
I can buy some natural aspects of the location as the cliffs have the weathered/worn look to them. They mentioned "the guardian" that overlooks the location. Did you see that? They didn't show enough for me to guess natural or man made, wish they showed more.
So I would put it above water like 10,000 years ago, before the last ice age. Was that what you were gonna say? I totally buy mankind of some sorts being here before "what is currently believed"... that jibberish we were taught in school is all wrong.

Soooo, I am waiting. I want you to tell me. I think we are on the same page but would like to hear what you have to say.
Pacific Ocean... MU/Lemuria.

BEST book on MU/Lemuria is... THE SECRETS & MYSTERIES OF HAWAII by Pila of Hawaii (Vietnam Vet, Semper Fi! WIA/NDE); Hawaii (Big Island) is the TOP mountain of the ancient "Land" of MU/Lemuria; GREAT book! HIGHLY recommended... AND! NEVER been to Hawaii... BUT! MAYBE, someday wife & I will go... HA!

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I can buy some natural aspects of the location as the cliffs have the weathered/worn look to them. They mentioned "the guardian" that overlooks the location. Did you see that? They didn't show enough for me to guess natural or man made, wish they showed more.
So I would put it above water like 10,000 years ago, before the last ice age. Was that what you were gonna say? I totally buy mankind of some sorts being here before "what is currently believed"... that jibberish we were taught in school is all wrong.

Soooo, I am waiting. I want you to tell me. I think we are on the same page but would like to hear what you have to say.
Bingo. And yes i have seen that. Some say its nothing. But it has a striking simularity in design and size. Which ig you put it to the same time period and add wind. Salt and water errosion. The idea of it being very similat really makes sense.

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BEST book on MU/Lemuria is... THE SECRETS & MYSTERIES OF HAWAII by Pila of Hawaii (Vietnam Vet, Semper Fi! WIA/NDE); Hawaii (Big Island) is the TOP mountain of the ancient "Land" of MU/Lemuria; GREAT book! HIGHLY recommended... AND! NEVER been to Hawaii... BUT! MAYBE, someday wife & I will go... HA!

So is the thinking that Hawaii is the top of MU/Lemuria? Whats left as the rest is under water?
And it is also part of The Yonaguni Monument? That is thousands of miles away. Wouldn't that make it take up a better part of the Pacific Ocean?
That is pretty huge. Maybe the biggest continent that is now lost? Well, actually we have summarize a lot of land that was lost to the last ice age and this could be possible too. I gotta do some digging.

** I have never been to Hawaii but work on the phone and email with a lot of people and they are very nice. They teach me all the cool sayings and I would def go if I had the chance **

Did a lil digging with my Lesche digger and found this!
L Mu.webp
Now I can see why you were saying MU/Lemuria. If it was that big, WOW, that is huge.
Gonna do some more digging.

With my detector on all metal and my sens all the way up I found:
At Mu.webp

Pretty cool to see both Mu and Atlantis on a map. Below is a funny quote from scientist.
"Today, scientists dismiss the concept of Mu and other lost continents as physically impossible, since a continent cannot sink nor be destroyed by any conceivable catastrophe, especially not in the short period of time required by this premise."

Short time period.... ha, only if you think nothing ever happened on this planet within the last 8000 years. Fools! I am surprised they have actually started to believe things could happen before AD... you know, not much before BC.

I would like to peek back about 35,000 to 100,000 years ago and see all the wonders previous civilizations were up to. All the items we are talking about in this thread just might be there. Not just amebas and sea creatures crawling on land for the first time. Some of these narrow minded scientists make me sick!

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So is the thinking that Hawaii is the top of MU/Lemuria? Whats left as the rest is under water?
And it is also part of The Yonaguni Monument? That is thousands of miles away. Wouldn't that make it take up a better part of the Pacific Ocean?
That is pretty huge. Maybe the biggest continent that is now lost? Well, actually we have summarize a lot of land that was lost to the last ice age and this could be possible too. I gotta do some digging.

** I have never been to Hawaii but work on the phone and email with a lot of people and they are very nice. They teach me all the cool sayings and I would def go if I had the chance **
Yes, to your questions; as the SUN rises in the EAST, and sets in the WEST...

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SORRY for adding ANOTHER mystery; I think it IS related...

