Phych I also hate to tell you is sad but true "might makes right" is a fact of life. We are humans. The might of the people is what keeps government from enslaving freemen, the might of a government and its people is what keeps other government from attacking, my might to defend my household is what keeps a robber from breaking in or a rapist from raping my daughter. The are way to many curropt individuals out there to even think for a second that power, might, weapons, what ever you want to call it is a bad thing a mental illness. The mental illness in the curropt individual that belives for a second they can control you, take what is yours, attack you. I am a Liberterain the perfect world is let me be me I will let you be you but humans will never let that happen so the firearm is the might to keep those mentally ill and their need for dominace over everyone in check.
or the ability for 2 phycos to chop someones head off while a crowed of 100s of terrifed people watch because the phycos have the might.