Banning guns keeps people safe huh?

Some people think guns are the answer to everything. It's the might makes right mentality. I see it daily. Mental Illness

Watch out psych your likely to get banned for speaking such heresy!!!

Some people think guns are the answer to everything. It's the might makes right mentality. I see it daily. Mental Illness

So the idea that firearms will feed my family and protect them is a mental illnesses? The idea that if Lee Rigby or someone in that huge crowed would have been armed he might still have his head is a mental illness? Fact if someone would have shot those two scumbags the problem would be solved.

The ability to rationalize something is ok when you call it A but is bad when you call it B is a mental disorder. Double double thinking its called. Racism is bad but writing laws grouping people by race, religion, political beliefs, sexuality, ect for work, treatment or anything is ok.

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So the idea that firearms will feed my family and protect them is a mental illnesses? The idea that if Lee Rigby or someone in that huge crowed would have been armed he might still have his head is a mental illness? Fact if someone would have shot those two scumbags the problem would be solved.

Ain't many common sense folk no more,shame,look at our Nation,shame.

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I hope you never counsel a member of my family, you definatly have an agenda!

Psych, how can you possibly say that? That is the most one sided thing you could have said. I have a question for you.
What disorder is it when an individual is willing to just give up rights, and does whatever the govt says they must do? Could it possibly be called institutionalized?

Phych I also hate to tell you is sad but true "might makes right" is a fact of life. We are humans. The might of the people is what keeps government from enslaving freemen, the might of a government and its people is what keeps other government from attacking, my might to defend my household is what keeps a robber from breaking in or a rapist from raping my daughter. The are way to many curropt individuals out there to even think for a second that power, might, weapons, what ever you want to call it is a bad thing a mental illness. The mental illness in the curropt individual that belives for a second they can control you, take what is yours, attack you. I am a Liberterain the perfect world is let me be me I will let you be you but humans will never let that happen so the firearm is the might to keep those mentally ill and their need for dominace over everyone in check.

or the ability for 2 phycos to chop someones head off while a crowed of 100s of terrifed people watch because the phycos have the might.

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Phych I also hate to tell you is sad but true "might makes right" is a fact of life. We are humans. The might of the people is what keeps government from enslaving freemen, the might of a government and its people is what keeps other government from attacking, my might to defend my household is what keeps a robber from breaking in or a rapist from raping my daughter. The are way to many curropt individuals out there to even think for a second that power, might, weapons, what ever you want to call it is a bad thing a mental illness. The mental illness in the curropt individual that belives for a second they can control you, take what is yours, attack you. I am a Liberterain the perfect world is let me be me I will let you be you but humans will never let that happen so the firearm is the might to keep those mentally ill and their need for dominace over everyone in check.

or the ability for 2 phycos to chop someones head off while a crowed of 100s of terrifed people watch because the phycos have the might.

Ummmm, I think you are kind of proving her point - no offense.

Ummmm, I think you are kind of proving her point - no offense.

So the ENTIRE world is metally ill.......... I and everyone else are mentaly ill from wanting to protect themselves from the mentally ill making the whole world mentally ill. The mental illness is the abuse of "might is right" not the use of it in self defence.

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So the ENTIRE world is metally ill.......... I and everyone else are mentaly ill from wanting to protect themselves from the mentally ill making the whole world mentally ill. The mental illness is the abuse of "might is right" not the use of it in self defence.


Please learn to read critically without inferring what you think I said.

"Some people think guns are the answer to everything. It's the might makes right mentality. I see it daily. Mental Illness"

I said, "Some people" some does not mean all. "Some" means exactly that; a portion of the people. This portion of the people think that guns are the answer to everything. They rant about injustice as they see it and use guns to arrive at their objective indiscriminately without regard for the rights of others. They think that guns are the answer to everything. When an individual is this far over the edge, when they are willing to use a firearm for self fulfillment, when they allow themselves to be defined by the power that they feel by using or carrying a firearm; there is a very good likelihood that mental illness is involved.

I don't recall saying that guns are evil or that guns should be banned; but certainly "some" people should be banned from owning guns. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Typically it is those individuals who dwell upon firearms and the power that they can exercise through the use of firearms and fantasize about how they will use firearms to the exclusion of most else that should be banned from owning firearms. It becomes a bad combination; an individual that wants to use a firearm against others and the ability to own a firearm. These are the people that think guns are the answer to everything and may have a mental illness.

Where do you fit into this picture?

It's a rhetorical question.

