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... yes Kace's Email is not manufactured. I have several that has the same wording with how much for 10% and the like. Do you want me to post my Emails so you two can talk out your differences. Yes Kace told the truth as always. I have found nothing in any of his well thought out post to the contrary. Now are you going to grumble or humble yourself and talk to posters in a friendly manner or are you going to keep talking down to us?
… OR, we can work on a word math problem:
An alleged discoverer of a legendary treasure yet to be recovered is offering 10% shares of the recovered treasure for a one time non-refundable "gift" investment of only $5000, which includes the signing of complete non disclosure of any and all things related to this treasure recovery.
How many of these 10% can be sold under the non disclosure agreement?

Right strange how quick a post can be deleted here. Must not be following the rules by speaking the truth many here obviously are not interested in.

I see you have no answers forth coming and FYI no one on this forum is a potato chip armchair professional. Most everyone on this Beale Treasure Forum has spent a lot of time research and leg work in the field. We however are not gullible to someone claiming to have solved this mystery and want us to play some childest game to give you money to play. If you have done what you claim---------you should have the treasure. If you have deciphered the codes correctly then publish a book, make a movie why try to take children's milk money.

Interesteding the people you quote! Nothing, but sex, drugs and rock and roll eh! ...

It is interesting on how these quotes do fit the given situation, ie, this thread with Dylan's paraphrased Samuel Johnson quote. :thumbsup:
PS: You appear to be envious and somewhat jealous, young masterpoe, but in your case, two out of three ain't bad! :laughing7: Keep up your meds, but need to listen to something other than Justin Bieber. :thumbsup:

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If you are here trying to drum up investors/customers, it seems to me you are wasting a LOT of time and energy.

I see you have no answers forth coming and FYI no one on this forum is a potato chip armchair professional. Most everyone on this Beale Treasure Forum has spent a lot of time research and leg work in the field. We however are not gullible to someone claiming to have solved this mystery and want us to play some childest game to give you money to play. If you have done what you claim---------you should have the treasure. If you have deciphered the codes correctly then publish a book, make a movie why try to take children's milk money.

Well we are trying to give it away for free should people take the initiative? No tshirts, no cds, no bull. We do not need your money.

Well we are trying to give it away for free should people take the initiative? No tshirts, no cds, no bull. We do not need your money.

Makes no sense? Why are you here then? If you are giving it away free--------POST IT HERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE.


Okay people I have been in contact with 10201 regarding the scam solicitations many of you seem to have recieved. As a result, and as of now, the person starting this thread, 81618, clearly identified on here by many of you as Ken Bauman, is no longer associated with the team at thebealemystery. Any posts by 81618 after this point will not in any way be associated with the team nor thebealemystery. His info will be removed from the website either late tonight or most probably tomorrow, as 10201 isn't available to do it until then. If anyone was taken for money Kace has posted all pertinent information regarding name/address/etc. I would advise you to immediately seek repatriations and/or whatever legal actions as are nescessary against the one you wrote the check to. I want to extend a hand, and thank each and every one of you that has brought this dispicable act to my attention, otherwise we wouldn't have known as neither 10201 nor I regularly involve ourselves on these forums. My only purpose here was a favor to 10201, to keep an eye on what was said, and answer any questions that might arise. When i first joined, and saw where it was going, it turned into my trying to stand up for one that obviously shouldn't have been involved in the first place. If I have offended anyone in the process i do apologize. Since i am here, I would like to have a decent conversation, answering questions, etc, in regard to the project. I will in the next day or so give a rundown of our experiences. Maybe then you will understand why I keep saying play the game. No not a childish game as mentioned by one poster. The most intense, well thought out, well planned, masterpiece of precision and mathematics known to man. The code is broken is not quite as simple as 'go down the creek to the big oak with the dead fish tied to the second branch, pace 10 paces south and dig 6 ft and get your iron pots and go home. If you think that you are wasting your time. Again, ECS, Carl-NC, Kace, Reb, Franklin, and all the rest who brought this to light we thank you.

You say the Beale Vault is a concrete vault? Why does the Beale Papers say they excavated a hole, roughly lining it with stone and covered it over with other stones. Does not sound like concrete to me. Also your avatar or handle as "Icehouse" At one time a Beale Treasure hunter said the treasure was on the property of Sanford Bower in Upper Goose Creek and that it had been concealed in an "Icehouse" but it is no longer there. Is this your conclusion or do you have another location in mind?

