Beale Poll....Fact or Fiction?

I believe the Beale codes and story is.......

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You fellas seem to know a lot about smelting precious metals from raw ore.
What did they do? Build a hot fire and pitch in the ore and it came out shiny
as a new penny. Franklin says they "had a smelter". I'd sure like to know
where that "smelter" came from. The Spanish built arastras to get gold out of
rock. Don't much think they hauled "smelters" around with them. They also
learned to build clay "smelters" that could be super-heated with coal or pitch
but ores varied from district to district. Some ores, probably most, were
impossible to refine into recognizable bars or ingots. They called these slugs
dore which resemble rusty iron in color.
Then again you fellas are experts at this. So the Bealites came across half
the US with nuggets the size of sweet potatoes. Then they ate the potatoes
and left the gold in a hole in the ground.
My, my, my. What a load of taters.

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D LOL! ll, it was RAW Gold & Silver found; smelting would only give you MELTED Gold & Silver to be used in molds (for a "round" shape) & stamped for coins for the colonies or states, ie J. Smith Silver Mines, done as a NEW ENTERPRISE by pirates/buccaneers... in the late early to late 1700's or so. At THAT time, VIRGINIA was a HUGE state (pre-1760's or so)... it WAS possible; BUT! THIS is the BEALE "board" (bill board). :D Silver Bars HAVE been found on the BRP, and there are "restricted" areas on FED land (over-looks, etc) due to potential dangers (rock-falls, etc). :wink: :coffee2: :read2: BTW, MY nickname in high school WAS Tater! :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

lastleg said:
You fellas seem to know a lot about smelting precious metals from raw ore.
What did they do? Build a hot fire and pitch in the ore and it came out shiny
as a new penny. Franklin says they "had a smelter". I'd sure like to know
where that "smelter" came from. The Spanish built arastras to get gold out of
rock. Don't much think they hauled "smelters" around with them. They also
learned to build clay "smelters" that could be super-heated with coal or pitch
but ores varied from district to district. Some ores, probably most, were
impossible to refine into recognizable bars or ingots. They called these slugs
dore which resemble rusty iron in color.
Then again you fellas are experts at this. So the Bealites came across half
the US with nuggets the size of sweet potatoes. Then they ate the potatoes
and left the gold in a hole in the ground.
My, my, my. What a load of taters.

You're wasting your breath. It was the only known deposit of naturally pre-smelted, micro-lite, pure silver and gold. And it was possible for Beale to have been out west on the very same day he made the first deposit in Bedford county because the wagons were Star Track wagons with transporters. If you are applying logic, reason, common sense, and fact to this story you will never unveil the truth behind the story. You silly man! :laughing7: j/k

:D And! "THE TRUTH, behind the story" is... :wink: Inquiring minds wanna know... :D

bigscoop said:
The party arrived in Santa Fe at the first of December, 1817…….and wintered there until “Early in March…..”…of 1818…when some of the party had grown restless and had set out to do some hunting for what turned out to be “a month or more” (this would bring us to at least the middle of April, 1818)….and then two in the party returned to inform Beale of their rich find. Now certainly it took Beale at least a couple of weeks to gather supplies and reach this party 300 – 350 miles to the northwest, so this brings us to at least the first of May, 1818 and then…….

“Under this arrangement the work progressed favorably for eighteen months or more…..”

This time frame would bring us to November, 1819, and the party, according to Beale’s own timeline stated in his letter of January 4th, 1822, was still in the mountains 300 – 350 miles northwest of Santa Fe. So how could the first deposit have been made in November, 1819? "It couldn't have been."

Then, in the very next paragraph in this same letter, "Matters went on like this until the summer of 1819...."

