Basic signs and symbols you have found


  • IMG_0060_jpgtnet.jpgjimbro.webp
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  • IMG_0060_jpgtnet.jpgdogface.webp
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Old Dog
Past time might be more accurate than about time. I hang my head in shame. I figure to make up for lost time. T-jim does seem to be getting a handle on this s/s stuff.

Thanks for the welcome.


I have not done any manipulations on this picture. it just looks so good as is that i am happy with it. I know that manipulating can bring out or intensify signs.
I noticed the tailhead but I feel it's that parradilly stuff. Maybe not tho cause the trail goes both ways in this side canyon.
I like the way they used the stack of thin rocks to leval up the snake. There are 4 to 6 or more snakes in the area. The main canyon has some good trail signs but it it private property.

As Old Dog can tell you, here in Colorado private land does not have to be fenced or posted. It is a persons responcibility to know where they are. There are a lot of small patches of private property
scatterd around in the blm and forest service controlled land here in western Colorado and it is easy to cross the boundry. That is why I can not use my favorite snake. It is a rattlesnake rising up from
between 2 large boulders with a raised diamond on its head.

Each diamond shape on a snake equals a league. If they are connected, the value doubles.

Hey guys,
This is about all I am able to stand.

Get what you need from this thread It is about gone.
Cant leave without saying how good it has been for the time it has been good.
The new format is too reminiscent of another forum that went bad in a really bad way.

Please note, you only have a little while to glean info as it will all dissappear soon.


i dont like this new format
thom i dont have enough hard drive space to copy all

Hey guys,
This is about all I am able to stand.

Get what you need from this thread It is about gone.
Cant leave without saying how good it has been for the time it has been good.
The new format is too reminiscent of another forum that went bad in a really bad way.

Please note, you only have a little while to glean info as it will all dissappear soon.



Sure hate to see you leave and take your thread with you. Hope you reconsider. I am having to adjust to all this new stuff too, and the older we get, the harder it is. Can you elaborate on what went really bad on the other forum?
It has been an educational and fun ride either way.

Your friend,

Radical format changes have a strange effect on internet forums. New formats somehow seem to attract a new following, boosting the read count but altering the original spirit and intent of things. This phenomena applies to all aspects of life - politics, religion, corporations, committees, schools, etc., etc. The last time TNet changed its format, the door seemed to open for a sad ride to Kookville, at least in the 'treasure hunting' threads. The technical stuff, metal detecting, etc., I can't comment on because I don't follow those topics. Time will tell how this latest change will affect things. If history is any indicator, don't be surprised to see more serious and level-headed folks drop out and more delusional and irrational folks dominate. If I'm offending anyone out there, I apologize in advance.

Thom, I don't blame you for yanking this thread - it's obviously become a circus. Here comes the tough love speech: I love you man, but IMO, you're part of the problem. You know how I feel about your theories. Your experience and knowledge are terrific, but methinks you're barking up the wrong tree with your analysis. I presume others have influenced you adversely and you're peddling the kool-aid to the unwary, and quite well too. Of course, I could be wrong, and if I decide I am, I'll correct this opinion to you personally.

i really like this thread,it helps me sort the real and not real,sign, code,ect.
your input will be missed,consider giving it a few,to see if you can work with the new format
thom if your really set on going, could you give it a couple more days,i need to get one of theses
so i can get the info i want off this thread,
and thank you for all you have shared
Centon DSP32GB-001 DataStick Pro Flash Drive - 32GB, USB 2.0

Old Dog, stay,.....I will give ye all me treasure maps! But, if ye feel ye must leave,"Adiós mi amado maestro, tú serás echado."

Fine, Damit, if Old Dog leaves, I'm leaving to.


Thanks for the PM reply...I tried to send PM to you in response, and with this new crap do not know if it went through or not. Very frustrating....
But would like to know if you got my pm.


I can't even find the California section anymore. I wanted to read Dezert magazine that Peg Leg Looker posts (I think he owns desert magazine now). I feel like crying. Every website I like to visit keeps changing for the worst.

None of us like the new format but i would like to see this best of threads continue. Come on guys and gals, Post away. R.

None of us like the new format but i would like to see this best of threads continue. Come on guys and gals, Post away. R.[/QUOTE
I always checked this site out at work. Now with the new format everything is all scrambled making it impossible to read. So my time on here will be very limited from now on...Steve

I can't even find the California section anymore. I wanted to read Dezert magazine that Peg Leg Looker posts (I think he owns desert magazine now). I feel like crying. Every website I like to visit keeps changing for the worst.

Wish I had seen this sooner. Here is the California section (click Forum tab above and scroll to the State section near the bottom, just like before):


All the sections are still here and most of them are in the same general position as before. Some Members are having problems finding things due to clicking on the "Home" tab above rather than selecting the "Forum" tab, actually I've done this a few times myself. :icon_scratch:

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