Okay people I have been in contact with 10201 regarding the scam solicitations many of you seem to have recieved. As a result, and as of now, the person starting this thread, 81618, clearly identified on here by many of you as Ken Bauman, is no longer associated with the team at thebealemystery. Any posts by 81618 after this point will not in any way be associated with the team nor thebealemystery. His info will be removed from the website either late tonight or most probably tomorrow, as 10201 isn't available to do it until then. If anyone was taken for money Kace has posted all pertinent information regarding name/address/etc. I would advise you to immediately seek repatriations and/or whatever legal actions as are nescessary against the one you wrote the check to. I want to extend a hand, and thank each and every one of you that has brought this dispicable act to my attention, otherwise we wouldn't have known as neither 10201 nor I regularly involve ourselves on these forums. My only purpose here was a favor to 10201, to keep an eye on what was said, and answer any questions that might arise. When i first joined, and saw where it was going, it turned into my trying to stand up for one that obviously shouldn't have been involved in the first place. If I have offended anyone in the process i do apologize. Since i am here, I would like to have a decent conversation, answering questions, etc, in regard to the project. I will in the next day or so give a rundown of our experiences. Maybe then you will understand why I keep saying play the game. No not a childish game as mentioned by one poster. The most intense, well thought out, well planned, masterpiece of precision and mathematics known to man. The code is broken is not quite as simple as 'go down the creek to the big oak with the dead fish tied to the second branch, pace 10 paces south and dig 6 ft and get your iron pots and go home. If you think that you are wasting your time. Again, ECS, Carl-NC, Kace, Reb, Franklin, and all the rest who brought this to light we thank you.

CORRECTION: I (Kace) Did Not Post 81618's Real Name-Address etc... 81618 Posted That Himself In Post #82 Of This Thread.

There Will Be No More I Will Post Here Regarding My Name Being Associated With This Beale Mystery Group or Whatever It's Called... It's Not My Deal, Nor Am I Affiliated With It In Any Way.

I Would Very Much Like To Thank All Of You Beale Regulars For Your Support Of Me When My Character Was Challenged.

I'm just a bystander and interested reader as you know of the Beale Topics you all cuss and discuss, (lol)... I've Never Once contributed anything to Beale... but I do want you All to know I've learned so much from each and every one of you about it and I'm Very Grateful for the way you share your knowledge. Each one of you regular posters are all highly intelligent and even the most cursory readings of your posts show the enormous amount of time, research and effort that you've put into Beale. You've made it interesting for me...Thank You For That.

Best Regards,


You say the Beale Vault is a concrete vault? Why does the Beale Papers say they excavated a hole, roughly lining it with stone and covered it over with other stones. Does not sound like concrete to me. Also your avatar or handle as "Icehouse" At one time a Beale Treasure hunter said the treasure was on the property of Sanford Bower in Upper Goose Creek and that it had been concealed in an "Icehouse" but it is no longer there. Is this your conclusion or do you have another location in mind?
Icehouse, is this Beale vault in Bedford county, Virginia, a Philadelphia mansion quoin, or Bedford, Nova Scotia or some other site that has been mentioned on these threads by your former colleague 81618 and others?

I will try to answer your questions Mr. ECS...
Play the game. The poem, while maybe seeming a bit rough to the uninformed should very easily prove to anyone in the know, that the team also knows...

"Down the five mile trail the three seekers rode
Over seven streams seeking Beale's mother lode
Five steps to the Golden Code into three caves" -from
Legrand done got a BURMA SHAVE

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Okay people I have been in contact with 10201 regarding the scam solicitations many of you seem to have recieved. As a result, and as of now, the person starting this thread, 81618, clearly identified on here by many of you as Ken Bauman, is no longer associated with the team at thebealemystery. Any posts by 81618 after this point will not in any way be associated with the team nor thebealemystery. His info will be removed from the website either late tonight or most probably tomorrow, as 10201 isn't available to do it until then. If anyone was taken for money Kace has posted all pertinent information regarding name/address/etc. I would advise you to immediately seek repatriations and/or whatever legal actions as are nescessary against the one you wrote the check to. I want to extend a hand, and thank each and every one of you that has brought this dispicable act to my attention, otherwise we wouldn't have known as neither 10201 nor I regularly involve ourselves on these forums. My only purpose here was a favor to 10201, to keep an eye on what was said, and answer any questions that might arise. When i first joined, and saw where it was going, it turned into my trying to stand up for one that obviously shouldn't have been involved in the first place. If I have offended anyone in the process i do apologize. Since i am here, I would like to have a decent conversation, answering questions, etc, in regard to the project. I will in the next day or so give a rundown of our experiences. Maybe then you will understand why I keep saying play the game. No not a childish game as mentioned by one poster. The most intense, well thought out, well planned, masterpiece of precision and mathematics known to man. The code is broken is not quite as simple as 'go down the creek to the big oak with the dead fish tied to the second branch, pace 10 paces south and dig 6 ft and get your iron pots and go home. If you think that you are wasting your time. Again, ECS, Carl-NC, Kace, Reb, Franklin, and all the rest who brought this to light we thank you.

