Basic signs and symbols you have found

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Ok guys,
Here is the original picture that Bumpstick posted,
I am moving the picture forward with his permission.
This was my mistake, I thought it was a photoshopped thing and said so.
Well, guess what.
I was wrong.
I have gone back and corrected my post with todays date.

The mountain is in North Carolina. It is called "Grandfather Mountain".
I and the rest of us who thought otherwise stand corrected.
This place is as stated. It actually exists.
Man made? Very possibly.
What a job.
Work the million monkey theory on this one!


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


Here are some pics of the comical side of whoever carved and set these things!!! td


  • TWO-BOW-WOW.webp
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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

tesoro dog said:

Here are some pics of the comical side of whoever carved and set these things!!! td

What's up brother,
You never seen an arrow before??


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


yes that looks like the coins they described. They said after a rain they would walk to school and find them all the time along the road. Very old roads including Trammells Trace (sp) run through this area. a lot of history. I was thinking about walking the Sabine River as possible to look for anything out of place. Thanks for the advise!

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Hey!! Who stole my picture?? Well here it is again!! More Comical Stuff! td PS. Rangler, I don't know how he did that either,, the guy scares me more and more each day!!! HA!! td


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found/before you saw them!!!

rangler said:
I know you are good at signs, as you know I have my moments as well...sometimes
but tell me - how in thee hell you saw Tony's white dog before he POSTED
the pic, now that is good, scary good, but still really good,
can you teach me that? If not....
I settle for just explaining it!! LOL
PS Tony happy to see you frying bigger fish!
...psst, you might have the kcalb god sa llew

You know how some things just dissappear without warning or any thing?
Well the post just before mine jumped into cyberspace.
I swear it was there , I replied and much to my surprise,
you think I am some kind of wizard or something
Honest ,
There was a post just before mine.
I ain't that good.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


That is freakin amazing!!!
Right there is the "white dog" you have been chasing!!

send me some pix from all directions Buddy.
lets see if we can't get you on the trail again.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Here is one more Guys,, I am in Love with this tree!! And what is incredible is the tree is alive and well HA!! td


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I have studied this hoyo and am at odds with the impact.
My mind wants to say it is a heart but the more I look at it the more I think it is an owl.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I agree My Friend,, I also think it is an Owl! I Love Owls too! td

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

thanks for the reply thom, the pic of grandfather mt, is a good example
of the time of day and yr, to see the shadow figures, i go to that area
every couple of yrs, mostly in the fall and never have i seen the mt
image that well, as in pic. guess you have to be at the right place and time
to see it that well, when i retire there, ill make it a point, to look every few days
to see if i can see it that well, as the pic

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I hope some day you do see it.
and thanks for helping sort out the mistake,
I really do like to see accuracy on these things.

I can't say whether Grandfather is a man made or not.
But that MT sure is a sight.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Tony, Thom.
Its a trifecta , a grand slam, 3 Owls!!! (CfK?)
truly a centerfold pic quality or front cover
for the true treasure hunter!

ps Thom, please allow us the dignity of ASKING
the question BEFORE you answer it !! hahaaha

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Ok guys need your help here. Here is a picture of a natural thing in a VERY unnatural place. At first I thought it my be decoration being close to a road but looking at it more I'm not so sure. It's about a mile from the Sabine River which was used by the Spanish for travel through Texas. I see what could be a pointer but no other conformation marks. It actually looks like three large rocks stacked together set up. The left side rock tapers down to the right the right side tapers down to the left and what looks like some kind of head to me sits in the taper making one big formation. Any thoughts? It does point in the direction of the river....


  • rock.webp
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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

another angle showing pointer? BTW all pictures were taken around 12:30


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

and last trying to show the stacking


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

in the second picture, there is two wedge shaped stones depicting a two way trail.
The confirmation is on the rock they sit on.

Farther down the trail either way you go you should find other markers.
Don't be surprised that they are near a road.
Many roads are on top of the very trails themselves.
With very little variation what so ever.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

NO WAY! Awesome! It would make sense knowing the history here but i didn't think I would find one so quick and obvious. I was at work going to another store to do a transfer and that stood out like a sore thumb I busted a U-turn QUICKLY to investigate. The one pointing toward the right is in the direction of the Sabine river I think I'll try that way because it should lead to another marker quicker. OMG I'm so freaking excited I didn't think I would find anything like this in my area. I guess it would be worth it bringing my MD too huh? If this is what I think it might be it will probably just be a major trail traveled by the Spanish. Oh man this could have potential for relics and pocket spills but would you think that there might be some buried goodies along the way?

Also you said you see a conformation what is it?

Sorry so many questions I'm just really excited! Everything is Private property around here so I didn't think I would get a chance to explore so quickly.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

These routs were traveled by Spanish troops, Traders, supply trains and miners
any number of settlers and odd travelers would use these main thoroughfares to be safer in their travels,
simply because of the soldiers that used them.


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