Basic signs and symbols you have found

Now that you mention 7's and 3's being in groups, see if this sounds like what you're speaking of. At my place there are 7 spots where there are markers before the hole. The first 3 places have multiple signs and the last 4 have sigle markers. The first 4 places have an owl in some form and the last 3 don't have any type of bird. As far as terrain features fitting in with that, I haven't seen it but I haven't been looking for it.

If you don't mind me asking, how big of an area are you looking at. My trail goes for about a quarter mile. It starts out with 3 large birds by a hoyo with other multiple carvings. My trail circled around and went high and ended up real close to the begining of the trail. Also, what is it about your spot that makes you feel it is Jesuit. Were they active in your area. I'd like to know because I'm trying to rule groups out at my spot. I'm trying to find out what would make a spot Jesuit. Your place seems to be more complicated than mine.

Yes, Jesuits. Seven leagues. Remember i meantioned a trial period, seven leagues will test you. The interpertation of the signs and symbols were not exactly Spanish. Remember, memory recollection is the reason for the selection of certain sings/ symbols ...all information can be remembered in a religious context even with bible verses (the measurements). All they had to do is reference the Bible or recollect stories contained within. The symbols stop during the seven leagues (faith). But the story picks back up. On the phone... Hope that answers your question. I suggest if your site is in fact a b-robe site to look for pattern and think of it as a storyline IE, dove/water/circle around= "rebirth"... Try again in a religious point of view kind of way... That is just my take on things...But what do I know? maybe rangler can correct me if I have mispoken, he seems to the the resident SME.

Very interesting Usernotfound, it seems plausible.

I believe the education levels of the time would discourage putting numbers out there or the use of math. Owning a bible let alone reading one would also not be likely. The use of signs would be rather simple, and their meaning not so hidden.

I do see a link to the four gospels. I also believe that distance can be derived from certain markers.

But there was many players in the process of riches. The owner had to give precise directions to the location of the mine? The kings men could not do all the work themselves and protect the population. So the peons had to have a way to help, meaning a way to follow the trail.

Now this was not just a few generations but century's of trails and trade. The laws changed for the Spanish over that period of time such as ownership. Other things also changed to include mining, navigation, and politics. Also what to do with the excess mineral?

To have a legal mine certain steps had to be followed. To do otherwise invited death.

As for groups of 3 and 4. Yes history and art of the time will show many uses of groups of 3 and 4. I wont go into that, but have several examples in mind, and you can easily come up with some of your own.

I too was confused at first like Mdog as I am seeing what appears is many groups. I was surprised to find even the French was involved. But no site is Jesuit, unless it is a training site. Training sites have nothing to do with treasure. While the Jesuits may have helped set up and run sites early on, they were quickly removed from the picture. Or they stepped back from the spotlight on purpose. Either way, the signs soon got smaller, and meanings changed. I see the same site marked up three different ways leading to same spot. I also see remnants of ancient cultures who had their marks partially removed or defaced.

What ever way a person searches. He or she is seeing what they are meant to see. Signs repeating and getting smaller or larger is a good clue Im at least in the ball park. I seen a beautiful stone owl with a smaller statue at its feet. I was on top of a peak, and birds mean a change in direction. Its a good thing I didnt change direction as the next rock was 15 storys below lol. At the base of the peak where I started was another owl, above a old spring. I took a few steps and dug down to find a flat rock. I stopped there, as I was just happy to find the flat rock. I have found many possibilities since then, and I didnt use any of the methods described on Tnet. But there are some very good clues here. Im gonna have to slow down one day and read all these threads from beginning to end.

Very interesting Usernotfound, it seems plausible.

Casca, Although I agree on some things you've said...the symbols and details at my site are not for debate, but you are welcome to call me a liar.

The next site I plan to work (ancients) has several carved alligator heads ranged along a cliff face top. Does anyone know
the meaning of these? Also badgers in shadow signs. Any help by ancients readers surely appreciated.

The next site I plan to work (ancients) has several carved alligator heads ranged along a cliff face top. Does anyone know
the meaning of these? Also badgers in shadow signs. Any help by ancients readers surely appreciated.

Signs and symbols are meant to invoke memory or special knowledge. You do not always have to rely on special knowledge sometimes you can just rely on memory. Think about the symbol...and ask yourself why they would use the symbol. It also helps to be familiar which the location and its history. I'm just guessing here, but it sounds great. Good luck:goldbar:.

In other news, I ran across this foladiceilings.webp... I found at at this site:

neil grant - Blogistan 2009

I was looking for aircraft securing pegs...go figure.

dr.syn how about a hand petting the cat on head?