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You see... DESCENDANTS of MU/Lemuria COULD have had a "settlement" close enough to get to South America... ending up with EASTER ISLAND! Going "in-land" for "Z", then NORTH to Central & North AMERICA for the "ANCIENT ONES" of the South West native ppl ("Indians")... HA! Books by Col. James Churchward are GOOD! HH! Good Luck!

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as for a missing continent, it has to fit into the edges of the present continents, This was how the drift was established. As for Atlantis, it was formed by the islands on the rim of The giant caldera, it was never a continent.

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You see... DESCENDANTS of MU/Lemuria COULD have had a "settlement" close enough to get to South America... ending up with EASTER ISLAND! Going "in-land" for "Z", then NORTH to Central & North AMERICA for the "ANCIENT ONES" of the South West native ppl ("Indians")... HA! Books by Col. James Churchward are GOOD! HH! Good Luck!
AND! The EI Statues faces the EAST; looking towards the MOTHER-LAND... MU/Lemuria!

Not sure exactly what the underlined part was to mean?
Simple transit of the SUN; as with the MIGRATION of ppl from MU/Lemuria to Atlantis... had a dream about this last night. From the Oriental "light-skin" RACE to darker skin "round-eye" race of SA, CA, & NA. MAYBE more later, dunno.

AND! The EI Statues faces the EAST; looking towards the MOTHER-LAND... MU/Lemuria!

I saw a really neat special on EI. Trying to figure how they carved all those statues and then transported them to different part of the island. Old civilizations can really stump scientists with how they made and moved all the 5, 10, 100 ton objects without iron tools, the wheel and many other modern items especially when we cant do it ourselves today. Love it!

Here is a good pic of the statues on EI.

Simple transit of the SUN; as with the MIGRATION of ppl from MU/Lemuria to Atlantis... had a dream about this last night. From the Oriental "light-skin" RACE to darker skin "round-eye" race of SA, CA, & NA. MAYBE more later, dunno.

So you think they (MU) followed the sun to branch out on the world? They moved to Atlantis and some of the other sites we are talking about?
Def type up more later. Like this discussion. I will round up some of the other names of really old sites that could all be tied in to being very active before the last ice age.... you know, back when only dinosaurs and cave men were here... (wink wink) LOL

Plate tectonics show that the continents fit pretty well together. If a massive continent once existed and then vanished it would likely throw things off. I also think it's pretty well established that Hawaii was created from fairly geologically recent volcanic activity.

I think if Atlantis did exist it was likely a small city / island and not something continent size.

Plate tectonics show that the continents fit pretty well together. If a massive continent once existed and then vanished it would likely throw things off. I also think it's pretty well established that Hawaii was created from fairly geologically recent volcanic activity.

I think if Atlantis did exist it was likely a small city / island and not something continent size.

Agreed in part, however Plato never called Atlantis a continent, that is a big misconception from modern authors; in fact you can extrapolate the true size from Plato as well, and it would be a large island, but no larger than say, Madagascar and much smaller than Greenland.

As to the size of the city, historians keep getting their noses rubbed in it when they have tried to down play the numbers involved in ancient history. Look at how the famous sea battle of Actium was practically ridiculed for surely, there could never have been SO many ships in Roman times, and surely, those ships could never have been SO large. Then they found the monument which still had the hollows where the beaks of captured enemy ships had been installed, solid bronze ramming devices that were fitted to the fronts of the ships for sinking enemy vessels, and lo and behold, the number of ships involved really does match with what the ancient writer claimed, and the size was just as large. Likewise we can look at Troy, the first discovery of which seemed to be a much smaller city, far too small and our modern historians leaped to the conclusion that Homer (and the following writers) had exaggerated wildly, surely Troy could not have been so large and the ruins prove it. Then a bit more digging and it turns out that the "city" that our historians were so certain was Troy, was merely the CITADEL of a MUCH larger city. Homer did not exaggerate the size and numbers either. Based on this pattern I would be very cautious about reducing the size of Atlantis or the population, army etc. Until and unless the city itself is found and identified as Atlantis, we can only guess at the truth.

That said, we have Plutarch's accusation that Plato had embellished the story of Atlantis, not making it up out of whole cloth but adding fantastical details like palaces that had never existed. So caution is well warranted, BUT let us be prepared to discover that the city was in fact quite large especially for its day. The other cities of that time were quite small by modern standards, like Damascus or Jericho, although Gobekli Tepe is proving to be even larger than it was thought to be as well so who knows about the other few cities that date far enough back in time to approach the time of Atlantis?

