A Spaniard, fleeing conscription in the Juarez revolution, wandered into a deep barranca in Durango and found a rich gold mine,, orange colored, rose colored by being mixed with silver, It is not known how many men he had with him, but he started mining, At the end of the revolution he loaded up with enough gold for his needs, stored the rest, along with higrade in one of the tunnels and left Since then they have scoured Durango looking in vain for it.
Fast forward, A Spaniard during the Juarez revolution wandered into the Tayopa complex, found a rose, orange colored Gold M
ine, commenced mining, then when he heard that the revolution had ended, took enough gold for his nee, stored the rest, and left.
Benito, a former friend of ours was famous for disappearing whenever he needed money and returned with slices cut off of a dore Gold Bars, No one could ever follow him, he is now dead, but the search ares is in a narrow deep canyon in the W sector of the Tayopa complex.
What most don't know is that at that time Durango consisted of Sonona, Sinalos, Durnago. Chihuahua, it was divided up about 1825 for political represention.
Incidentally he is supposed to have built a hacienda and planted oranges, by a curious coincidence ,at the Tayopa complex, , formerly Durango, not too far away, in Sonora, is the remains of a hacienda , and also wiht oranges were planted.
So we have two almost identical stories but in apparently presently different areas., yet both were in Durango at that time.
A rather remarkable co incidence no ?