Basic signs and symbols you have found

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

From what I can see there is too much hidden on the right,
by brush and stones to come to any serious conclusion.

If I may suggest once you go back,
clear out the brush and stuff and try to get as much of the wall in one clear picture as you can.
If needs be, catch the left and right in seperate pictures.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

what r these two lookn at?


  • faces009.webp
    40.8 KB · Views: 706
Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

May be they are looking at the same thing,, this hand and finger are pointing at,, IS IT A HEART!! td


  • IMG_3473crop1.webp
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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

First off, I would like to offer my sincerest apologies for interrupting the flow of this thread by the removal of my previous postings. As an otherwise rational guy, sometimes even I have an irrational moment. Ok, on with the fun! What you'll see here is another fine example of a stump marker. This one will differ slightly from the ones previously posted. Can anyone tell me how? (besides OD).


  • stump marker.webp
    stump marker.webp
    52.7 KB · Views: 714
Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

The flat top of the stump is suggestive. I am no expert. and when it comes to trees I know nothing.

But i would be thinking this is a place to take a sighting or measure from. I would also be half expecting to see a...mmm... "*" or "+" type sign around. Spindly and wiggly.

If a spindly is found perhaps spend a little time around the immediate area - oh say..100 feet radius - to get a lot of further directions.

The left upward branch seems to be unusually kinked. If true, the I would take that first as a confirmation that it all means something, and secondly as a directional.

No special knowledge here. Just speculation.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


Your ability to think outside of the box is Extraordinary! All great answers! Now, what specifically does the "flat top" tell us? Can it date the marker?


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Nice! And how can we use that lil' piece of information to date the marker?


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Find out when 2-man crosscut saws were invented.

Question: When is a stump just a stump? The growth in your photo seems to be made up of regular trees; not the small, long lived ones in the mountains of the west and southwest. What specifics are there that make you believe it's a code marker? Or anything more than a survey marker for a property line?

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


The property, on which, this alligator juniper tree (stump) surrounded by mesquite was photographed has been in the care of one owner since the late 1800's with no transfers in ownership. The same owner, for 135 years. And the nearest property line is a few miles away. Couple that with who would carry a two person saw on top of a hilltop (elevation 6100 ft) in the middle of nowhere and you have a list of possible answers. Now, by using the hours and hours of research you have conducted on various activities to have taken place in the area, and your list grows smaller until you're left with one or two logical choices. Either it was some guy looking for firewood, on a hilltop and he wasn't cold enough to take the whole tree or someone was trying to guide you through the wilderness. My bet, based on my hours of research here locally, I'm going with the latter.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Clay Lindsey said:

The property, on which, this alligator juniper tree (stump) surrounded by mesquite was photographed has been in the care of one owner since the late 1800's with no transfers in ownership. The same owner, for 135 years. And the nearest property line is a few miles away. Couple that with who would carry a two handed saw on top of a hilltop (elevation 6100 ft) in the middle of nowhere and you have a list of possible answers. Now, by using the hours and hours of research you have conducted on various activities to have taken place in the area, and your list grows smaller until you're left with one or two logical choices. Either it was some guy looking for firewood, on a hilltop and he wasn't cold enough to take the whole tree or someone was trying to guide you through the wilderness. My bet, based on my hours of research here locally, I'm going with the latter.


:sign10: Hey, you've convinced me. Good luck.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


Sorry, I know that seemed a bit terse. I'm just a guy trying to make may through this the best way I can. I realize I will have to prove my mettle in order to be considered a valid source of information and assistance. This is all part of the process. Thank you.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Clay Lindsey said:

Sorry, I know that seemed a bit terse. I'm just a guy trying to make may through this the best way I can. I realize I will have to prove my mettle in order to be considered a valid source of information and assistance. This is all part of the process. Thank you.

