Silver Member
Psych MSN
"Please learn to read critically without inferring what you think I said."
Another one? This looks familiar, again. Is this poster really a new member?
Dave, many of the comments from us might sound similar but that is because there are basic rules of critical thinking, logic, reason, discussion, debate that many of us know and follow. Seeing someone not following these rules is like seeing someone comment that 1 plus 1 is 3. Obviously many people would say no it is 2 without them being the same person or it being a conspiracy.
Critical thinking et al used to be the bedrock/foundation of all education as first taught by Socrates/Plato. For some reason these skills are not really taught anymore in our school system. I didnt take a formal logic course until college.
Personally I consider critical thinking as if not more important than math, science, reading and writing. Just my 2 cents and maybe a clarification for many on this site. Best