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If they are so interested, why when you answer their questions reasonably and with no disrespect do they get so fired up and raising cain, calling us and it anything but a child of God ? Especially when all these demanding proof can't seem to find the time or sense to simply go to the website. It is very obvious that the webmaster is walking you through the processes involved in breaking the code. He could post it all right out on here, and immediately be called all sorts of idiotic names because as so many believe, it is bull. But, once one walks through the steps and actually sees the processes involved, sees the codes being broken before their eyes, then and only then will they begin to understand. I do not care how smart, stupid, gullible, unwilling to believe anyone is. You can not deny it once you walk through it. No thoughts, No theories, no mistakes. We are not here trying to convince ECS, nor anyone else. They can believe what they want. We are here for the interested. A willing discussion is always welcome. We are not interested in converting the unbelievers nor bickering back and forth with them. That is merely a waste of time. The work is available for peer review from anyone qualified to do so. And it will pass muster.

ECS it is being presented on the website for those with what it takes to go there, and actually do a bit of brain work, although I know that would be stretching it for some. It is a game. Not monopoly nor 7 card stud. It has taken many years for the team to play to the end. If actually interested you will pull up a chair and play yourself, if it is in you. Otherwise you will just sit, complain, try to dissuade, etcetera. No loss to us either way.

Go ahead. Clear the clouds. Post your evidence.
That's revealing...Not.
Hop in line. Plenty of unproven theories in different states of completion (read still halfbaked) from multiple recipes.
Not one has produced undeniable proof. And all were so correct in their line of reasoning. Until unable to produce tangible results.

If not for being permitted to to spin yarns here ,you'd be gone. Due to lack of the never presented (per usual) proof.

Keep your eyes open.

The reference to a dowser automatically leads you to believe insanity.

Not insanity, self-delusion. A lot of very smart people have fallen for the dowsing response, believing it to be real. It's the same kind of self-delusion that results in people chasing after make-believe treasure stories.

So, I tell you what, you provide, either here in open session, or by private message, the name, and contact info of the expert of your choice in the art of codes and/or ciphers and the breaking/deciphering/decrypting of such, and i will see if i can help arrange for him to review the work and provide you with his thoughts on this work. There will only be 2 things i would require; 1. Being this person has to be a well versed expert, with references, and/or a provable background in cryptology and the breaking of such. 2. You post his findings on this, and every other website you post on regarding any type treasures. I have opened the door. It's up to you to enter.

It's not my interest to prove you wrong, you'll do that for me. On June 22, 2019 you'll still be talking about this, on June 22, 2020 you'll still be talking about this, and on June 22, 2021 you'll still be talking about this. Just like all the other Big Time Treasure Hunters who do a lot of talking, but ain't got squat to show for it. And the squat ain't pretend solutions to pretend ciphers, anybody can do that.

If they are so interested, why when you answer their questions reasonably and with no disrespect do they get so fired up and raising cain, calling us and it anything but a child of God ? Especially when all these demanding proof can't seem to find the time or sense to simply go to the website. It is very obvious that the webmaster is walking you through the processes involved in breaking the code. He could post it all right out on here, and immediately be called all sorts of idiotic names because as so many believe, it is bull. But, once one walks through the steps and actually sees the processes involved, sees the codes being broken before their eyes, then and only then will they begin to understand. I do not care how smart, stupid, gullible, unwilling to believe anyone is. You can not deny it once you walk through it. No thoughts, No theories, no mistakes. We are not here trying to convince ECS, nor anyone else. They can believe what they want. We are here for the interested. A willing discussion is always welcome. We are not interested in converting the unbelievers nor bickering back and forth with them. That is merely a waste of time. The work is available for peer review from anyone qualified to do so. And it will pass muster.

This is why I suggested Starting Your Own Beale Discussion Forum IF you only want Positive Responses to what by this post of yours Confirms... You and 81 Believe It Without Doubt. That's Fine. It's Also Fine That Others Question It... That doesn't hurt you in the least. It's just a discussion presenting different sides.

