Radical format changes have a strange effect on internet forums. New formats somehow seem to attract a new following, boosting the read count but altering the original spirit and intent of things. This phenomena applies to all aspects of life - politics, religion, corporations, committees, schools, etc., etc. The last time TNet changed its format, the door seemed to open for a sad ride to Kookville, at least in the 'treasure hunting' threads. The technical stuff, metal detecting, etc., I can't comment on because I don't follow those topics. Time will tell how this latest change will affect things. If history is any indicator, don't be surprised to see more serious and level-headed folks drop out and more delusional and irrational folks dominate. If I'm offending anyone out there, I apologize in advance.
Thom, I don't blame you for yanking this thread - it's obviously become a circus. Here comes the tough love speech: I love you man, but IMO, you're part of the problem. You know how I feel about your theories. Your experience and knowledge are terrific, but methinks you're barking up the wrong tree with your analysis. I presume others have influenced you adversely and you're peddling the kool-aid to the unwary, and quite well too. Of course, I could be wrong, and if I decide I am, I'll correct this opinion to you personally.