Okay people I have been in contact with 10201 regarding the scam solicitations many of you seem to have recieved. As a result, and as of now, the person starting this thread, 81618, clearly identified on here by many of you as Ken Bauman, is no longer associated with the team at thebealemystery. Any posts by 81618 after this point will not in any way be associated with the team nor thebealemystery. His info will be removed from the website either late tonight or most probably tomorrow, as 10201 isn't available to do it until then. If anyone was taken for money Kace has posted all pertinent information regarding name/address/etc. I would advise you to immediately seek repatriations and/or whatever legal actions as are nescessary against the one you wrote the check to. I want to extend a hand, and thank each and every one of you that has brought this dispicable act to my attention, otherwise we wouldn't have known as neither 10201 nor I regularly involve ourselves on these forums. My only purpose here was a favor to 10201, to keep an eye on what was said, and answer any questions that might arise. When i first joined, and saw where it was going, it turned into my trying to stand up for one that obviously shouldn't have been involved in the first place. If I have offended anyone in the process i do apologize. Since i am here, I would like to have a decent conversation, answering questions, etc, in regard to the project. I will in the next day or so give a rundown of our experiences. Maybe then you will understand why I keep saying play the game. No not a childish game as mentioned by one poster. The most intense, well thought out, well planned, masterpiece of precision and mathematics known to man. The code is broken is not quite as simple as 'go down the creek to the big oak with the dead fish tied to the second branch, pace 10 paces south and dig 6 ft and get your iron pots and go home. If you think that you are wasting your time. Again, ECS, Carl-NC, Kace, Reb, Franklin, and all the rest who brought this to light we thank you.