You will Never, Ever get complete agreement on Beale in an open discussion forum like Tnet without a recovery... It's Not Going To Happen. Look how many threads are on this Beale sub forum saying they've solved it and yet No Recovery. It remains unproven to everyone, not just RC, Carl, ECS or anyone else that looks for tangible proof.

Putting out requests for NDA's, Dixie Artifact ID? and Code Numbers for names on a Public Site Like Tnet immediately throws up suspicion. If you were working Privately with an individual or group, an NDA is appropriate for All involved...Not Publicly. Why even put it out publicly without any recovery?

If you are wanting knowledgeable members here to be open with you...You've got to be open with them and not hide behind different screen names when they know who you are from other interactions with you guys in the past. Nobody likes deception.

You get opposing opinions to your statements because you state them as factual when Without a Recovery they remain Your Teams Belief Only. Maybe you are right... maybe not and Only A Revovery of Beale Treasure Will Prove whether or not you're right with your teams theory.

As far as a peer review, Tnet is the perfect place for that.. just be ready to answer every question imaginable and even when answering understand that your answers might not pass muster with everyone even if they do with you guys. Beale has been going on a very long time and unless you're willing to go under the microscope as your theory is dissected backwards,forwards and inside out without getting upset...a Beale Forum That You Control Is Your Only Other Online Option.

Also, keep in mind that it's impossible to tell tone in a post, what might come across as attacking might not be.


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"Cronies" - really? Why resort to this language?...
Truth is derived from this process... - it is fact, evidence and truth. Many have witnessed this...
A good interrogator knows the answer before the question is asked, and knows who has experience or witnessed of what is being ask, so truth is derived from this process.

Therefore, have you as 81618 or under any previous name employed on these Treasurenet threads have ever used the PM function to contact TN members for the sole purpose of a solicitation of non refundable investment funds based on the claims made on various of your posts?

A good interrogator knows the answer before the question is asked, and knows who has experience or witnessed of what is being ask, so truth is derived from this process.

Therefore, have you as 81618 or under any previous name employed on these Treasurenet threads have ever used the PM function to contact TN members for the sole purpose of a solicitation of non refundable investment funds based on the claims made on various of your posts?

You made my clairvoyance flare up... Howwwmmmmmnnn. =He knew the answer before you asked!.

Prepare to be proven very wrong then carl.

This is why I suggested Starting Your Own Beale Discussion Forum IF you only want Positive Responses to what by this post of yours Confirms... You and 81 Believe It Without Doubt. That's Fine. It's Also Fine That Others Question It... That doesn't hurt you in the least. It's just a discussion presenting different sides.

You will Never, Ever get complete agreement on Beale in an open discussion forum like Tnet without a recovery... It's Not Going To Happen. Look how many threads are on this Beale sub forum saying they've solved it and yet No Recovery. It remains unproven to everyone, not just RC, Carl, ECS or anyone else that looks for tangible proof.

Putting out requests for NDA's, Dixie Artifact ID? and Code Numbers for names on a Public Site Like Tnet immediately throws up suspicion. If you were working Privately with an individual or group, an NDA is appropriate for All involved...Not Publicly. Why even put it out publicly without any recovery?

If you are wanting knowledgeable members here to be open with you...You've got to be open with them and not hide behind different screen names when they know who you are from other interactions with you guys in the past. Nobody likes deception.

You get opposing opinions to your statements because you state them as factual when Without a Recovery they remain Your Teams Belief Only. Maybe you are right... maybe not and Only A Revovery of Beale Treasure Will Prove whether or not you're right with your teams theory.

As far as a peer review, Tnet is the perfect place for that.. just be ready to answer every question imaginable and even when answering understand that your answers might not pass muster with everyone even if they do with you guys. Beale has been going on a very long time and unless you're willing to go under the microscope as your theory is dissected backwards,forwards and inside out without getting upset...a Beale Forum That You Control Is Your Only Other Online Option.

Also, keep in mind that it's impossible to tell tone in a post, what might come across as attacking might not be.