I agree. But if you see that daily I am glad I dont live there(no disrespect). I can say I have ever meet one person who thinks that a gun will get them everything and is the answer to it all and I live in the hill billy mountains eveyone is armed....well probly most the inmates at work do there is a reason many of them are in here. My signautre says it all for my answer to your question.
"Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.".

I think the might makes wright is the wrong wording for it though. To me it also means the might to keep evil, curroption what ever from compleate control.

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Please learn to read critically without inferring what you think I said.

"Some people think guns are the answer to everything. It's the might makes right mentality. I see it daily. Mental Illness"

I said, "Some people" some does not mean all. "Some" means exactly that; a portion of the people. This portion of the people think that guns are the answer to everything. They rant about injustice as they see it and use guns to arrive at their objective indiscriminately without regard for the rights of others. They think that guns are the answer to everything. When an individual is this far over the edge, when they are willing to use a firearm for self fulfillment, when they allow themselves to be defined by the power that they feel by using or carrying a firearm; there is a very good likelihood that mental illness is involved.

I don't recall saying that guns are evil or that guns should be banned; but certainly "some" people should be banned from owning guns. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Typically it is those individuals who dwell upon firearms and the power that they can exercise through the use of firearms and fantasize about how they will use firearms to the exclusion of most else that should be banned from owning firearms. It becomes a bad combination; an individual that wants to use a firearm against others and the ability to own a firearm. These are the people that think guns are the answer to everything and may have a mental illness.

Where do you fit into this picture?

It's a rhetorical question.
OK, Lets put all the "some people" stuff aside for a moment and think about this. You want to ban guns from those who are obsessed with them...Hmm do you think banning them from owning guns will REALLY stop them if they are obsessed with guns? Hasn't worked for drug addicts...

Hi DeiselRam,

"What disorder is it when an individual is willing to just give up rights, and does whatever the govt says they must do? Could it possibly be called institutionalized? "

This would be no disorder at all. This would be exercising free will. Some people will give up rights willingly; which is their right to do so while others will not which is also their right. We do what the government says we must do every day. We abide by the local ordinances, we obey the traffic laws, we do not engage in felonious activities, we pay taxes. Are we institutionalized? Yes, to varying degrees that are unique to each individual but even this is not a disorder. When guns become an obsession and the desire to use guns against other people becomes an obsession then there may be a disorder.

Hi DeiselRam,

"What disorder is it when an individual is willing to just give up rights, and does whatever the govt says they must do? Could it possibly be called institutionalized? "

This would be no disorder at all. This would be exercising free will. Some people will give up rights willingly; which is their right to do so while others will not which is also their right. We do what the government says we must do every day. We abide by the local ordinances, we obey the traffic laws, we do not engage in felonious activities, we pay taxes. Are we institutionalized? Yes, to varying degrees that are unique to each individual but even this is not a disorder. When guns become an obsession and the desire to use guns against other people becomes an obsession then there may be a disorder.
OK, I agree when someone is obsessed with anything, be it sex, drugs, gambling, ect. it is a disorder. Let's cut right down to it though, what do you honestly think about the second amendment? I mean are you of the belief that private citizens should not be allowed to own them?

The obsession is not the problem its when some acting upon that obsession causes harm to someone else. I dont belive drugs should be illegal who is anyone to tell you what to do with you own body. Just like drinking its when you get in your car and harm someone else or the very strong possibality that you will that you should be held accountable. Prostitution is the same.. saying you cant sell your own body for sex is saying that the goverment owns your body not you. Should some people be banded from owning guns yes but not becasue of their beliefs or problems unless they have harmed or shown VERY serrious likelihoodof harming. Plenty the majority of people live their entire life with an obsession or disorder and never casue anyone even themselfs harm.

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The obsession is not the problem its when some acting upon that obsession causes harm to someone else. I dont belive drugs should be illegal who is anyone to tell you what to do with you own body. Just like drinking its when you get in your car and harm someone else or the very strong possibality that you will that you should be held accountable. Prostitution is the same.. saying you cant sell your own body for sex is saying that the goverment owns your body not you. Should some people be banded from owning guns yes but not becasue of their beliefs or problems unless they have harmed or shown VERY serrious likelihoodof harming. Plenty the majority of people live their entire life with an obsession or disorder and never casue anyone even themselfs harm.

On a lighter note, i have an obsession with money...but it hasn't helped me accumulate much:mad:

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Psych MSN
"Please learn to read critically without inferring what you think I said."

Another one? This looks familiar, again. Is this poster really a new member?

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