hi all,
My research concerns terrestrial impact cratering processes...
After many years study, what I have found so far, to the point- It appears that the remains of Atlantis stretch from Xibalba to out passed the Bimini road and that Chicxulub crater was once downtown Atlantis during the latter years of the Pleistocene... The supercontinent of Pangaea was intact, there were many highly intelligent civilizations, megaflora, megafauna, a great diversity of life, and including dinosaurs,... all existed during this era... It was a much better environment, less electromagnetism, less gravity, less ground level radiation,...
Before the Holocene, the Moon was in a much closer and unstable orbit, as the weight of Pangaea caused imbalance, finally causing an impact where the Mediterranean sea is, breaking Pangaea apart, causing mass extinction, devolution and ending the Pleistocene... Please go through these findings-
...and one of the discussions-
Archaeologica.org ? View topic - Atlantis... -will have many more details...
The proof that the Moon impacted 13kya at the YDB are the pyramids and temples buried on the Yucatan, every geological feature emanating out from the Mediterranean, the ejecta blanket strewn field covering over four continents, impact spherules containing nanodiamonds, a layer of iridium and platinum, the many historical accounts, the many larger impact spherules found globally, in Costa Rica, the beaches of new Zealand, Bosnia,... All the large round boulders are not man-made or sedimentary [or volcanic] but are, in fact, impactites from the YDB...
There is absolute proof, beyond any doubt to these events... Look out from the pillars of Hercules, to the west, through the Caribbean and the gulf of Mexico. beneath many tonnes of limestone melt rock from the ejecta blanket, when the Moon impacted the Mediterranean sea 13kya, lay the remnants of a great, magnificent city, just as so many more around the world were buried at this same moment in time, Atlantis...