Daa-yum. Ken:meet bus!
Sorry to read that Ken , considering your involvement and time/skin in the game. Good luck to ya.

Okay people I have been in contact with 10201 regarding the scam solicitations many of you seem to have recieved. As a result, and as of now, the person starting this thread, 81618, clearly identified on here by many of you as Ken Bauman, is no longer associated with the team at thebealemystery. Any posts by 81618 after this point will not in any way be associated with the team nor thebealemystery. His info will be removed from the website either late tonight or most probably tomorrow, as 10201 isn't available to do it until then. If anyone was taken for money Kace has posted all pertinent information regarding name/address/etc. I would advise you to immediately seek repatriations and/or whatever legal actions as are nescessary against the one you wrote the check to. I want to extend a hand, and thank each and every one of you that has brought this dispicable act to my attention, otherwise we wouldn't have known as neither 10201 nor I regularly involve ourselves on these forums. My only purpose here was a favor to 10201, to keep an eye on what was said, and answer any questions that might arise. When i first joined, and saw where it was going, it turned into my trying to stand up for one that obviously shouldn't have been involved in the first place. If I have offended anyone in the process i do apologize. Since i am here, I would like to have a decent conversation, answering questions, etc, in regard to the project. I will in the next day or so give a rundown of our experiences. Maybe then you will understand why I keep saying play the game. No not a childish game as mentioned by one poster. The most intense, well thought out, well planned, masterpiece of precision and mathematics known to man. The code is broken is not quite as simple as 'go down the creek to the big oak with the dead fish tied to the second branch, pace 10 paces south and dig 6 ft and get your iron pots and go home. If you think that you are wasting your time. Again, ECS, Carl-NC, Kace, Reb, Franklin, and all the rest who brought this to light we thank you.

Who is 10201? You do not have him listed on your site as one of the partners. You have 20102? Are they the same person?

All this interest yet i have seen yet not a single post regarding the beginnings of the decipherment as posted on the website. I think that alone shows how much interest there is from the main posters here. I personally am not interested in peer review. I offered it as a way to have the work reviewed by an outside source, one more intent on getting to the truth than merely bashing every single thing, for the benefit of the people here and elsewhere. It really matters none to me if no one here believes it. You included. There is no deception. It is really not important who anyone is, unless it fits into the codes, which it doesn't. Of course someone very interested might really get to wondering about numbers and such being used, terms posted, etc, as who knows they might be clues themselves but then again when you tell a poster insisting on a decipherment of c1 and c3 that there is no list in c1, c2 isn't deciphered as originally provided, and that it takes all 3 sets of numbers, the supposed deciphered text of c2, and the rest of the info concerning the codes as originally provided for the single code (notice no s) to be broken, yet, a couple posts later he is again wanting a decipherment of c1 and c3. Its like talking into a barrel of water. Nothing more. A waste of effort. Oh and I in no way was being disrespectful of rebel kgc. I think he is pretty cool myself, and was merely informing him of something that might be of interest to him. Reb, if i offended, i apologize. My last thought would be if interested then look at the work objectively, with an open mind. Work it out as shown. If not interested, sit here and argue amongst yourselves. If you get too far in or out of line i'm sure kace here will point you on the correct path. Post quick reply.
LOL! NO offense taken...

Icehouse, is this Beale vault in Bedford county, Virginia, a Philadelphia mansion quoin, or Bedford, Nova Scotia or some other site that has been mentioned on these threads by your former colleague 81618 and others?

"Down the five mile trail the three seekers rode
Over seven streams seeking Beale's mother lode
Five steps to the Golden Code into three caves" -from"
Legrand done got a BURMA SHAVE

Who is 10201? You do not have him listed on your site as one of the partners. You have 20102? Are they the same person?

Why all the numbers concealing members names and identities?
It raises suspicion and makes one wonder what else is being concealed, especially after one member's TN PM solicitations for non-returnable gift donations.

Been given a number & and TAKEN away their name... WONDERFUL Johnny Rivers guitar "riff" here... :laughing7:

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