Basic signs and symbols you have found

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thanks old dog A very rich information, but sorry I have another question: It is possible the existence of a hoyo in the same place of omega signs and pointing to anothe place like a camp site or water hole and in this form be a window?.This question born because I found by accident the signs showed in the post signs diagnosed here, I have news pics this place with new things in it, I am working in them for show the forum the better ones and more rich in information by another way are many pics and I do not want tire the forum with them. Thanks

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

jesus said:
Thanks old dog A very rich information, but sorry I have another question: It is possible the existence of a hoyo in the same place of omega signs and pointing to anothe place like a camp site or water hole and in this form be a window?.This question born because I found by accident the signs showed in the post signs diagnosed here, I have news pics this place with new things in it, I am working in them for show the forum the better ones and more rich in information by another way are many pics and I do not want tire the forum with them. Thanks

We never get tired or bored by questions, pictures or findings of others.
Feel free to post what ever you are in question of.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

That hoyo looks like an owl on its side to me.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Cherryman68 said:
That hoyo looks like an owl on its side to me.

Good eye,
Shows that you have been paying attention to other threads too.
The shape of the hoyo has a lot to do with what kind of indicator it is.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

thom your pic is interesting, i think whatever it is, is modern, and not natural
id say it was done, in the last few years, i can only think of two ways to accomplish
that no growth thing, that you, have looked at for a year.
id had, to go look, as soon as i could.

no growth
A. weed killer and lime, area seems to big, for that to be the way
wouldnt want to haul that in and up there, and wouldnt last, because of
the soil, getting washed by the rain, and the snow.

B. since growth is sparse, to begin with, weed whack it down, with
a weed trimmer, cover it with the dirt, thats running down the bluff
[top of first pic] then lay a tarp down and cover with more dirt.

i take B. because if you look where i marked in pic, that brush has
prob started growing in a hole, thats in the tarp, from a rock sliding down,
and the other mark i made looks like a ridge/fold in the tarp, from the dirt shifting.

i did B. in a small garden, 10 ft X 10 ft, with rows of 5 gal. bucket plants,
had weeds, in the buckets, but not on tarp and soil, for at least 3-4 yr
i loaded tarp down on edges, with red brick every 2-3 feet, i used cheap tarp
so it deteriorated. when my shed fell, i used the concrete slab, for the bucket garden.
i think if you use a heavy gauge tarp, it could last many more yrs, with out it deteriorating.
why would someone do this, who knows but id sure have a look see.
dosent look like a place for a bucket garden to me.


  • tri.webp
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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

So I was right? Awesome. I have had trouble understanding hoyos. Maybe you could give a lesson thom? (Hint hint) ;p. I've never seen one in person... Yet.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

cw0909 said:
thom your pic is interesting, i think whatever it is, is modern, and not natural
id say it was done, in the last few years, i can only think of two ways to accomplish
that no growth thing, that you, have looked at for a year.
id had, to go look, as soon as i could.

Hi Cw,
Having taken a minute to climb up to it, (3 1/2 hrs later) LOL. This thing is not easily reached on foot.
The sides are 75 yards and concentric with the corners marked by a pair of boulders all the same size.
The soil sample is still being examined by the lab, but I suspect what I have run into before.... mercury.
If this is true we will go back with a GPR and see if the area will reveal any good signals.
If it turns out to be mercury it is a classic Spanish maneuver that keeps the ground sterile for ages.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Okay. I'm not a big believer in this as being a man made triangle, buuuuuuuuuut:

IF (BIG IF) it is man made, look very carefully at the larger white rock in the center (Red Circle). Notice how it sits in a depression (look at the first pic and you'll see the inner rim of the depression). That stands out to me.

Next, look for markings on the rocks circled in blue and green. If it is a man made triangle, they will be corners. IF they are corners, they will have obvious markings.

If you find those things, then the little rock below and left of the red circled rock (in the yellow circle) will likely draw a straight line from the center rock out to something else.

Something I didn't circle, BUT YOU SHOULD LOOK FOR, would be a compass rock monument at the Northernmost Corner of the triangle.

All this is predicated on the assumption that the triangle is man made ???



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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

The reason I don't really like this triangle is that it is on a slope. If there were Mercury in the soil there from a refining operation, it would have leached downhill and killed all the plants in the ground below it. From the pic, the plants look very green and healthy.

Also, a processing area (patio) would have been located next to a water source.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

is that a drill hole in the lowest blue circle???

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

The ausence of arrastras in or near the place would be a sign of something natural, if we are thinking in a patio or something like that.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I have found 60 feet high letters (ORO), on the side of a mountain in Mexico, western slope
of the Sierra Madre. Our lab showed mercury as the reason for the sterile field! An amazing
display of engineering and sign making.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

rangler said:
I have found 60 feet high letters (ORO), on the side of a mountain in Mexico, western slope
of the Sierra Madre. ....


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Old dog: Why to use the GPR here and what would you hope to find ? why not a metal detector?.Thanks.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

A GPR (ground penetrating radar) will go much deeper than a metal detector.
The Treasure (if there) would have to be the size of a truck for a metal detector to find it at 20 feet.

The picture as it looks only gives the appearance of a slope.
Actually it is a flat bench, and the growth seen here is only a few years old and is shrubbery.
Grass and annual weeds do not grow here,
the other notable thing is that game trails go around as well.
I think it has been dead for long enough that even the wildlife avoids it.

We do have a theory but I will wait until I know what has the ground sterilised before speculating.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thanks by your answer old dog and you are right, there are some things in this place must be reveled. I have seen some places like this in my country near of miner centers, the people call it lunares, are in circle form, without live in there, by many years may be from colonial age I found in one lunar, a very hard bottle glass ( debris of glass), somebody told me the miners used it to keep the mercury( azogue in coloquial spanish )I have been thinking return that place and look with attention.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Test results on that soil sample have returned and reveal a slight amount of mercury, not natural here,
there is also a very high and unnatural amount of a combined group of alkali salts.
These salts would have had to have been added to the soil after having been brought in from somewhere else.
The shrubbery is a native plant that grows in the valleys on alkali flats...
there are two different kinds, one is called Four Wing Salt Bush, the common name for the other is Grease weed.
Neither is common at this altitude.

All very cool stuff.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

The way the rock has weathered away seems odd to me. Why is there an "odd" pile of gravel at that particular place in the line of rocks?

There seem to be slight concave depressions in ledge above it..was there a spring up there? The piles near the left gully do not resemble the odd pile.

The might expect rocks below it like an alluvial wash..but they look rather sharp edged. And the left line of those V rocks seem out of place to me.

The upper right circled pair of rocks from this point of view look to be placed at same angle.

Unfortunately lots of hmms and no answers. I wonder though if there were any battles around that area.

Triangle 1apt.webp

Triangle 2PT.webp

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Dear group;
The last set of photos look very promising indeed, however one needs to survery the surrounding terrain in minute detail before proceeding to the next set of markers. It would seem that the person(s) who had marked this trail were very crafty, therefore it would pay huge dividends to go over the countryside with a fine toothed comb.
Your friend;

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

The circled areas seem interesting. The lower one perhaps a snake, dragon or a utilitarian structure or symbol.


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