All this interest yet i have seen yet not a single post regarding the beginnings of the decipherment as posted on the website. I think that alone shows how much interest there is from the main posters here. I personally am not interested in peer review. I offered it as a way to have the work reviewed by an outside source, one more intent on getting to the truth than merely bashing every single thing, for the benefit of the people here and elsewhere. It really matters none to me if no one here believes it. You included. There is no deception. It is really not important who anyone is, unless it fits into the codes, which it doesn't. Of course someone very interested might really get to wondering about numbers and such being used, terms posted, etc, as who knows they might be clues themselves but then again when you tell a poster insisting on a decipherment of c1 and c3 that there is no list in c1, c2 isn't deciphered as originally provided, and that it takes all 3 sets of numbers, the supposed deciphered text of c2, and the rest of the info concerning the codes as originally provided for the single code (notice no s) to be broken, yet, a couple posts later he is again wanting a decipherment of c1 and c3. Its like talking into a barrel of water. Nothing more. A waste of effort. Oh and I in no way was being disrespectful of rebel kgc. I think he is pretty cool myself, and was merely informing him of something that might be of interest to him. Reb, if i offended, i apologize. My last thought would be if interested then look at the work objectively, with an open mind. Work it out as shown. If not interested, sit here and argue amongst yourselves. If you get too far in or out of line i'm sure kace here will point you on the correct path. Post quick reply.

The website.... Not here. O.k.. Comments and discussion are allowed there right?( Sorry ,link in o.p. don't work as if it was spam...) Quick , everybody over there instead of here then! (No, don't go.)

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All this interest yet i have seen yet not a single post regarding the beginnings of the decipherment as posted on the website. I think that alone shows how much interest there is from the main posters here. I personally am not interested in peer review. I offered it as a way to have the work reviewed by an outside source, one more intent on getting to the truth than merely bashing every single thing, for the benefit of the people here and elsewhere. It really matters none to me if no one here believes it. You included. There is no deception. It is really not important who anyone is, unless it fits into the codes, which it doesn't. Of course someone very interested might really get to wondering about numbers and such being used, terms posted, etc, as who knows they might be clues themselves but then again when you tell a poster insisting on a decipherment of c1 and c3 that there is no list in c1, c2 isn't deciphered as originally provided, and that it takes all 3 sets of numbers, the supposed deciphered text of c2, and the rest of the info concerning the codes as originally provided for the single code (notice no s) to be broken, yet, a couple posts later he is again wanting a decipherment of c1 and c3. Its like talking into a barrel of water. Nothing more. A waste of effort. Oh and I in no way was being disrespectful of rebel kgc. I think he is pretty cool myself, and was merely informing him of something that might be of interest to him. Reb, if i offended, i apologize. My last thought would be if interested then look at the work objectively, with an open mind. Work it out as shown. If not interested, sit here and argue amongst yourselves. If you get too far in or out of line i'm sure kace here will point you on the correct path. Post quick reply.

Here's Your Quick Reply.... Sorry if it isn't as diplomatic as the last two post I've made to you.

It IS Deception what you are doing by soliciting funds from members of Tnet based on thoughts presented by you guys as facts to targeted, by your 'Team' potential investors...and using other than your Known Other Names on Tnet, which you are doing that because it's against the rules here to have more than one name or a different name if you are a current or banned member of TreasureNet or to solicit funding from members.

You've posted this same claimed solve and treasure location under different names and got a dismal response from members in good standing to your claimed you try it as New Members using different names...targeting members who you think might not realize who you are or what the deal is and trying to silence all the Very Knowledgeable Regular Beale Participants by calling them naysayers among other things.

I'm Sure You Don't Care What I Think After I Wouldn't Gift You and/or Your Team Money To Fund This Never Ending Story of Yours.

I'm not the only one you've tried to solicit Gifted funds from and although I was trying to be nice before... did you Ever stop and think that some of these knowledgeable members on Beale have been posting some of the things they have is to let less knowledgeable members know to check you guys out Before Investing or 'Gifting' As You Guys Say To Avoid You Guys Paying Taxes Any Monies Given To You?

CORRECTION: I did say I'd Gift you guys the going rate for thoughts...The one thing inflation hasn't affected.

It Won't Be A Wheat or Indian Head...No Need To Check. I still have the address you guys sent to me to fund this charade.



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Prepare to be proven very wrong then carl.

