Beale Poll....Fact or Fiction?

I believe the Beale codes and story is.......

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:D Re. the above... FIRST "clue" was on a tree on POLK STREET, next to OCC; haven't found it yet! :( There ARE some "Hoot Owl" trees
in a straight line, pointing to CSA Cemetery; there IS a plaque stating that the Beale Treasure WAS buried in OCC (Old City Cemetery); waiting for cooler weather to do MORE R & I on "it", tho. ;D :read2:

Back after a long absence and little to no internet :tongue3: :laughing9:

I think some parts may be fraud, and some parts may be fact. Maybe only one of the ciphers (Cipher 1) really is real. That one seems to me the most complex. This does not completely leave Cipher 3 out in the cold, as it simply may be an instruction on where to find a company's list of representatives and their families under a registered business name of the time in some city. Thus, it would not be to short to have a significant amount of information.

One thing I must ask about, is it just me, or has anyone else noticed the Morse Code in the letters (not the ciphers)? When you take the punctuation and play with it a little, interesting stuff comes out.

Potential message gotten (raw letters):


Potential translation: "I assign intestate to Jake M my code. TJ Matthew, North 60 B."

Here are the raw Morse bits as they conform to the seven paragraph breaks, starting with the "St. Louis" date header. All punctuation counts. Commas and hyphens are dashes. Periods, colons, and quotation marks are dots.

Of course, when Morse code was invented, how much was taken from Napoleonic Ciphers, and could someone be trying to convince someone that they only ha the right to claim 1/31 of a treasure when in fact they had done all of the work. . .

Also, codes pop up in the surrounding descriptive narrative (Non-letter) papers.

Curiouser and curiouser . . . I really must start putting more time into this again, and less time into productive things like job hunting as a ghostwriter :wink:
:read2: :coffee2:

:o GHOSTWRITER?!!! Lawd Gawd A'Mighty! :D :wink: :dontknow: Keep us informed... THANKS! :coffee2: :read2:

Reminds me of that old song, "Ghost Writers in the Sky". :laughing7:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D (Singing... GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY...); HA! The "spooks" WERE interested in the ciphers and POSSIBLY the Beale Treasure as the "lost" CSA Treasury... "SPOOKS"! The NSA (National Security) sent some ppl to Lynchburg, Va. in the early 1940's asking around about the "Beale story" & the FRIEDMANS from DC were "in on it"... using the Bacon/Shakespeare Ciphers! :wink: :-X

bigscoop said:
"Important business in Richmond"

Think about this; Morriss only new Beale, none of the others, in fact there was never any mention of where these men came from except that he didn't know. In the influential circle and community that Morriss was said to be existing in, his Inn also attracting all the region's well-to-do visitors like flies, and yet nobody knew any of these thirty local mean of means?

The most important question in this entire mystery is, "How would that be possible? Unless......."

Wow fella's this one is getting good....


As a theory from someone (me :headbang: ) with living life with my glass half full. Try this angle. Beale and a number of men were meeting to go west. In the one letter from Jan. 1822 to Morriss it does state that it was best to leave it in the county of bedford, which we all have visited.

1)If this story turns from a civilian to military, the meeting place may have be St. Louis not Lynchburg. So Beale is there to get in touch with some harpshooters he knows. Maybe Beale was from this area and moved far away. So he returns to an area he knows for this.

2) Other men have urgent business in Richmond. Recruiting sharpshooters too??? And maybe these men are from the Richmond area and are recruiting an area they know.

3) Was this the Thomas Beall that was heir to the Hotel in New Orleans??? TJB was described most distinquishing feature was his dark and swarthy complexion.

*****I do not wish to offend anyone reading this next paragraph, if I do please accept my deepest apologies****

But back to Beale and his men. They all supposably had visited the bedford area so its posible they stayed with Morris. Its also posible that Morriss didnt get to know them because of their personalities. TJB was apparently a charmer, with that being stated often in anything read about him. Some people with wealth tend to sometimes be a little snobbish, Beale was not.

To sum it all up, I beleive that investigating the history will be a huge benefit in solving the cyphers. I want to beleive that it will take both the history and cyphers to find where the treasure is or was.

