which every scoundrel clings,
Steal a little they put you in jail, steal a lot they make you a King"

Interesteding the people you quote! Nothing, but sex, drugs and rock and roll eh! Most likely had a garage band too!

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