Hi Mannings ,
hmmm, i got your email . probably the easiest thing for everyone involved will just be if i let the author answer that one in his own words . if you will send me a mailing address i will send you one of those books on CD . i have a few that i was given . it will have to be next weekend when i get back home. they are a "pay it forward" kind of thing so there is no charge , but you will have to allow a little while for the post office to deliver it . i am also going to forward this portion of this topic to someone else who knows allot more than I, about another one of your pics . i am kind of in a bad spot with not wishing to repeating someone else's research. so be mindful if you get a reply in the next little while , that might not be what you would expect the norm for this Spanish topic on T net , then , well , ya ...... i will also be quiet about the location in your photos , not that you told me but ya , its pretty cool down there. just a guess, but someone may have been after the silver..........