I don't know if this is the proper place to post this or not but it is important in my ventures " The Bible--Charles Kenworthy's books --- The Rocks Begin To Speak, ( Very good Bibliography, ) LaVan Martineau,--- Of Men and Gold, I know that part of if not all is a rewrite --- and yes I have Gale R. Rhoades book from the 1980 era, I got mine in 1982, Waybill To Lost Spanish Mines And Treasures, -- and Turtles Lead To Treasure. All of these books have helped along with Obsolete Spanish and Portuguese units of Measurements, a study of Viking Mooring holes,their ships - Length - Width - Location of their Cargo Holes, have you ever wondered about using your minds eye and think about rowing a small flat bottom ship down the South Canadian River with up to 25 tons of cargo, did they have teepee poles, hides, for building shelter when they camped for a while did they raise the ground in a circle ( as the Indians did ) to keep out the rain, wind, cold. Theres several horshoe bends and most that I've seen have symbols on the N.E outside corner, that holds true for River's Streams, Brooks, What i think is that a horseshoe has the same shape as a tunnel so they were marked. That's my theory anyway and they will venture out away from the bend I have found them five miles away. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest