Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
NO ONE has solved 1 or 3... BUGGER OFF!
NO ONE has solved 1 or 3... BUGGER OFF!
Oh, you can "ask again" here, do R & I "locally", and get a DIFFERENT "sense" of what REALLY happened; y'all keep on trying to figure out the ciphers; will keep ya BUSY for a LONG time.
Looks like we will never hear from Roy Dallas again.
Once again, I agree with your item #1. Your note agrees with my theory which I will explain later but, you might want to reconsider your item 2. Thomas Jefferson in his Notes on the State of Virginia in his discussion about rivers states that from the "Mouth of the Ohio to Santa Fe is 40 days journey and about 1,000 miles." Jefferson had access to information from his agent in New Orleans Daniel Clark, Jr. who was well-informed about the Red River basin and Indian activity; and Captain Philip Nolan who moved among the Indian tribes "in pursuit of horse herds." Nolan was a protege of General James Wilkinson. Nolan made maps which found their way to Jefferson. Other authorities state that a fast rider could go from Santa Fe to Saint Louis in about 30 days. I think Tom took such a long time to get to Santa Fe because he was doing other things, like - maybe exploring the Red River Valley to the North to gather information about the British presence there and to check out the proposed boundary line dividing the two countries. Treaty agreement was eminent. Spanish movement from Santa Fe to St. Louis was usually East following the Canadien River to its big bend then North through Oklahoma. Of course the Santa Fe Trail was available or through the mountains by way of the Trappers Trail. I have been on both of these trails. Most all Indian tribes knew the routes because of trading and pilfering especially horses. Monroe35
Myself, I still believe there is a possible chance that your two "facts" above were still possible.
First, the three cipher codes were on eight sheets of paper normally I can not see how the author or agent for the author could have known which of the eight sheets went with the others to form Cipher #1, Cipher #2, and Cipher #3. There had to be something that differentiated each page from the others--------so maybe they were already numbered one, two and three and the author simply traced them. I know the story says he numbered the pages according to their lengths but still he had to have some way to know where each cipher started and the other ended or he would have #1 mixed up with #2 or #3 or...........well you know how 8 sheets could be mixed up.
Second on the time line or the 18 months or more. Now TJB says they reached Sante Fe on December 1st, 1817 and in early March, 1818 some of the men went on an excursion gone for a month or more.--------Say for reference early March as March 1st, 1818 and a month or more April 1st, 1818. Now the men found gold about 250 to 300 miles North of Sante Fe this is about 9 days travel if you are in a hurry you could make that journey in 6 days. So now we have April 7 when TJB arrives at the site.
Alright a month and one-half already accumulating the gold and silver------So when TJB says this went on for 18 months or more -------he was really saying 16 months and one-half or more. This agrees with TJB saying that it was mid-Summer when the question came up about where they should store the treasure in a more secure place. This would have been the latter end of July or early August. Alright say TJB and his men leave on August 1st. 1819. They still had time to get to Buford's Tavern by November, 1819 when the first Deposit was made. Here he does not say 1st of November or 30 of November, 1819. From August 1st to November 30th is 91 days if TJB meant the middle of Summer as July 15 then he would have had another 16 days or 107 days to make the journey.
When John Bell left Pike's Peak in 1820, he went from there to Washington, D.C. in 126 days with many lay overs and stops along the way. At one place Fort Smith he stayed for 10 days in a couple more when he met up with Indians he stayed two times for 3 days each. All the while they had to hunt their own food and this took time also. If TJB and his men had provisions there is no reason they could not make the journey in 107 days or even if they left August 1st they still had 96 days. John Bell traveled on to Washington City this took him another 12 to 16 days subtracting that plus his lay overs of 16 days, John Bell could have made his trip in as little as 94 to 98 days well within TJB's timeline.
1. Separate the pamphlet, a. The info that was in the box, letters ,code b. The info given from Morriss, Ward. 2. The eighteen months is the time spent on,e Enlarging, the already made vault. The increased metal supply, more than expected, deposit two. The trip west,was impossible,in time given,cause he's not talkn bout out west. Lol The info given in letters,are solid. Once you have the key, it all becomes intelligible. The info is for the key,holder. So ,I understand yor points,soon you all will know. Your will need to hit reset. Justintime
I can see letters with nothing done to the photo. I have seen,the enhancements by Franklin. I've seen it. So I'm going to call BS,on you sending my photo off to,your buddy. Lol..good try..Justintime