Basic signs and symbols you have found

OK.Going from here. Actually starting from a cross and following a short trail I came to the confusion of the distractions of a treasure site. This is the sign telling me I am there, though anyone observant would know it by the mass of contadictory trail signs scattered about.


  • rs048.webp
    51.7 KB · Views: 129
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After a long and dusty trail (actually only ten acres but with lots of pulled out hair, head banged on wall, ect) I come to this sign only 19 feet from where the goods should be (if they are still there). Any ideas what it means? Sorry about the shadow on the rock but I take pictures as I find them and do not move for better picture.


  • rs5mle.webp
    72.8 KB · Views: 158
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Looks like an owl with an ear on the right pointing ...
There may be a small sign to the right that is within sight but easily missed.
Be aware a bird, even an owl is a change direction sign.

That hole I can't make a good comment on.were there any signs that led you to it or did it just show up?
That kind of thing is the kind of sign (if it is ) That would require an eyes on accounting.

I would have to reserve a comment till I saw it for myself
too many times even here folks make a mark of their own for a reference to return to a site.
I can't get an idea how old the mark is.

Check this symbol...

This one says travel down canyon to big water with a steep bank on one side.
It also points out the next marker but that part isn't in the picture,
Just the basic text book type stuff right now...

eye symbol.webpY semble 2.webp

This this symbol what is mean....

heart rock..... some say,, a treasure

heart rock.webp
This one says travel down canyon to big water with a steep bank on one side.
It also points out the next marker but that part isn't in the picture,
Just the basic text book type stuff right now...

This heart rock 5-6 yards away from a big rock symbolise Y and the two eyes pointing to the Y big rock... any body have an idea for this..

The rock is one that was picked up and carried there. As for age, it sits on 3/4" of sand with wind scoured bedrock around it. Yes, there were signs leading to it. I will take a picture of it with full sun on it that will give a lot better idea. The hole (infact the whole rock) was picked because it was perfect for sign without carving. R.

As a long time lurker I must say THANK YOU to all for so much info. You have opened my eyes. More of the verbal head slap my Grand pap used to give me when teaching me the signs. He'd tell me the old proverb of "Not seeing the forest because of the trees", getting tunnel vision is not good when there is so much more to be seen. As all of you have shown you have to look at the whole area, not just one thing to get the complete picture.

My hunting is on the east side, but as you have shown many of the western signs are/were used by their eastern counterparts. More of Grand pap's wisdom to me "You never stop learning". Thanks again!

Anyhow, as I've read through this thread, and rangler's, using what I've learned I do see many of the signs right off the bat, course some I have to go back and give em a second or third look to see them all. More still learning I guess. But one of the shots I looked at has bugged me since I saw it. Some obvious signs, some subtle, many of them marked by various posters, but one that stood out to me wasn't mentioned. Maybe it's me just seeing something that isn't there, but take a look and see if what I see is/isn't there.

A withered old horse or a camel?horse.webp

Dr. Syn
What a fantastic picture!!
I cant say what it is you've marked. Perhaps a better picture at a differing time of day.
However, the figure under what you think might be a horse is a rabbit with no ears.

I suggest the hoyo will point you to the rabbit hole.
Also look in the background ,upper right corner.
There are two people. One is on a horse,the other ,behind him, is pointing right.

I see other signs back there as well but would prefer to see a better picture before commenting.


Sorry not my picture, and yep there are more signs then you can shake a stick at in that one. The little guy under the horse(?) is actually a cat.

Oh nearly forgot, has anyone ever heard of a sign that only shows fully dependent on the weather?
I have a mountain that shows a huge vertical line/ shadow, but only most visible around high noon. And if there is a snowfall, again right about noon, there is a second line, horizontal, that forms it all into a cross. Black vertical, white horizontal. Look at the same spot before or after noon and it's nearly invisible.

