Basic signs and symbols you have found

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

bobthpi said:
In all the Forums I don't hear people talking about it, but was physically attacked on my first project, I am an American, and did not believe in it,

I to have a close by personal experience with what U have said Bobthpi..
3 men located a Room by accident. Uncle, associate & father

close friend lost his Uncle & associate within weeks of a discovery (both expired due to extreme Odd accidents) & his father lost an arm within weeks, the father only got NEAR the handled goods Never actualy touched any(saw the Items Removed from the Room)..Father survived another 20yrs..

Guess would be Sound Mind & body required Once the location aquired prior to entering & viewing or touching whats Below.?

I going to Go out on a Limb here to say..if the Treasure room/cache is cursed..then NEVER HAVE GREED on your mind when You Enter it..Or Speak knowinly Of Grred after.

I'll end this with a Ripley's believe or NOT..

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


Thanks for all that you see,, you are leaving me in the dust!! Your eye is getting very sharp, BRAVO! Only one problem I shot this from my truck, two years ago, and have not been able to find it again!!! HA!! td

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

goldguru said:
... I going to Go out on a Limb here to say..if the Treasure room/cache is cursed..then NEVER HAVE GREED on your mind when You Enter it.....

"Todos o nada"

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

goldguru said:
bobthpi said:
In all the Forums I don't hear people talking about it, but was physically attacked on my first project, I am an American, and did not believe in it,
NEVER HAVE GREED on your mind when You Enter it..Or Speak knowinly Of Grred after.

If entering an old mine or cache site There is no room in ones mind for anything other than total awareness of the current situation.
Thinking about anything else will get you crippled. or worse Killed. I am not a superstitious type, but there are some basic cautions to be aware of, such as bad air, unstable roof walls or floor, and if it is a Spanish site... Death traps. Some of these are so subtle that walking through a given area of the tunnel will cause a slow painful agonizing death. simply because you stirred up dust on the floor and breathed it in.

Best advice I ever got was to be aware of these possibilities and take precautions.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

OD!! That is where the real test will be!! I do believe the TEST is a mandatory part of this Hobby,, I think respect from the Spirits that died and buried these things,, is necessary to a successful recovery!! Either they help you,, or they hinder you!! The unknown underground demands focus!! td

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thom ,
No intention of hijacking your thread . 25 years ago a Mexican seeress Maria Palacios gave me a reading to wit : There is a treasure you may find in your mountains of West Virginia (I had not told her of my origin) when you are surrounded by better people . There is too much greed in the people that surround you now . There will be 3 of you when you find this and all must be free of greed and full of love for one another .
As we have talked on the phone ; I'm getting closer .

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I agree that a certain sensitivity is a must, but an absolute belief in malicious or friendly entities that haunt these sites is absolutely beyond the scope of treasure hunting and must be your personal choice. It adds a mysticism that I am not inclined to believe in.
Yes I have heard some very interesting tales.... but not one yet has changed my mind.

My favorite is the one about a hunter who following the signs, came upon the site of the mine and the cache. In his excitement picked up two bars of the cache, and after a close study (no photos) of the site headed back to home to make plans for recovery. He was never able to relocate the site because supposedly the entity or spirit that showed him the site actually showed it to him the way it was a couple hundred years before. In other words the man saw through the eyes of the spirit and didn't see what was actually there. (note. always take pictures)

The ghost stories aside, you will be much better equipped to handle a recovery with a deep understanding of the signs and symbols, as well as a knowledge of the methods these guys used to protect their interests. Think like they did. Be able to use the methods (mentally) that they used to mark your trail as well as the system they used to follow one. Develope the skills that they had to use. Take lots of pictures.
You will be much better off when recovering what they left for us if you stay grounded with the facts.

If you still want to believe in ghosts ...
More power to you.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Old Dog said:
.... My favorite is the one about a hunter who following the signs, came upon the site of the mine and the cache. In his excitement picked up two bars of the cache, and after a close study (no photos) of the site headed back to home to make plans for recovery. He was never able to relocate the site because supposedly the entity or spirit that showed him the site actually showed it to him the way it was a couple hundred years before. .....

This and similar stories are rampant. Most are 'cover stories' for the purpose of establishing interest in an area that has bona fide clues nearby. I've heard two local versions of it myself from the lips of the 'hunters' who experienced the events, one in the '30's and one in the '70's.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Back to the subject,
Sometimes there are things that are discovered by accident,
Doug and I found this triangle wile climbing a canyon ,
we were about a mile and a half up when we stopped for a break and looked out over the whole scope...
This is on a ledge on the other side of the canyon about half way up.
I have watched this spot for over a year now and there is NOTHING that grows in this triangle.
Interesting to say the least.
The pictures are in order as it would apear to you ...


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Studying and comparing! Yours looks like that is rather flat...not an alluvial wash. I see other things..but need to contemplate it for a while.


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I think you will be surprised at how flat yours is when you are finally able to explore it.

I see more similarities than differences.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

OK I'll play.... Now that I have read a bunch of posts first a question what did some of you find when you dug... and tell me what do you see here if anything that is, re looking at these old photos that I shot I am suddenly very curious.....
BTY I've got more....



Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

the ground may possibly contaminated.but not sure aresenic would do that amount of damage for that long of a time period.

but area may have been some type of processing area, up the wash to the left the crumbled rocks look very interesting.

the single boulder in the upper section doesnt appear to align with others.but just above the tree fringe there is a tilted shadow face on a rock almost inline with it.(in the last pic)

Welcome to T-Net Sheldon.

last pic the rocks appear stacked @ the base of the cactus..

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Sheldon J said:
OK I'll play.... Now that I have read a bunch of posts first a question what did some of you find when you dug... and tell me what do you see here if anything that is, re looking at these old photos that I shot I am suddenly very curious.....
BTY I've got more....


Welcome . I'm too much of a novice to interprate . Looks like to me ,though,that you posted a novel instead of just a couple of sentences .

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Sheldon J said:
OK I'll play.... Now that I have read a bunch of posts first a question what did some of you find when you dug... and tell me what do you see here if anything that is, re looking at these old photos that I shot I am suddenly very curious.....
BTY I've got more....



Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Possible carved and/or shadow marker arrow and..mmm maybe a v or squiggle confirmation below that on the bird like formation to the left.

Hard to tell...generally i get sense the main formation is saying look behind you :) I would look where they are looking.


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Here is something to look over Thom, I don't know if you can see the (F & A) in this pic.....
I hope you don't mind me adding a few pics.
We will have to go look this one over Thom.


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Reading another post in this forum, sepeaks about WINDOWS finded in country and looking some places.Is this same the omega hoyo or is another thing ?

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

jesus said:
Reading another post in this forum, sepeaks about WINDOWS finded in country and looking some places.Is this same the omega hoyo or is another thing ?

An alpha hoyo Is usually high off the ground.
High enough that sky can be seen through it.
Looking through an alpha hoyo the first sign or group of signs can usually be seen from given pointers inside the hoyo.
Alpha is the beginning of the trail.

An omega hoyo will have a specific shape (usually) and will be closer to the ground.
Looking through from the wrong direction will show you the last sign you found prior to the hoyo,
Looking through from the correct orientation shows you the omega signs or the main omega marker.
These signs will lead you into the end of a given trail.
Omega means the end or the finish

Here is a pair of pictures of an omega hoyo,
It is a very small thing .
The first is a picture of the hoyo and the second shot is the marker as seen through the hoyo.
Notice the points inside the hole on the first picture,
they line up and show the pointer that is the directional for this hoyo.


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