Basic signs and symbols you have found sorry about that. I do not see any water signs either. The water comment came from tentative thinking..

I know i had seen that kind of helmet 4 times . Can't find the pics. But the last one i saw there is no pic. And it was near a water source along a presumed route.

Got to thinking about it..maybe it represents royal soldiers and would be near a place where they camped out on a more permanent basis.( it is a rare sign to least for me.) Maybe they collected tithe, checked papers, guarded the pass, raided for slaves..whatever their duties might be. Well.. if they are camping semi permanently there would be water near by i should think. The last one yes definitely water, and others signs that to me...might mean place for caravan to stop.

So thats why it is tentative thinking and why i would expect water to be near. Not any signs or symbols...

I should have stated that a bit better.

Thanks Desertmoons for your input. As far as the helmet goes, I am having a little difficulty visualizing it - can't quite make it out.

Yes - there is water in the area, but very sparse depending on the amount of rain and the time of year.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Old Dog said:
Here is the renowned number 7,
this is the classic sign used by the Jesuits to represent Gold or treasure.
it is most commonly used to mark a campsite.

all of the signs you see will not be on a wall, they may be underfoot and you may just walk right past ...

Re: Post #47 Page 1
Now, I would've thought that was a boot...I am incredibly fascinated!

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Bev said:
Old Dog said:
Here is the renowned number 7,
this is the classic sign used by the Jesuits to represent Gold or treasure.
it is most commonly used to mark a campsite.

all of the signs you see will not be on a wall, they may be underfoot and you may just walk right past ...

Re: Post #47 Page 1
Now, I would've thought that was a boot...I am incredibly fascinated!

The text you quoted came from post #50, which has the picture of a carved #7.
The text for post #47 includes the picture of a carved boot. (below)
The picture for post #50 is in the next post.


  • Boot.webp
    69 KB · Views: 1,170
  • Boot.webp
    69 KB · Views: 1,086
The picture that fits the above text is below.


  • Number 7.webp
    Number 7.webp
    53.7 KB · Views: 1,160
  • Number 7.webp
    Number 7.webp
    53.7 KB · Views: 1,102
Oops, my bad.
I stumbled upon this thread and I have to say I am just mesmerized! Is there any indication that the Native American Indians did similar thing here in New England?

They may have done a similar thing of their own that was specific to their own culture.
These signs are three to 400 years old, and were left by the Spanish miners, explorers etc... across the part of America that once was called "New Spain".

Often they get confused with Native signs, were sometimes over written in places by the French and Germans who came later.
They were chased and reworked in many places by the KGC who formed an alliance with Spain just before the War between the States.

The Spanish were suspected to have left these marks where ever they set foot, and have been reported as far away as Alaska.

I was able to find some information about signs, structures and something called cairns left by Native Americans in New England. I ordered the book about them and excited to learn- I'm amazed.

My best recommendation for a book about the signs and such of the natives and others for a beginner is ...
"The Rocks Begin to Speak"

Not only will it enlighten you as to the native marks ... but others as well.
I have reviewed it and am encouraged that this is a fine book for those looking for insight.

(actual cost is about $15.00)

here's lots of books on the market and the "rocks begin to speak" would be one of the top 5 books that I would have. Good call Thom

When looking at books especially on the signs and symbols of any given people, I try to get the ones that are new and truly Representative of a new and fresh line of thought that is grounded in truth and sound research.

from my experience when books on signs and symbols are concerned there are very few that aren't reworded copies of another persons work, this kind of book is a waste of time and money. Best bet is to find the original author and enjoy what they had to present.

Listen to the opinions of others and be careful to sift the info gleaned from what you read. It may be site specific or it may have no basis in fact.

Keep reading and keep learning.
Follow the trails and have fun.
The best teacher is boots on the ground and time.

Come into my lair........


  • The Creek.webp
    The Creek.webp
    58.5 KB · Views: 1,015
  • The Creek (2).webp
    The Creek (2).webp
    81.9 KB · Views: 1,009
  • The Creek (3).webp
    The Creek (3).webp
    66.4 KB · Views: 1,005
Hi Mike,
That passage looks almost cut by hand as to redirect the creek.
Is there any evidence of the creek having gone a different course before ??

looking pretty 'monumental' :wink:



  • The Creek (3) alpha dude.webp
    The Creek (3) alpha dude.webp
    63.9 KB · Views: 918

Catch the owl at the premium point.
Mark the point specifically between the ears use a walking stick or something a little longer...
as a pointer going down the center of the owl's body as a pointer. (note,it may be reversed as it is a shadow.)

Thanks Thom, always nice to get an original piece of the puzzle unpublished anywhere and fresh from those that know!
you da man..or you the dog !..hehe

This creek makes it way through a very narrow box canyon. 75 - 100 feet at it's widest. I don't think it ever flowed any other way.

Is that guy really, really, PO'd at the guy above him wearing a horned helmet; or the shadow man in front of him on the opposite wall. Also, I wonder if he's spitting into the large heart shaped water pool below him. Whatever it is, he sure is aggravated at SOMEBODY...............or someTHING. :dontknow:

Edited: Maybe he's mad at the stoney figure on the opposite wall who might be ...................polluting that heart shaped water basin. ;D

I wonder if that heart pool is telling folks to take a hard left at the end of the cut and you still have a ways to go.(since it's so big)

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