Basic signs and symbols you have found

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

bob631 said:
... I'm a little suprised by this remark Springfield, after all isn't alot of what we are looking at made by an artist? Alot of the enjoyment for me is looking at a piece of artwork and seeing things that are not obvious..... but impressions. Artists do, and did study light, colors, shading, and often times made details so fine you could only see them with a magnifying glass, and while not all of this is readily apparent it's still there and man made ( on purpose )....

In a word - no. We're not talking about subtle artwork or faces in clouds here - we're talking about signs left behind by explorers/discoverers (not dreamy artists) in a totally unmapped, very slightly explored and uninhabited wilderness for the benefit of someone in the future to try to find to get back to a spot of interest. Your rocks are really groovy all right - you can see all kinds of $__t if you stare long enough. I've done plenty of that myself - it's called pareidolia. Fun, but nothing to do with signs and symbols. Tell me, if you were leaving sign to follow vin the Amazon jungle today, would you leave something obvious-to-everyone-can't-miss-it or would you choose some natural feature that might look like a poodle if you saw it from the correct angle at the right time of day on the Equinox?

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Hi Old Dog ... I figured out how to post pictures on here.

Can you give me any suggestions as to the meaning/relevance of "key" symbol in the upper left hand corner of this rockmap (on top of the inverted C)

I know the meaning of the dotted X and would welcome opinion on the wolfs head deposit symbol.

This is a Spanish / Yama marker from the Philippines.


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

bob631 said:
.... your face there is early aztec, (pueblo) [No, it isnt; by the way 'pueblo and 'aztec' are two different critters] , there's pictographs [These are petroglyphs - pictographs are painted] all over the united states, none of these have anything to do with treasure of any kind, [Thank you - I wish others on this forum realized the same] what exactly is it you're looking for Springfeild?? And I'm really not needing any of the kind of help you have to offer [That's OK, you might not understand what I have to offer anyway] unless you're handy with a shovel [Better than you can even imagine] and work cheap [Sorry] , so you can stop with the condescending attitude, I've said it before and I'll say it again megalomania is far worse on the psychiatric end of things and there's quite a few of you "experts" that have it real bad. [Sorry - just trying to bring your feet back to earth (guess I may have failed)] Following animal signs to an indian cave isn't that big of a trick, we've got lots of those here in colorado. [Hmmm what?] :wink: I can post some pictures if you'd like on another topic. [No thanks.]

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

bob631 said:
.... not that it's really up to me to educate you....

Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass for now.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

bob631 said:
that's what I figured, in the future when you quote me don't embellish it, your megalomaniacism is showing

When I need your advice, you'll be the first to know.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

PLEASE ! Don,t disturb these excellent forums with personal bickering . Jim

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Springfield said:
bob631 said:
.... your face there is early aztec, (pueblo) [No, it isnt; by the way 'pueblo and 'aztec' are two different critters] , there's pictographs [These are petroglyphs - pictographs are painted] all over the united states, none of these have anything to do with treasure of any kind, [Thank you - I wish others on this forum realized the same] what exactly is it you're looking for Springfeild?? And I'm really not needing any of the kind of help you have to offer [That's OK, you might not understand what I have to offer anyway] unless you're handy with a shovel [Better than you can even imagine] and work cheap [Sorry] , so you can stop with the condescending attitude, I've said it before and I'll say it again megalomania is far worse on the psychiatric end of things and there's quite a few of you "experts" that have it real bad. [Sorry - just trying to bring your feet back to earth (guess I may have failed)] Following animal signs to an indian cave isn't that big of a trick, we've got lots of those here in colorado. [Hmmm what?] :wink: I can post some pictures if you'd like on another topic. [No thanks.]

to bad i missed this , Steve are you absolutely sure about a couple of these statements or is it just a matter of your opinion?

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Springfield said:
kanabite said:
Which statements, k?
the first two
your face there is early aztec, (pueblo) [No, it isnt; by the way 'pueblo and 'aztec' are two different critters] , there's pictographs [These are petroglyphs - pictographs are painted] all over the united states, none of these have anything to do with treasure of any kind, [Thank you - I wish others on this forum realized the same]
i realize this is kind of a blanket deal, and i missed this little exchange , but i also know there may be exceptions to every rule depending on the circumstance.. as far as two different critters that could really depend on ones perspective . case in point would be Chaco Canyon for one .... also native writing such as petroglyphs in general may not have anything to do with treasure , but like i said there maybe exceptions to every rule . your "happy man" comes to mind , off hand . along with this , which by my own definition would be considered treasure and was found quite a few years ago in southern Utah in a more native "Fremont Indian"cave with lots of such writing .now no banner nomination the find is not mine , i just took the pictures. it is a French merchant token minted somewhere between 1400 and 1497 , as far as anyone was able to determine . any way im not trying to fight with you here but was just somewhat confused after only catching part of the conversation, imagine that

View attachment 345568

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

All I can say is wow. I have spent my spare time for the last 5 days reading this thread, now I get to start on a few others. Glad I have lots to read up on this winter.

Many thanks to each of you who have taken your time to share these photos and your interpretations.

There is one thing I can actually clear up on here. Several times a photo reported to be Grandfather Mountain here in NC has been brought up. This is NOT Grandfather. I have no idea if it is shopped or not, but I am including a few photos of Grandfather for you to compare.


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thanks Mark,
welcome aboard. Your input is welcome and I must conclude...
that is an awesome mountain.
Glad to see it without photo shop.
I still think it is amazing.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

That token is an awesome representative.
is it yours?
Sure would be cool to see the reverse side.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Old Dog said:
Thanks Mark,
welcome aboard. Your input is welcome and I must conclude...
that is an awesome mountain.
Glad to see it without photo shop.
I still think it is amazing.

Thanks! Grandfather Mountain is on of our natural treasures here in the state. It, along with Linville Falls, Linville Caverns, The Smokey Mountains, and the Outer Banks draw huge amounts of visitors yearly.

I have been registered here before, and had a pretty decent post count but for some reason could not recover the password from my email. Guess that is what I get for being away for so long.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Old Dog said:
That token is an awesome representative.
is it yours?
Sure would be cool to see the reverse side.

well Thom the pictures are mine. the item however is not . i am surprised you have not seen the other side . because in the course of trying to identify it for the people who do own it, there were pictures posted . let me think about that for a while . the thing is ,it raises some very interesting question , like first of all what the heck is something that old doing in a cave in southern Utah,in the first place. it almost qualifies as an OOPART , or out of place artifact . to a coin collector it would be considered in very poor shape . i have not found another example of a French Jeton that is a perfect match yet . the letters on this one are in relief where the other examples on the Net anyway appear to be stamped . the iconography may date back to before the 1400's or before the regular type of Jeton were minted . i will say this , i am of the opinion that at some time in the past this particular item was altered . pounded flat and parts of it redone . it is paper thin , about the size of a modern day quarter . the possibility does exist ,no ,matter how remote that it may be of Knights Templar origin , but it might also have been dropped by a trapper or something in a native type cave . who knows .there are a million possibilities i quess

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Downloaded this picture to play with in paint and I found a few things extra. You guys are rubbing off on my :hello2: I know some of it is duplicating what others have found but some is not.


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

No one has mentioned this owl.

Rabbit Merged.webp

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

well this looks like a rhino front end.


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