I didn't take your response as a smarta-- comment. I read it as a tongue-in-cheek response.........especially the "he wasn't cold enough to take the whole tree." :laughing7:

PLEEEassseeeeee don't put me in the same category as SWR, lamar, and one or two others. I am totally open minded with the subjects of Spanish, Templars, and KGC signs, marks, etc. Those closed minded self appointed "experts" are a pain in the ASS. One should listen to ALL points of information and opinions and then sift through and take what he or she feels is useful and ignore the rest. But DON'T bad mouth somebody who presents an idea or a vision from a different angle. Sometimes, those "different" ideas turn out to be RIGHT ON. :laughing7: nuff said. :thumbsup:

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

To close out the stump item, it was OD that actually should get the credit for the answer. (Hence, me asking him not to chime in.) When I showed it to him, he was the one that pointed out to me that the extremities had been sawed off, compared to chopped off.

So ask yourself, is it possible that persons of the Spanish-era carried wood saws? Sure. But it is a matter of cost, time and/or money. What would have been the likelyhood of getting your two person saw back down the blacksmith for sharpening in the 1700's? Wouldn't it be easier to re-sharpen your ax out in the field? I'm not stating that it was impossible to re-sharpen a saw in the field, but given the circumstances, it would have been less practical.

Now, fast forward 125-150 years or so. Metallurgical technology has improved, making the saw a better field tool allowing you to use and re-use many times more before having to resharpen it. So it is the difference in the practical usage of these two tools that allows for the speculation of KGC involvement in this area. But that leads into a different thing... More on that to follow.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I know, I'm being a thread hog. But I had to get up early this morning to drive my better half into work, so here I am. This next photo remains somewhat of a mystery. I have a few relative ideas, but nothing concrete just yet. Normally, I would post it unless I was more certain, but I'm in the sharing mood. Sometimes I think it's a "V". Sometimes I think it's a "U". Somtimes I think it's a "hole nearby" sign. And sometimes I think it's a "U-shaped" pointer with an arrow on the upper right. It's all alone by itself on a massive boulder. All suggestions are welcome...



  • u or v marker.webp
    u or v marker.webp
    22.8 KB · Views: 653
Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Clay Lindsey said:

Sorry, I know that seemed a bit terse. I'm just a guy trying to make may through this the best way I can. I realize I will have to prove my mettle in order to be considered a valid source of information and assistance. This is all part of the process. Thank you.


Part of WHAT process? Are you itching to become the new Dign or Rangler with two-bit sound bites leading to treasure vaults, quick and simple? I've known the best of the best 'KGC' researchers for years, brilliant people who have dedicated their lives at the expense of their pedestrian money grubbing careers. People who have spent these years relentlessly following clues in the field and educating themselves in the world's classic intellectual disciplines. People who know more about mathematics, geometry, history, Baconian and other codes, human psychology and other things necessary to even begin trying to unravel the secrets at hand than but a handful of the Twitter generation cluttering our instant gratification culture. These folks have no interest in wasting their time seeking internet forum recognition - they're too busy with reality. I'm not trying to discourage you, but to encourage you. If you truly want to 'make your way through this', then you need to realize that it will become a life-altering experience, not a hobby or a get rich quick deal.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


I'm quite sure we are speaking of the same thing, just with different language. Something as simple as fixing a bowl of cereal or using the bathroom could be referred to as a process. There was no negative connotation meant by what I said. By all means, the context of my statement was never meant to potentially offend anyones life's work either. With regards to the establishment of my own validity... It is my hope that through hard work that I may be recognized as more than a member of the nintendo generation and be excepted as an ally by persons of your stature. This is only evidenced by the need for overexplaination on most of the items I have posted. I fully understand and appreciate how "green" I may appear to you. To a certain extent you are correct and I have no issue with that. I've never had anything handed to me in my life and I have no further expectations of that happening now or in the future. To that point, should you need further explaination of my supposed theories and/or actions, it would be greatly appreciated if it was conducted off-to-the-side rather than in the middle of a thread, created by Old Dog, meant to provide a more centralized location for novices such as myself to learn and share. As always, your time and consideration is appreciated.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Clay Lindsey said:
..... It is my hope that through hard work that I may be recognized as more than a member of the nintendo generation and be excepted as an ally by persons of your stature ....

I want to make it clear that I have no stature or desire for same re this topic.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Then specifically, what is the basis for your scrutiny? I have never presented myself as an expert. In fact, this is the one place that I should be allowed to be wrong/incorrect. If you make no mistakes, you will cease to learn and grow.


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