Uhhhhh....... :icon_scratch: :laughing7:

Read the above, tell me how Beale could have been out west at the same time he claimed to be in Bedford County making the first deposit. Some of the truth is already out there but for some reason many of you are not willing to aknowledge those truths put before you. So without "stuck in the Beale papers" and "subsequent research" and "poppycock" I'd be interested in hearing how you can explain the above. :dontknow: In this same letter you're even told by the man himself that they had only previously visited Bedford county. Did you, do you, think he's talking about just the cave and that all of these men actually lived in Bedford county, thirty capable men of means Morriss had never seen or met? And do you really think thirty capable men of means from Bedford County could have departed on this huge adventure, some of them twice, without anyone taking notice of their absence or their adventure? Their wives didn't miss them? Their families didn't miss them? Their associates and friends didn't miss them? Nobody was the least bit interested in their fantastic adventures out west? To borrow an expression, now that really is pure, "poppycock!"

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D The FIRST "deposit" was made in NOVEMBER, 1819; the ppl in VIRGINIA "over-wintered", until @ March, 1820... then went back WEST. MEANWHILE, the 10 left behind in Colorado were STILL getting RAW Gold & Silver, some of which they sold for jewelry in St. Loo to "lighten the load"... BEFORE returning "back home" for the winter, for the SECOND time; SECOND "deposit" was made in December, 1821... read BEALE PAPERS for MORE info! :wink: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

Rebel - KGC said:
:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D The FIRST "deposit" was made in NOVEMBER, 1819; the ppl in VIRGINIA "over-wintered", until @ March, 1820... then went back WEST. MEANWHILE, the 10 left behind in Colorado were STILL getting RAW Gold & Silver, some of which they sold for jewelry in St. Loo to "lighten the load"... BEFORE returning "back home" for the winter, for the SECOND time; SECOND "deposit" was made in December, 1821... read BEALE PAPERS for MORE info! :wink: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

I think if you'll read the pamphlet again the 10 you say were left in Colorado actually remained with Beale for the remainder of his journey back to Virginia. So this would leave about 20 men out west to continue mining in the dead of bitter winter. And yes, the "first deposit was said to have been made in Novemebr 1819, but if you do a time study based on the information in the letter of January, 4th, 1822, then Beale, by his own account of the progression of events (time), was still out west at the same time he was suppose to be in Virginia. Of course, "this is impossible". Yes?

:D HA! "Impossible"? LOL! YOU read it wrong; EVERYONE (all Associates) went with TJ Beale the first 500 miles or so... THEN! TEN turned back (returned to the "mining enterprise") being left behind. @ 20 men + TJ Beale as CAPTAIN went on to Bedford County, VIRGINIA... and the REST of the story; yada, yada, yada! NOT impossible, in MY opinion. Sounds like it was a four months trip one way; they wanted to get the "load" deposited in Bedford County, VIRGINIA, before winter "set in". :wink: :read2:

Are you sure you got the right/same pamplet? "The whole party were to accompany me for the first five hundred miles, when all but ten would return, these later to remain with me to the end of my journey." Maybe that's the problem, you're reading a different story? :dontknow:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D Well, there are MANY web-sites that has the BEALE PAPERS; YER thinking only TEN came back to VIRGINIA with TJ Beale, and 20 were left behind to do "mining operations", which PROBABLY "shut down" for the winter? MEANWHILE, only TEN ppl with TJ Beale travelled for @ 4 months back to VIRGINIA, found and dug a depository (site), buried the cache in Bedford County, VIRGINIA...? :dontknow: :coffee2: :read2: Via the HART PAPERS (subsequent R & I) you are correct, it WAS ten; :sunny:

If we stop and think about it Morriss was actually holding the potential "last will and testement" of several men he had never seen or met.

It was in 1863 that the unknown author claimed he first became in possession of the secret. He also claimed that he had important business in Richmond.

If Morriss was indeed the responsible man he was described to be, then there would have only been one place for him to turn to in order to make certain those will and testaments were carried out according to the party's wishes, someone with a legal background. And if that person was an ancestor or decendent who already possessed the basic knowledge and facts behind the story, then all the better. Interesting here as well, it is unclear if Morriss sought to pass the information along, "or if someone actually ended up finding Morriss?"

