This one says travel down canyon to big water with a steep bank on one side.
It also points out the next marker but that part isn't in the picture,
Just the basic text book type stuff right now...
Marc;1461031.....Texas.......have ALSO found spanish artifacts ... swords said:Nice rock.
Sorry no help as far as the signs, but I was thinking about your site... Have you noticed the number three and seven to repeat itself constantly? For example, I found three hills across from three other hills and a single hill in the distance which made a triangle and accounted for seven total hills. Since I believe as well as you that the same group is responsible... any conistencey which supports this idea at your location. Given this is only one example of many. That goes out to anyone who has followed or is following a black robe site.
MDog, be sure to thouroughly search "empty" holes. One bit of info I've seen says that the Spanish would bury some caches deep (twice the height of the King) and put a smaller cache at a shallow depth to make any looters think they'd found the real goodies.
Everything came in groups, unless it is storyline specific. So, sometimes if I only had two of something...looking for the third of the group usually allowed me to figure out what I needed or was missing. For example, my panel had two "dots", yes they were there for it to complete a "mayan 12", but the "eye catcher" in the distance acted as my third "dot"...which in turn gave me three dot, but also gave me more information in regards to the bigger picture. I.E. The "all seeing eye" is also a hidden mayan "20". Not sure if that is clear, but the point being groups of three or seven