I am glad you are getting to go to your site soon. "G"ooD Luck! Looked like the cat to me too. Seen it several times. Perhaps the "mouse hole" is nearby...being watched by the cat....


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Hello O,R. and Brent I guess I will have to use this untill something better comes along, hope you guys come back for a check, I can't seem to get loged on to the other sites either. I have posted stuff that never got posted either, kinda like its been taken over by a bunch of dumb a$$es. That last part will probably get me kicked off, oh well I had a life before TN

o.r. dsty,got to keep comming back, still looking for clues and and advice from the expirenced ones.where else can u see all the great photos every1 out west has.a lot different navigating thru this site just dont do it as much now,will try to catch up in one visit now.o.r. miss your photos u have some real nice stuff where ever u r.

I never call anyone a liar Usernotfound. I can apply the use of numbers to several scenarios. I just believe things were kept a little simpler than what is made out in some of these pages. Im too lazy to pace off distances, and still feel pretty good at what I am finding. But knowing when to stop and do the math is probably important too.

I can find the number 7 ,a square, and lazy "Y" in most areas I have found. As I work out from the camp or work area I find signs of habitation. There is much in these areas to be found as for sign.

I am not seeing numbers as a measurement but as a reference to say Camp or how many of what is here.

When I actually measure distance you need to be adapt at converting vera. I would confuse the issue saying more on this.

Since I usually know what I have before I find a number. I only use the number to confirm who made the site.

Between forestry, surveyor, and even the French making signs over signs. I dont consider a number when found that important, but know where it was found is more important.

Now when I see Stallions, Thunderbird, and a flying Montezuma I get excited.

I will say the number 1 is very important. Also the number 5 may actually be a "s". Which then converting to old hebrew or greek can give multiple meanings. A 7 could be a v and so on. However you use numbers is really up to you. If it works, keep doing it.

Now when I see Stallions, Thunderbird, and a flying Montezuma I get excited.

casca would you be so kind as to say what these signs mean

Hey Every One; Before I get into my pictures I would like to THANK YOU ALL , so much for the PICTURES and the WISDOM THAT YOU ALL SHARE WITH US. I mean this with all heart. And now to the pictures, I found my first site last year ( my only site ) had 842 pictures fo this site that I was going to share with the forum. I ask two forum menbers on how to post these pictures , with out losing my site, and both of them reply ( this is what I mean about the kindles of this forum ) but before I could post mt PC crash and I lost all the pictures well I lost evert thing not iust the pictures. So I am starting a new. I am posting three pictures ( if all go right ) that run from left to right. You will find all kinds of things in them, a big Crocodile , Owl, Turtle, please check out the Croc. eye its cool. There numbers & letters, up by the Turtle there is women with her hair blow back by the wind, ( beautiful ) a Bear, to it look like the head of a Crow. There are numbers that like 4-47 a bible verse John chapter1 verse 47 or John chapter 4 verse 47 I also believe this a John site. Please for give the spelling & grammar its been over 51 years sense school. I would love your thoughts good or bad.
Thanks so much The Student Chaswho


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The picture on the botton is picture # 1 the picture on the right is picture # 2 and the picture upon the left is # 3 Sorry

The picture on the botton is picture # 1 the picture on the right is picture # 2 and the picture upon the left is # 3 Sorry

I like the eye also, but i like that little bird shadow in the first picture. Have you considered the age of some of those bushes/trees in the area?

Each time I look at these pictures and any I see some thing I have not seen before, but I don't know if see the bird that you talking about. That is a great question about the bushes & trees. The tress are Jniper ( some time call Cedars ) they are 7 oldest living thing on the planet. They grow up to 650 years old. The bushes I sorry to say I don't know. This may sound stupid, but what would I learn from your question? May be the date of the site or more. What does a shadow bird mean?

Thanks you, got me thinking The Student - Chaswho

Yes, the bird on the tip of Croc. nose. Again Thank you What does a shadow bird mean? The Student

regarding your Owl pic, I agree with Old Dog when he said

"Looks like an owl with an ear on the right pointing ...
There may be a small sign to the right that is within sight but easily missed.
Be aware a bird, even an owl is a change direction sign."