Please do continue,

:coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

A large city could be supported in one of the massive islands around the rim of that gigantic caldera off of the coast of Spain. Look at the cities founded on our own caldera

And yes, Atlantis' destruction fits into the sequence of history of one of Planet X nearby passes. As can be crudely established from approx that time has all of it's pass by's associated with heavenly acts from Biblical times. and ir's orbit can be crudely established.Approx 1800 years ago.

Lt started, and finished the last Ice age by changing the polar axis further north or south and direction of spin

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A large city could be supported in one of the massive islands around the rim of that gigantic caldera off of the coast of Spain. Look at the cities founded on our own caldera

And yes, Atlantis' destruction fits into the sequence of history of one of Planet X nearby passes. As can be crudely established from approx that time has all of it's pass by's associated with heavenly acts from Biblical times. and ir's orbit can be crudely established.Approx 1800 years ago.

Lt started, and finished the last Ice age by changing the polar axis further north or south and direction of spin

Hmm interesting post there amigo, which of course leads to further questions. Taking the last first, you said the polar axis moving north or south, you do not mean the magnetic pole but the actual axis on which the planet revolves correct? I have to agree with this as even some researchers are finding that the end of the last Ice Age had some peculiar cause/effects, and the imbalances caused by the massive and sudden loss of so much ice that had built up for thousands of years, almost certainly had to affect the actual rotation of the planet. Look at the size of the change caused by the tsunami which occurred on my birthday some years ago, whom would have believed that a tsunami could change the rotation tilt of the planet until that happened?

On the planet X theory, have to respectfully demur. Until this mystery planet can be positively identified and located, how can its orbital period be calculated? Shouldn't each near approach cause similar levels of mass destruction, if this were the cause of the demise of Atlantis? We should have had at least five such destructions since Atlantis by that reckoning. Then too, despite the 'tidal' gravitational pull of planets on each other, these forces are extremely weak in nature. Astrology notwithstanding, to cause such a catastrophic event as Atlantis destruction would require a far stronger gravitational pull than even our own Moon exerts, which is our nearest neighbor in space. I fear that if such a planet 'X' were to approach close enough to cause the events that have left such an indelible mark on mankind worldwide (as in the universal flood myths) it would have had to pass much closer than the Moon, and any large body that should pass that close to Earth would very likely have been pulled into a direct collision, as many astronomers now propose actually happened to Earth at a very early point in her history when a smaller planet around the size of Mars smashed into Earth, the resulting loose debris then forming the Moon by that theory.

Not to say that some unusual alignment of the planets and stars did not occur at the time of the end of Atlantis, this is directly hinted at by the Egyptian priest tale to Solon after all, but whether this planetary alignment was in any way responsible remains open to question.

Please do continue;

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

hi all,
My research concerns terrestrial impact cratering processes...
After many years study, what I have found so far, to the point- It appears that the remains of Atlantis stretch from Xibalba to out passed the Bimini road and that Chicxulub crater was once downtown Atlantis during the latter years of the Pleistocene... The supercontinent of Pangaea was intact, there were many highly intelligent civilizations, megaflora, megafauna, a great diversity of life, and including dinosaurs,... all existed during this era... It was a much better environment, less electromagnetism, less gravity, less ground level radiation,...

Before the Holocene, the Moon was in a much closer and unstable orbit, as the weight of Pangaea caused imbalance, finally causing an impact where the Mediterranean sea is, breaking Pangaea apart, causing mass extinction, devolution and ending the Pleistocene... Please go through these findings-
...and one of the discussions- ? View topic - Atlantis... -will have many more details...

The proof that the Moon impacted 13kya at the YDB are the pyramids and temples buried on the Yucatan, every geological feature emanating out from the Mediterranean, the ejecta blanket strewn field covering over four continents, impact spherules containing nanodiamonds, a layer of iridium and platinum, the many historical accounts, the many larger impact spherules found globally, in Costa Rica, the beaches of new Zealand, Bosnia,... All the large round boulders are not man-made or sedimentary [or volcanic] but are, in fact, impactites from the YDB...

There is absolute proof, beyond any doubt to these events... Look out from the pillars of Hercules, to the west, through the Caribbean and the gulf of Mexico. beneath many tonnes of limestone melt rock from the ejecta blanket, when the Moon impacted the Mediterranean sea 13kya, lay the remnants of a great, magnificent city, just as so many more around the world were buried at this same moment in time, Atlantis...

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