Basic signs and symbols you have found


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

shadow dragon, shadow dog what is making the hat on dog look so sharp?


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

The face in the upper left is a great find this time of year.
The one on the bottom is ancient as is the one upper right.


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Dog how about some dogs. Just playing with some pics and how to work with them. Thomas


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Are these holes natural??
when you have a slab with marks on it that seem dificult to see with the eye,
Try making a negative of the photo and most times the marks will show up much clearer.

There are things in this picture that may show up if you try that.


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I believe that these marks are man made. I just don't how to interpret or how they fit into this site. There are other rocks at this site that also have the marks. Some appear to have been made for the use of manuvering the rocks into place and others look like the marks are some kind of sign or mark or pattern. Thomas

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

dogs and dogs, dont know why


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

kanabite said:
didustealmymonky wrote :
no not silver city ill see if i have any friends who still go there and have them take a pic
it is literally in the middle of a field in a valley and it looks like someone dropped a se.x toy in the middle of the field
this site seems pretty p.g so i wont be to specific but it is 100 percent anatomically correct as far as being phallic ie a "head" urethra etc

just how anatomically correct are we talking here ? circumcised? or not ?
do you have any pics yet that you would be willing to share ?
odd to me that it is in a field in a valley and not high atop of a hill.
of course it would be a blind guess as to its origins without more information.
what about this cave ? big or small ? round or a different shape of what you can see?
interesting , what you have described . also what kind of native type writing is most prominent in the immediate area ?or is there none you are aware of? thank you in advance .
i cant find any of my friends that have pics it would be circumcised
its in a Y shaped valley and would be where the "arms" of the y meet
cave seemed round but its been years since ive been there,
there are the grinding pots in big rocks about a 1/4 mile up the canyon
i remeber seeing the hand prints and what looks like someone spit on it and little figures.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

CW good eyes on the multiple dogs, I only saw the bulldog. The pit or hollowed out place is where the ear would be. This is an ancient piece of work. Who knows. I can only speculate.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Hope I am not getting of topic, just sharing a pic of a bell.That is my only pic of the bell but I will get back
up there to get more pics .I just have not seen very many pics of bells. What is the reasoning behind the
bell. I would think it would represent a church location or their buried goods.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


Do you see any shadow signs here??

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

lanny, I can really empathize with you, georgius, lh , jesus, and others who find areas with many many markers. I've come to conclusion 80% are simply to distract. They are wonderful to see and document and that is a treasure right there to me. But you can spend a lot of time just..looking, wandering and wondering just HOW dumb are you after all? :-\ ??? :) :) A little dumb or a whole lotta od dumb. heh.. Well at least i feel that way sometimes.

If the area is may want to just focus on finding the trails and follow one trail at a time. You may also find one or two trail maps writ in stone telling you about the area.

On your rock..besides the possible bell, I see a possible lamb's head upper right, and in the middle a flying bird or possibly a winged man (mathew). On the left..what are those eyes looking at? Perhaps the other outlined rock..perhaps it has some info on it.

I've no special knowledge on the bell. I've inferred from other posts here on tnet - I think stilldiggin and maybe rangler - that a bell is a very good sign and means something is close. I'm not aware that it is related to church treasure.
Hmmm..the bell in the church calls the faithful to the true treasure of this world... perhaps a thought like that is one idea why the bell was possibly chosen as a symbol.


  • nybell-1site2mklan.webp
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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Please pardon my scribbles ... (long Day)

Circle ,,, Rabbit


something to check


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Yes I saw those later a while back but I could not make hide or hair of them, even if I could make out some
of the symbols I'm not sure what they would be telling me. I'm still trying to put two and two together
and trying not to destroy my sites.There are quite a few death traps around so I'm studying the situation.Thank
you for your in put. Later I will get in to maps, it's amazing you don't even know you are walking through
one some times.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Stilldiggin posted a blurb about keyhole marks,
you should be finding one nearby.
the rabbit as shown is a confirmation that tells you of an alternative entrance somewhere.
follow the signs correctly and they will show you how to get around the Death Traps.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

what are the dog carvings supposed to represent at a site? thanks brent

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

There are usually two dogs on a trail,
They may have signs between them and usually do.
If you are able to follow them in sequence the first dog will be a light color, "white dog".
The next dog will be dark in color, "black dog".
The black dog tells you that you are close to the goal.
I have seen as many as 48 signs between a black dog and the death trap.
(just to give you an idea of what the "Spaniard " thought was close.)

Please note, dogs signify a royal trail. They do not always indicate a treasure trail.
Just as turtles do not always indicate gold or silver, the same is true with dogs.

I have shown in a previous post where the treasure indicated by a turtle was water.
a true treasure in this part of the country.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

thank you very very much for info.more for the notes. brent

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thank you old dog for the hint on the rabbit, I went up there again but I could not find the rabbit or the
key hole. I had a great time will go up again shortly. I might have to go up at a different time to get a
better pic of the shadow rabbit. Will keep you posted.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Talking about rabbits, here is one at one of my other sites.






The #15 on the side turns to 13 at different angels, there are also two drill holes 50ft back from it.
They are over 5ft deep.I put my shovel handle in and never hit bottom, need longer measuring device.
Wish I could make a full time job of this, sure is fun. I'll have to put my nose to the grind stone and
figure out what site to work on.With every ones help,I have started to put a lot of the pieces to gather.
Time will tell.

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