No need, ain't gonna happen. I'd even place a wager on that. Lemme know when you expect to be holding the Beale treasure in your hands... 1 year? 5 years? 20 years?

Here's Your Quick Reply.... Sorry if it isn't as diplomatic as the last two post I've made to you.

It IS Deception what you are doing by soliciting funds from members of Tnet based on thoughts presented by you guys as facts to targeted, by your 'Team' potential investors...and using other than your Known Other Names on Tnet, which you are doing that because it's against the rules here to have more than one name or a different name if you are a current or banned member of TreasureNet or to solicit funding from members.

You've posted this same claimed solve and treasure location under different names and got a dismal response from members in good standing to your claimed you try it as New Members using different names...targeting members who you think might not realize who you are or what the deal is and trying to silence all the Very Knowledgeable Regular Beale Participants by calling them naysayers among other things.

I'm Sure You Don't Care What I Think After I Wouldn't Gift You and/or Your Team Money To Fund This Never Ending Story of Yours.

I'm not the only one you've tried to solicit Gifted funds from and although I was trying to be nice before... did you Ever stop and think that some of these knowledgeable members on Beale have been posting some of the things they have is to let less knowledgeable members know to check you guys out Before Investing or 'Gifting' As You Guys Say To Avoid You Guys Paying Taxes Any Monies Given To You?

CORRECTION: I did say I'd Gift you guys the going rate for thoughts...The one thing inflation hasn't affected.

It Won't Be A Wheat or Indian Head...No Need To Check. I still have the address you guys sent to me to fund this charade.



You, nor anyone else on this forum nor elsewhere has ever been solicited by me for any reason. You either have me confused with someone else or are merely confused yourself. I do not, and never will beg borrow or ask you or anyone else for money. Not even if starving, and thats not happening. If anyone else is on here representing themselves as being involved with thebealemystery team, and is asking for money, please either forward me this information or send an email through the website . AND DO NOT GIVE THEM MONEY !, although it seems you know that already. I have not posted anything here under any aliasis, again you must be confused. I have posted my reason for being here. And as of yet i havent actually been in conversation with anyone i would consider a knowledgeable beale researcher, much less one in good standing. So far, they have pretty much already been named, naysayers. I'm guessing you were joking with all that. And you have now garnered a name for yourself but i will not post it here as I know thats what you are after. No I do not care in the least for you nor what you think. I know what you are. Your claims of me, trying to beg off the likes of you or others here are absurd. Most likely i could buy your complete total miserable life and everything in it should I take the notion. But you have nothing I want. Again if you have been approached for $ from anyone regarding this project, feel free to send it, post it, or call the police because it is a scam.. The team involved has located the Beale. Would anyone in their right mind think there would be any reason at all for a need for a check from you, or anyone else ? What a joke.

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No need, ain't gonna happen. I'd even place a wager on that. Lemme know when you expect to be holding the Beale treasure in your hands... 1 year? 5 years? 20 years?

Already MrCarl-NC. Why do you think I am so certain the code has been correctly broken ?

Listen, I have read your post and your other members post several times.

Already MrCarl-NC. Why do you think I am so certain the code has been correctly broken ?

Now if the above you have posted is true? Why are you here? Get the $25 or $30 Million Dollars in gold, silver and jewelry and let us be. If there is no treasure or you can not recover said treasure then go to the newspapers and claim you prize as being the only people in history that have been able to decipher the Beale Treasure Codes Correctly. You can not prove either of these scenarios because you have not broken any codes correctly?

Treasure Magazine during the 1980's had a Llamar Green find the Beale Treasure on Taylor's Mountain near Montvale, Virginia. He had Boyd Jolley print the article with his method of decipherment. So far no one has proved the decipherment as being incorrect. So if he broke the Beale Codes Correctly and you have a completely different method------how can both be CORRECT.

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Listen, I have read your post and your other members post several times.

Already MrCarl-NC. Why do you think I am so certain the code has been correctly broken ?