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :D 1863? PROBABLY Ferdinand C. Hutter, who was paymaster for REBELS (Confederate War); he was kin to JB Ward. AND! The Hutter family once owned Poplar Forest of Thom. Jefferson. It is thought by many that VATTEL'S LAW OF NATIONS (book) from the SECRET ARCHIVES of CSA gov't saved from "destruction" (burning); the KEY for BC #1 & BC # 3 was that LEGAL book. SO! MAYBE, it was a BOOK... NOT a "legal" person (lawyer). AND! One of the Hutter boys saved it! :D :wink: :coffee2: :read2: AND! R MORRISS told JB Ward, LATER told F Hutter in 1863 or so (who MAY have saved VATTEL'S LAW OF NATIONS), JB Ward was "interviewed" by the Hart Bros (or ONE of 'em; HART PAPERS), C Hart had info from N Hazlewood about the treasure (Hart PAPERS)... AND! N Hazlewood was a SGT in the Confederate War. :o :coffee2: :read2: That takes us up to 1952 for subsequent R & I. THEN! Pauline released some info in 1964 (GOLD IN THE BLUE RIDGE); P Viemeister (RIP) released info in 1987, 1997, & 2004. BOTH FEDS & private sector are interested in the Beale/Beall Treasure; THAT is all for THIS "fishing trip"! :fish: :sunny:

You're stuck in the Bedford lore & myths, my friend. There's just no big Beale fish in that pond. :wink: :hello2:

:sunny: YEP! DANG great fishing here in Lynchburg/Bedford County, VIRGINIA! Along the James River, Otter Creek on the BRP; Smith Mountain Lake... :D :wink: YOU only go fishing to catch something? PITY! Fishing is GREAT time to ponder on Life Mysteries, TREASURE Mysteries, etc. etc. Better HERE, than ANYWHERE else! :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

You know, other then just the personal value of knowing the truth, it doesn't really matter what the real truth is anyway. Even if the vault still existed today, and you knew exactly where, you'd never get at it anyway. You couldn't even sneak it out. :laughing7:

Rebel - KGC said:
:sunny: YEP! DANG great fishing here in Lynchburg/Bedford County, VIRGINIA! Along the James River, Otter Creek on the BRP; Smith Mountain Lake... :D :wink: YOU only go fishing to catch something? PITY! Fishing is GREAT time to ponder on Life Mysteries, TREASURE Mysteries, etc. etc. Better HERE, than ANYWHERE else! :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

The few things I miss after moving to Florida are all the little creeks and rivers up north and the rolling big tree forest. :thumbsup:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Native of Shenandoah Valley; went TROUT fishing up in the mountains near Shenandoah National Park, creeks, etc of Page County/Valley; DANG, now I'm gonna have to go "home", soon... look up a few "old buddies", and go TROUT fishing! :fish: :fish: :fish: :wav: :wink:

Rebel - KGC said:
:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Native of Shenandoah Valley; went TROUT fishing up in the mountains near Shenandoah National Park, creeks, etc of Page County/Valley; DANG, now I'm gonna have to go "home", soon... look up a few "old buddies", and go TROUT fishing! :fish: :fish: :fish: :wav: :wink:

Was through that region a few times, very beautiful country. Did some fly fishing in the Shenandoah, smallmouth mostly. Yep, you need to get with those old buddies hit those little trout creeks again. Take lots of pictures to tease/tempt me with. :thumbsup:

;D HA! Don't have a DIG-CAM; anyway... BACK on "topic"! Wife & I moved CLOSER to Lynchburg, VIRGINIA July 1. DEEP into THE FOREST, off of Old Forest Road; can "hike" the old V & T railroad track and "nose about". ;D :wink: Gonna go to Bedford City/County Museum this coming Saturday & look at Civil War exhibits... ask some "INTERESTING" questions connected to the Beale Treasure ala PV (RIP) CSA "connection". ;D :wink: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee? :wink:

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