I've seen some type of image that seems to be affected by the weather. It isn't a carving but I can't figure out how it was created, maybe some type of paint. It looks like some type of prehistoric anthropomorphic rock art but I suppose it could be from the historic period. It seems to fade and I haven't been able to figure out what weather conditions affect it. Three years ago you could make it out easily. Now, it's barely perceptible. I don't know if it's affected by high or low humidity, dry or rainy periods or what. If somebody created it to appear or fade with weather conditions, they're a lot smarter than me. It's probably just a condition created naturally.

Looked like a cat to me until I took that white rock under it's bum as a cotton tail.

Sorry no help as far as the signs, but I was thinking about your site... Have you noticed the number three and seven to repeat itself constantly? For example, I found three hills across from three other hills and a single hill in the distance which made a triangle and accounted for seven total hills. Since I believe as well as you that the same group is responsible... any conistencey which supports this idea at your location. Given this is only one example of many. That goes out to anyone who has followed or is following a black robe site.

Lots of 7's and 3's. Some as putting numbers to letters and adding them up. I use the Latin alphabet, 26 letters.

At the spot I'm looking at there are 3 large birds to start it out. Lots of birds at this spot, all of them giving direction. The birds form a large triangle, about a quarter mile perimeter. Close to the north end of the triangle is a smaller one inside the large one. the small triangle is marked with an eye, heart and D. the D is the southern most point and has a marker pointing 100 feet to a large hole. It took me 3 years to figure it out but somebody who knows signs could probably figure it out in a couple of hours. For that reason it might be a false trail.

How's your site set up?


MDog, be sure to thouroughly search "empty" holes. One bit of info I've seen says that the Spanish would bury some caches deep (twice the height of the King) and put a smaller cache at a shallow depth to make any looters think they'd found the real goodies.

MDog, be sure to thouroughly search "empty" holes. One bit of info I've seen says that the Spanish would bury some caches deep (twice the height of the King) and put a smaller cache at a shallow depth to make any looters think they'd found the real goodies.​

Thanks Shortstack. I've heard of that trick and it's possible it could have been used at this spot. I think the hole might have been dug by whoever set the site up because the last marker is only about the size of my spread hand. If the person who dug the hole followed the signs to that spot, I think they probably would have removed the last sign, as well as one other that could have easily been moved. So, maybe it was setup the way you said.

How did you come up with Matthew 6:20. You also asked about the 7 and 3. At my spot I think the 7 and 3 was used to confirm a direction to the south, John 7:3 as well as the 7 being used to point direction. I am interested in finding similar sites. How are your 7's and 3's shown or what do they indicate. I have three carvings that are tied together by 74 perimeter length. That's in inches though. Actually it might not have been measured in inches, a piece of string could have been used to identify the carvings.

Everything came in groups, unless it is storyline specific. So, sometimes if I only had two of something...looking for the third of the group usually allowed me to figure out what I needed or was missing. For example, my panel had two "dots", yes they were there for it to complete a "mayan 12", but the "eye catcher" in the distance acted as my third "dot"...which in turn gave me three dot, but also gave me more information in regards to the bigger picture. I.E. The "all seeing eye" is also a hidden mayan "20". Not sure if that is clear, but the point being groups of three or seven

Now that you mention 7's and 3's being in groups, see if this sounds like what you're speaking of. At my place there are 7 spots where there are markers before the hole. The first 3 places have multiple signs and the last 4 have sigle markers. The first 4 places have an owl in some form and the last 3 don't have any type of bird. As far as terrain features fitting in with that, I haven't seen it but I haven't been looking for it.

If you don't mind me asking, how big of an area are you looking at. My trail goes for about a quarter mile. It starts out with 3 large birds by a hoyo with other multiple carvings. My trail circled around and went high and ended up real close to the begining of the trail. Also, what is it about your spot that makes you feel it is Jesuit. Were they active in your area. I'd like to know because I'm trying to rule groups out at my spot. I'm trying to find out what would make a spot Jesuit. Your place seems to be more complicated than mine.

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