HH Jay

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D What the BEALE PAPERS sezs about the 2 guys with TJB in Lynchburg, Va. was/is "they went to their homes, OUTSIDE of Richmond, (Va.)". They MAY have "set up" a "military structure" similar to the Lewis & Clark Expedition... which I think was MORE likely. When Thomas Jefferson was PREZ, Vice-Prez Aaron Burr wanted the SOUTH-WEST (USA) seized, so HE could be Emperor... Burr wanted the South West EMPIRE... "google" JEFFERSON-BURR CONFLICT (this eventually grew into the REPUBLIC OF TEXAS, later); then, was the "downfall" of Spain in that area... then the LOSS of part of MEXICO (TEXAS... which became a REPUBLIC); War with Mexico... right on up to the CONFEDERATE WAR. "Urgent business"? PROBABLY 1862 "problems" that CSA was having; OR... MAYBE, the "PENDING down-fall" of Richmond, Va. :o There MAY even be a KGC (Knights of the GOLDEN CIRCLE) involvement here; Gen Jubal Early met the COPPERHEADS in PA, and knew some KGC guys... PROBABLY FreeMASONS! :dontknow: :coffee2: :read2: :coffee2: Coffee? :wink:

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Almost anything is possible. But if we use what is written in the pamphlet, then very clearly in his letter Beale is telling Morriss that he has never seen these men or heard their names. However, during the period in question Virginia was a much larger territory then it is today, so it is very possible that these men, and "Thomas Beale" could have been from a "western region" of "old Virginia." In fact, I think you'll find that this is even alluded to in the pamphlet.

Scoop I agree :sign13:, the posiblities are endless. One avenue Im thinking about it the Beall family :lurk:( Thomas Beall Sr and Jr) of New Orleans. They had a hotel and plantation near New Orleans. In another of my posts I stated I wonder if they gentlemen who beleives that the BT is located near their property in New Orleans. Could that have been the TJB with the dark complexion described in the Pamphlet??? Well time for a nap then more :coffee2: :read2: :coffee2:

:wink: OR... ONE of the Lafitte Bros! MAYBE, Jean! :o Even PV wrote about THAT "theory" in THE BEALE TREASURE: NEW HISTORY OF A MYSTERY; Chapt. 12 is ALL about Jean Lafitte & Andrew Jackson; Andrew Jackson was "wined & dined" here in Lynchburg, Va. after the War of 1812. :wink: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D MORE likely to have been Pierre, as HE traveled "in-land" LOTS of times (Richmond, Va., Baltimore, Md., etc) while Jean ran Bolivar Peninsula off the coast of TX. THEN, there was ALEX... (aka Dominque You, who spent MORE time in Philly, Pa.). :o :wink: :coffee2: :read2:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Further R & I indicate that it was MOST likely to be Alex Lafitte (aka Dominique You); he was a pirate/corsair, & FreeMason... and is buried in New Orleans, La. When we are raised to Master Mason... we are advised we are friends to pirates and CORSAIRS. HA! NOW, I understand! :wink: "Google" DOMINIQUE YOU :wink: :coffee2: :read2:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Well, we can "rule out" Dominique You/Youx; physical description indicate HE was a short fellow. :wink: :coffee2: :read2:

The codes are real I think, but not as presented. I think the story and code 2 were made to entice the solving of the code. The code was first described as one long string of numbers, so that would be code 1 and code 3 combined. Only if there was some hint on how to put them back together.

'I commenced by reading over and over again the letters to Mr. Morriss, endeavoring to impress each syllable they contained on my memory, and to extract from them, if possible, some meaning or allusion that might give, perhaps, a faint or barely preceptible hint as a guide'

(WINK) Code(s) or CIPHER(S)? PROBABLY, the letters are MORE important... (SHADES... Sunny & WARM out)

(WINK) LOTS of theories... TH'ers are gonna "invade" soon... SO! (SHADES on, SUNNY)

When we are raised to Master Mason... we are advised we are friends to pirates and CORSAIRS. HA! NOW, I understand!

You're getting there. :thumbsup: You're starting to make the FRENCH "connexion".

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