Just want to add that a small letter "c" is above the left eye of the Owl the interesting thing is that the "c" is
angled exactly like the right ear is angled and is confirming the Owl sign & is perhaps showing you the
Distance, as well as the Direction~! no graffiti here - a real true - confirmed sign~!, so refreshing after all the graffiti posted.
your close my friend, don't let this one go..follow and for the record bird signs - besides saying "change direction" they
also say... whether to look above or below the terrain...just saying read more into this most sign can contain up to three meanings besides the obvious...
oro goes to the one with the most knowledge

welcome to the forum and Old Dogs page...and thanks for posting your pics...
sorry that you lost all your data, welcome to the club - everysingle members here has
or will lose their data, I lost thousands of pics also..I urge you all to make back ups of your
data and pics, burn copies and store an extra disc at a trusted friends house.

now with that said, I would like to gently warn you and others of calling any old rock formation a sign...certian things are needed to make this rock an "alligator"

1.first of all the eye that is at the heart of calling this something done by man, is naturally formed...and yes I know about rock incorporation, however that implies that a confirmation sign will be readily found.

2. sorry to say that in this pic I cannot find anything that confirms that this is a RI observe it is person would help immensly

3.whats more I have seen several gators or crocs actually..and they all had a easily identifiable head, jaws, nose ect, this on has none of those things.

It is ok though, it shows your thinking and trying to see what might have been laid down by the Codemakers...just keep trying and once you have found what you think may be sign, look for confirmation marks..if you find none, then it belongs in the category of graffiti or natures camouflage.

The easiest to find confirmation mark is the hoyo, no hoyo, is pretty good chance it is just graffiti and imagination at work...[later on you will learn that the Kings Royal Trail uses no hoyos. but that is for later.
better sign recognition will come with more miles on the trail..but you are on your way.

Look for letters, numbers, symbols at or near the suspected sign, look in the back of the sign carved on stone
to see if you can detect a simple straight line chiseled horizontal and usually faintly....

If you are getting a gut instinct that this might still be a real sign, photo graph this site at different times of the day..
try first with your back to the sun at high noon , give or take an hour or two..even up into early evening just before the sun is a learning process...especially look for shadows, which are not normally looked at by normal [non treasure hunting ]folks.
oro mandate

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the pic of the hole in the rock laying on the ground has a couple of things that might confirm it to be a sign...

1.if you look close to the lower edge of the rock, just about the glove, you will see the outline chipped in to the edge
a subtle heart shaped design, just the top of the lobes. very common in my opinion..
2. the hole itself has a "directional" mark pointing to the upper right.

I would take a compass heading[bearing] of that mark [direction] and step off about 40-50 varas [distance] and look very closely-
at what you see...look for a small bird. owl, letter, shadow sq. ect
what you seek will be hidden in plain sight if you can see it... if you cant take plenty of pics-and it will show up~!
note:a vara in this case is 34" [castillian varas
oro only waits for the observant

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Casca you stated....
"I believe the education levels of the time would discourage putting numbers out there or the use of math. Owning a bible let alone reading* one would also not be likely. The use of signs would be rather simple, and their meaning not so hidden."

math was not only used it was "golden math" that was used and for not owning a bible, well this IS the Jesuit Code after all and the Code was based on the Bible AND Natural Science..the reason they used the bible for basis of the code is that they knew it would likely never change and every Jesuit would have a Bible very near at hand.

I know this may not seem likely at your stage of trying to unravel the Code, but I know this to be very True as I have learned from examples used by them over and over again, out in the field~!

The use of numbers are all over the monuments and signs, from the very beginning...almost all of the Alpha monuments are confirmed by the fact the the salient compass bearing are inscribed on the boulders that make
up the Alpha Monument~!
The use of the number 7 as stated by KW is for the direction to the Campsite [as in He rested on the 7th day]
the use of the number 5 is used on some sites as a confirmation mark
the use of the number 4 is used to show a direction of the next sign
the use of the number 3 shows a particular point of the triangle - post omega
the use of the number 8 shows that a cache is very near

to be clear..
1.first find the Alpha
2.mark and decode the 3-9 elements of the Alpha
3.get Distance and Direction to the Omega Monument from the Alpha
4.find the Omega Monument
5.find, mark and decode the 3-9 elements of the Omega Monument
6.get the Direction and Distance to the cache spot
7.then confirm the dig spot with the confirmation marks
9.keep silent about your find and enjoy the golden glow

this is the oro mandate

remember there is NO tax on gold until you sell it, let no one tell you differently~!

now you know why this was called the Jesuit Code, and not the Conquistador Code as only educated sons of noblemen where sent to higher education and learn all the skills they needed in the 15 years they where sent to the University..

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Rangler glad your back! I have learned alot from your and old dogs posts. Your "list" a= b= helped me to solve some things the rest was lots of studying, and thought.Thank you for answering my question about the bird. I was looking up that just conf. it for me.

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