Now if the above you have posted is true? Why are you here? Get the $25 or $30 Million Dollars in gold, silver and jewelry and let us be. If there is no treasure or you can not recover said treasure then go to the newspapers and claim you prize as being the only people in history that have been able to decipher the Beale Treasure Codes Correctly. You can not prove either of these scenarios because you have not broken any codes correctly?

Treasure Magazine during the 1980's had a Llamar Green find the Beale Treasure on Taylor's Mountain near Montvale, Virginia. He had Boyd Jolley print the article with his method of decipherment. So far no one has proved the decipherment as being incorrect. So if he broke the Beale Codes Correctly and you have a completely different method------how can both be CORRECT.

Wouldn't you be interested in knowing ? If Green broke the codes he wouldn't have just inventoried everything, left it there, sealed it shut, covered it over, while precisely arranging markers/pointers exactly as they were before, as listed in the codes, would he ? Maybe, but probably not. You say let us be, yet this is an open public forum. It does not matter to me one bit but there are some very interested in preserving history for posterity. Some that would like to pass the information on. Some, present company very obviously not included, might actually have an interest. If you don't, i would try the shipwreck forum, or maybe something much easier to understand, like coinshooting schoolyards.

You, nor anyone else on this forum nor elsewhere has ever been solicited by me for any reason.
You either have me confused with someone else or are merely confused yourself...
I know what you are.
Your claims of me, trying to beg off the likes of you or others here are absurd. Most likely i could buy your complete total miserable life and everything in it should I take the notion. But you have nothing I want...
"Today, I have little in the way of money"-81618 from

By 81618's admission on your website, it is evident that not members of TEAM BEALE MYSTERY are as well off as you claim to be, and we are still waiting for his reply to the question presented on this thread concerning if he under his current or previous screen name ever contacted TN members soliciting non refundable investments in this Beale search for a share in the recovered Beale treasure.

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A good interrogator knows the answer before the question is asked, and knows who has experience or witnessed of what is being ask, so truth is derived from this process.

Therefore, have you as 81618 or under any previous name employed on these Treasurenet threads have ever used the PM function to contact TN members for the sole purpose of a solicitation of non refundable investment funds based on the claims made on various of your posts?
Still waiting for 81618's reply to this very simple yes or no question.

You, nor anyone else on this forum nor elsewhere has ever been solicited by me for any reason. You either have me confused with someone else or are merely confused yourself. I do not, and never will beg borrow or ask you or anyone else for money. Not even if starving, and thats not happening. If anyone else is on here representing themselves as being involved with thebealemystery team, and is asking for money, please either forward me this information or send an email through the website . AND DO NOT GIVE THEM MONEY !, although it seems you know that already. I have not posted anything here under any aliasis, again you must be confused. I have posted my reason for being here. And as of yet i havent actually been in conversation with anyone i would consider a knowledgeable beale researcher, much less one in good standing. So far, they have pretty much already been named, naysayers. I'm guessing you were joking with all that. And you have now garnered a name for yourself but i will not post it here as I know thats what you are after. No I do not care in the least for you nor what you think. I know what you are. Your claims of me, trying to beg off the likes of you or others here are absurd. Most likely i could buy your complete total miserable life and everything in it should I take the notion. But you have nothing I want. Again if you have been approached for $ from anyone regarding this project, feel free to send it, post it, or call the police because it is a scam.. The team involved has located the Beale. Would anyone in their right mind think there would be any reason at all for a need for a check from you, or anyone else ? What a joke.

You Can Think Anything You Want About Me.... I Don't Care and you can call me Just About Anything you like too..Don't Care. But Don't Ever Call Me A Liar Because I Guaran-Damn-Tee You I Can Back Up Anything I Say. Don't Play Poker Much Do You? Big Hat...No Cattle.


There's More Where That Came From... And Guess What.. That's The Same Exact Website Name and Address As Your Link You Just Posted...Wow, What A Coincidence!!
What Are The Odds? Forget that part... You don't do odds.


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Wouldn't you be interested in knowing ? ...
What we are all interested in knowing- Who is in charge of TEAM BEALE MYSTERY?

You or 81618?
...and you can buy one's " complete total miserable life" maybe you could give 81618 a non refundable tax free gift of the money of which he claims to be in dire need. :thumbsup:

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